17 tips and tricks to cook dinner faster (2024)

Slow cookingwill always have its place, but sometimes you just want food to cook faster and for dinner to take less time. Luckily, there are lots of ways to make that happen.

Yes, there are times when you want to luxuriate in the beauty of a tough cut of meat tenderizing slowly and gently over many hours. But other times there's the ticking clock and a hungry spouse and/or children on a harried weeknight after a long day that might've started before dawn. Slow cooking is not an option then (unless you did it over the weekend, or started it in the morning and can enjoy it now. In that case, kudos!).

But when you've worked all day, you're stressed, you're tired and you're hungry (verging on hangry), you need tofigure out dinnerfast.

The easy way out

Meal delivery services come in all varieties these days, from local restaurant deliveries via the likes ofDoorDash,GrubHub,Postmatesand Caviar to full-onmeal kit delivery serviceslikeBlue ApronandHelloFresh. The former capitalizes on our desire for great-tasting meals with little effort. The latter does that too, but has really targeted our preference for fresh, healthy meals cooked at home -- only with much less stress and more speed. In many respects, it's better than dining out, takeout or delivery food.

But you can learn to look in your fridge andpantryat 6:30 p.m. on a Tuesday with no idea what to make and somehow whip up a bean-cheese-pepper quesadilla and salad -- or some such well-balanced, delicious, filling meal -- in 45 minutes or less, no meal kit required. You can! You just have to learn a few tricks, techniques and strategies for shaving time off the process.

Read more on Chowhound:Amazingly easy 3-ingredient recipes you can pull off no matter how exhausted you are

How to cook faster & have dinner ready in less time

We hope the following tips and tricks help you get more quick and easy dinners on the table:

1. Manage your expectations

17 tips and tricks to cook dinner faster (1)

Do one thing well, not everything well, in the meal. If you make great baked honey-mustard chicken, then don't stress about your ho-hum steamed broccoli andmashed potatosides. Accept that some meals won't be the best with all the bells and whistles -- and that's OK. You cooked your dinner at home instead of eating out or doing takeout, so if it's at least edible, count it as a success. Weeknight dinner doesn't have to be perfect or wow-worthy. It's a freakin' Tuesday. Give yourself a break. (If even that seems like a struggle, try one of these21 cheap and easy recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner.)

2. Divide and conquer

17 tips and tricks to cook dinner faster (2)

You can buy meat in bulk -- it's cheaper that way too -- and then divide the meat (or poultry or seafood) into individual portions. Add your favorite spices or amarinadeand freeze. Then on a Thursday morning, you can simply pull out that meat to defrost in the fridge, then when you return home that evening, bake it, sauté it, broil it or grill it.

Read more:The best meat delivery services to try in 2020

3. Embrace big batches

In a similar vein, make extra of whatever you're cooking -- a bunch extra -- and freeze it in single-serving portions for later.Cook in batches. This works especially well with tomato sauce, stock, soups, casseroles, breads and stews. Check out thesefive big-batch recipesand13 make-ahead meals you can freezefor some specific ideas.

4. Repurpose leftovers

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Many people who wanthomemade mealson weeknights cook and plan on the weekends. Props to them. If you'd rather relax on your days off and don't have room in your freezer to save batch-cooked meals anyway, make abig pot of chiliand use it a few times in the coming week in different ways, such as with crackers orcornbreadon the side one night, then over pasta or rice another night. See moreways to serve leftover chili.

17 tips and tricks to cook dinner faster (5)

Leftover rice? Makefried ricewith fresh add-ins, or with other leftovers you have (like cooked veggies and protein); crack a couple eggs in the sauté pan too. If you need specific inspiration, thesefried rice recipes are better than delivery.

17 tips and tricks to cook dinner faster (6)

Or did youroast a chickenon Monday? Use that leftover meat for taco filling on Tuesday -- or in these15 recipes to make with leftover chicken (or a rotisserie chicken). Use the carcass to makeeasy chicken stocktoo.

17 tips and tricks to cook dinner faster (7)

Slow cookerpulled porkand other heaping helpings of protein can also be distributed among several meals over the course of the week. See theselarge format cooking projects and what to make with the leftoversfor even more ideas.

5. Keep your pantry stocked

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You can whip up something on impulse if you have awell-stocked kitchen pantryof basics, plus your favorite ingredients, such as:beans, broth, pasta,rice, dried fruits, nuts, oils, vinegars,tuna,canned tomatoes, driedspicesand herbs, flavorful pastes (like curry, harissa tomato, etc.) -- and always keep garlic, onions andpotatoesaround too. They last a long time in dark, cool, dry places like pantries. Try theseeasy pantry dinner recipesif you're not sure what to make with all that stuff.

