6 Simple Ways To Cut Calories From Your Pizza (2024)

Monday, July 3rd, 2017

6 Simple Ways To Cut Calories From Your Pizza (1)

Don’t eat plain pizza

You can lower the Glycemic Index of a pizza by adding protein and fiber-rich toppings. The Glycemic Index measures how fast the glucose in your blood rises in response to food. Choose toppings like ham, chicken, and raw vegetables. You can reduce fat and sodium by avoiding meats like sausage and bacon. Some vegetables that are fried or roasted are cooked in oil, so you may want to consider avoiding those toppings as well.

Choose tomato sauce

One of the best health benefits you can get from eating pizza comes from the lycopene-rich tomato sauce. Studies have found lycopene may protect against developing prostate cancer. You could be sacrificing one of the best health benefits of pizza if you chose a white pie over red.

Think thin crust

Pizza crust is filled with empty calories. A large amount of dough, which is made using refined white flour, can raise your insulin levels and cause you to crave more food. If you are restricting your calories, eat less crust. You can do this by choosing a thin crust pizza and giving your crusts to someone else.

Turn up the heat with spices

Try boosting your metabolism by adding a bit of spice to your pizza. Canadian researchers discovered that men who eat spicy appetizers actually consume fewer calories than those skipping hot foods. Top your pizza with some fresh black pepper or red chili flakes to enhance taste and increase the health benefits of your meal.

Eat less cheese

Consider ordering your pizza with half the cheese. This practice is a simple way to lower the saturated fat in your meal. If you choose to get less cheese, you can add a tablespoon of parmesan and still save calories.

Enjoy a salad

A study by Yale University suggests that eating salad as an appetizer will result in 20 percent less calorie intake during the rest of your meal. With this information in mind, you could save at least 120 calories. Top your salad with a bit of vinaigrette instead of creamy dressing. Vinegar has been found to help with weight loss by keeping blood sugar levels steady.

The best pizza in Amarillo, Texas

If you are looking for a fresh, high-quality meal, contact Pizza Planet in Amarillo, Texas today. You can call us at (806) 352-6666 to place your order or Contact Us by email for more information. View Our Menu to see the fresh pizzas, appetizers, salads, and desserts we have to offer. You can also visit us in person at 6801 Bell St. #100 in Amarillo, Texas or Place Your Order online.

6 Simple Ways To Cut Calories From Your Pizza (2024)
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