Also, think ofyour freezeras an extension of your pantry. Store sauces, pesto, chopped herbs, broth and stock inice cube traysin there among the peas and carrots and frozen proteins. Pop out a cube or two and heat it up for a quick hit of flavor.

6. Make all-in-one meals

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Make recipes that have you cook the meat and sides all in one pot or roasting tray. Fewer dishes means less time spent on clean-up. Check out thesesheet pan dinner recipesand moreeasy one-pot mealsfor inspiration.

In the same wheelhouse, don't underestimate the versatility of aparchmentorfoil pack. Fold up a protein -- quick-cooking fish or shrimp are great options -- plus vegetables and aromatics and harness the power of steam to cook your meal. This method makes for easy clean-up too. Try thiseasy fish baked in parchment recipe(add some asparagus spears in season).

7. Heat things up

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If you're using the oven, crank it up to the right temperature before you do anything else. If you're makingpasta, start boiling the water first thing (you can always top it off if you start lagging behind and it begins to reduce -- if you have an electric kettle, boil some water and use that to top off the pot so it doesn't lower the temperature). It always takes longer than you think for these things to actually heat up to the proper temp, so get them on their way right out of the gate. Then you won't have to stop and wait after chopping, mixing sauces and the like.

8. Don't go whole hog (or chicken breast)

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Cut your meat and vegetables into thin slices or bite-size chunks (or buy them that way to make things even quicker), instead of cooking and serving them whole. They'll be done faster that way. You can quicklystir-frythem, or evenbroil the foodin your oven, which will cook it faster than baking or roasting, providing a nice crust on top. If it's thin, the heat will cook the meat or vegetable all the way through in less time.

9. Spoil the ending

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Read the recipe thewholeway throughbefore cooking. The. Whole. Way. Through! So many times, some of us (ahem, note to self) gather and prep the ingredients and start on the instructions before realizing midway through the recipe that something we created needs to chill or marinate for an hour. Ugh. If you had read through the recipe, you would know to do the first couple steps in the morning, possibly, then leave it in the fridge to finish when you get home.

Read more on Chowhound:10 kitchen commandments to memorize and make your life easier

10. Remember: size (of the pan) matters

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Instead of using small saucepans and roasting pans, try pans with a larger surface area, so the food is spread out and not on top of each other. Your food will be able to receive more direct heat and will cook faster (also, if you'reroasting, crowding ingredients together will steam them instead of properly caramelizing them).

11. Sharpen your knife skills

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Honing your knife skills can take time, but it's worth it. Chopping, dicing, mincing and slicing can be the part that takes the longest, and unlike cooking time, it's something you can speed up by getting better at it. First, make sure yourknivesare sharp. Either get a sharpener or take them to a place that sharpens knives for you. That will make cutting so much easier and safer. Then, take a knife skills class at your local cooking school or kitchen store, or just look it up on YouTube. We also have quick video lessons onhow to hold a knife the right way,dicing(the most common cut),mincing,chopping,bias cut,chiffonadeandtroubleshooting.

Read more:8 great affordable knives

12. Make meatless Monday a real thing

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Or do it on any other day -- or more than one. Omnivores, you don't have to eat animal flesh (every evening) in order for it to be a complete meal. You can be full and satisfied without meat -- and many vegetarian meals take less time to cook, plus they cost less to make. See Chowhound's primer onjackfruit,5 rules for the best tofu you'll ever eat,14 vegetarian Instagram accounts to followand12 easy ways to eat a more plant-based diet. And try these round-ups for a little inspiration:

13. Clean as you go

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Does something need to boil for 10 minutes or bake for 30? Use that time towash the dishesyou used, put ingredients away and clean the countertop. That'll save clean-up time after the meal and you can get to relaxing sooner rather than later.

14. Plan on it (and possibly prep for it)

Some of you may love being spontaneous and creative when you cook, but save yourself some stress.Plan your mealsfor the coming week. Write it down. It will save you the time it takes to decide each evening what you want to do. And you will know to take the stock or the meat out of the freezer and put it in the refrigerator to defrost the morning before you want to use it for dinner. No waiting around (or accidentally partially cooking it trying to defrost in the microwave). You can plangrocery store tripsmore efficiently.

And if there's any way toprep some of those ingredientsthe weekend beforehand, go for it. If you have a multicooker, try these7 Instant Pot meal prep ideas to help streamline your week.

15. Repeat yourself

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Did that onetaco mealwork out really well, and you found it to be easy? Do it again. And again. Tweak it. Gather an arsenal of a few meals that you can fire away without much thought. Eventually, it will become so mindless, you can transfer your refined skill of those processes to other dishes. You don't have to reinvent the wheel every night.

16. Take advantage of technology

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If you have an Instant Pot,use it more often. If you have a recipe that involves a ton of chopping, break out your food processor for the prep. Discover all theways to use your stand mixerbesides baking projects. Go ahead andmicrowave your eggs. Basically, you should use all the tools you have at your disposal.

17. Take shortcuts too

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There's no shame in smart shortcuts either.Store-bought pizza dough recipesrange from ersatz gnocchi (shown above) to quick calzones.Gourmet pantry food staplescan be combined into all sorts of easy meals, from fancy and filling cheese plates tosimple pastas. Even doing something like buying pre-chopped meat or veggies (or even precookedfrozen veggies-- including cauliflower rice!) can sometimes make the difference between dreading dinner and stir-frying it in literally 10 minutes flat. A lot ofstore-bought slow cooker saucestaste great (and can also be used in a pot on the stovetop). And, yes, there are alwaysmeal kitstoo.

17 tips and tricks to cook dinner faster (2024)


17 tips and tricks to cook dinner faster? ›

Speeding The Cooking Process Up

Getting used to which utensils and equipment are available in a kitchen helps to speed things up. Most kitchens have their own set's of tools. Also, there can be little tricks needed to use specific equipment! Using a recipe for the first time can take a while.

How to cook dinner faster? ›

7 Insider Tips for Cooking Faster
  1. Set your workspace up for success. ...
  2. Read the recipe thoroughly — then re-read it. ...
  3. Gather and prep your ingredients. ...
  4. Give yourself space to work and cook. ...
  5. Clean as you go. ...
  6. Embrace the “meanwhile.” ...
  7. Remember: You've picked up a lot already.

How can I speed up my cooking process? ›

Want to be a faster cook? Start with these 7 tips.
  1. 1Read the recipe. Multiple times.
  2. 2Check your ingredient supplies.
  3. 3See what can be made ahead.
  4. 4Take advantage of downtime.
  5. 5Let your tools do the work for you.
  6. 6Use good store-bought shortcuts where they make sense.
  7. 7Practice, practice, practice.
Jan 8, 2024

How do chefs cook so fast? ›

Speeding The Cooking Process Up

Getting used to which utensils and equipment are available in a kitchen helps to speed things up. Most kitchens have their own set's of tools. Also, there can be little tricks needed to use specific equipment! Using a recipe for the first time can take a while.

What cooking method is the fastest? ›

The 6 Quickest (and Healthiest) Cooking Methods
  1. Grilling. It's best to use this quick method of cooking only for tender cuts of meat and fish, and for shellfish. ...
  2. Griddling. ...
  3. Stir-frying. ...
  4. En papillote. ...
  5. Steaming. ...
  6. Microwaving.
Feb 28, 2011

What makes food cook faster? ›

Water and pressure cooking go hand in hand. In fact, it's water that helps generate the high-pressure environment that makes your food cook faster. Most pressure cooker instructions state a minimum amount of water required for pressure cooking even a tiny amount of food.

Does pressing down on food make it cook faster? ›

All presses speed up the cooking process somewhat because they force more of the food closer to the heat.

What is the hardest thing for a chef to cook? ›

  1. Consommé Devilish dish: A clear soup made from meat, tomato, egg whites and stock, slowly simmered to bring impurities to the surface for skimming. ...
  2. Turducken. ...
  3. Béarnaise sauce. ...
  4. Baked Alaska. ...
  5. Croissants. ...
  6. Soufflé ...
  7. Macarons. ...
  8. Beef wellington.
Jan 18, 2023

How can I improve my cooking skills? ›

How to Improve Your Cooking Skills
  1. Use Plenty of Salt. Salt naturally brings out the flavor in a dish. ...
  2. Keep Your Knives on Hand. ...
  3. Cut on Wood or Plastic. ...
  4. Include High-Quality Ingredients. ...
  5. Organize the Kitchen. ...
  6. Clean as You Work. ...
  7. Keep Space in the Pan. ...
  8. Create a Balance of Flavors.

What is used for faster cooking? ›

The correct answer is Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate. Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate is commonly known as Baking Soda. The chemical name of Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate is NaHCO3.

How to speed up dinner prep? ›

Now that you know the benefits of healthy meal planning, make your meal prep a breeze by following these seven meal prep hacks.
  1. Make a Meal Schedule Ahead of Time. ...
  2. Put Together a Grocery List. ...
  3. Prepare Components Ahead of Time. ...
  4. Make Double Batches. ...
  5. Use Airtight Containers. ...
  6. Try Slow Cooking. ...
  7. Fill Your Freezer.
May 12, 2021

How can I increase my cooking time? ›

How to adjust cooking times for different temperatures.
  1. Work out the percentage difference in temperature. Start Temperature / End Temp = % Difference. ...
  2. Adjust Expected Time. Multiply initial time by the % Difference. ...
  3. Add a safety margin. ...
  4. Space around the food. ...
  5. Shelf Height / Position in the Oven.

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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.