A first OUU problem using the Poisson equation — SOUPy 1.0.0 documentation (2024)

In this tutorial we will:

  • See a simple example for optimization under uncertainty, minimizing the mean of a quantity of interest for a Poisson PDE.

  • Outline the basics components of SOUPy.

Problem definition

We consider a Poisson equation on the domain \(\Omega = (0,1)^2\),

\[\begin{align*}\nabla \cdot (e^{m} \nabla u ) + z &= 0 \qquad x \in \Omega ,\\u - x_2 &= 0 \qquad x \in \Gamma_D := \Gamma_{\text{top}} \cup \Gamma_{\text{bot}} ,\\e^{m} \nabla u \cdot n &= 0 \qquad x \in \Gamma_N := \Gamma_{\text{left}} \cup \Gamma_{\text{right}} .\end{align*}\]

Here \(u\) is the PDE solution, \(m\), the uncertain parameter, is the log-coefficient field, and \(z\), the optimization variable, is a distributed source. We can often write this abstractly in a residual form, \(R(u,m,z) = 0\). This has the weak formulation

\[\text{Find } u \in \mathcal{U} \text{ s.t. } \int_{\Omega} e^m \nabla u \cdot \nabla v dx - \int_{\Omega} z v dx = 0 \qquad \forall v \in \mathcal{V}\]

with the trial and test spaces

\[\begin{align*}\mathcal{U} &:= \{u \in H^1(\Omega) : u = x_2 \text{ on } \Gamma_{D} \} \\\mathcal{V} &:= \{v \in H^1(\Omega) : v = 0 \text{ on } \Gamma_{D} \}\end{align*}\]

We will also write the weak residual abstractly as \(r(u,m,v,z) = 0\), where \(v\) is the test function.

The log-coefficient \(m\) is distributed as a Matern Gaussian random field, \(m \sim \mathcal{N}(\bar{m}, \mathcal{C})\), where the covariance operator \(\mathcal{C} = \mathcal{A}^{-2}\) is given by the squared-inverse of an elliptic operator

\[\mathcal{A} = -\gamma \Delta + \delta \mathcal{I}\]

with hom*ogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. We will assume \((\gamma, \delta) = (0.5, 10)\) and \(\bar{m} = -3\) is a constant.

The quantity of interest to minimize is the \(L^{2}(\Omega)\) misfit between the state and a given target \(u_d\),

\[Q(u,m,z) = \int_{\Omega} (u - u_d)^2 dx.\]

Recall that the state \(u\) can be obtained from the model parameter \(m\) and optimization variable \(z\), \(u = u(m,z)\), by solving the PDE. Thus, \(Q\) can be thought of as a random variable that is a push-forward of the distribution \(\mathcal{N}(\bar{m}, \mathcal{C})\) through the mapping \(Q = Q(u(m,z))\).

We also consider a \(L^2\)-penalization (regularization) term for the control,

\[P(z) := \alpha \int_{\Omega} z^2 dx,\]

that accounts for the cost of applying the source, where \(\alpha > 0\) is a weighting factor on the penalty.

We can then formulate a simple OUU problem to minimize the expected value of \(Q\) subject to the penalization and the PDE constraint:

\[\min_{z \in L^2(\Omega)} \mathbb{E}[Q](z) + P(z) \qquad \text{s.t. } R(u,m,z) = 0\]

To solve this problem, we need to approximate the expectation, which we do by a sample average. This gives the sample average approximation (SAA) optimization problem

\[\min_{z \in L^2(\Omega)} \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} Q(u_i, m_i, z)) + P(z) \qquad \text{s.t. } R(u_i,m_i,z) = 0 \]

that is, we sample realizations of \(m_i \sim \mathcal{N}(\bar{m}, \mathcal{C})\) and solve the PDE to obtain samples of the state \(u_i\) to evaluate the expected QoI.

We will now go through to setup and solve this problem.

1. Import libraries

Note: hippylib and soupy paths need to be appended if cloning the repos instead of installing via pip

import sys import os sys.path.append(os.environ.get('HIPPYLIB_PATH')) # Needed if using cloned reposys.path.append(os.environ.get('SOUPY_PATH')) # Needed if using cloned repoimport numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import dolfin as dl import hippylib as hp import soupy 

2. Setup the function space

The function space and PDE formulation is similar to hIPPYlib. We create a function space for each of the state, parameter, and control/optimization variables. This is combined into a list with the ordering [STATE, PARAMETER, ADJOINT, CONTROL], noting that the function space for the adjoint variable must be identical to that of the state.

For simplicity, we will use \(P_1\) finite elements for all of the function spaces.

N_ELEMENTS_X = 20N_ELEMENTS_Y = 20mesh = dl.UnitSquareMesh(N_ELEMENTS_X, N_ELEMENTS_Y)Vh_STATE = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)Vh_PARAMETER = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)Vh_CONTROL = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)Vh = [Vh_STATE, Vh_PARAMETER, Vh_STATE, Vh_CONTROL] 

3. Define the PDE problem

We now define a soupy.PDEVariationalControlProblem that represents the PDE. This is done by supplying the weak form of the residual \(r(u,m,v,z)\).

The soupy.PDEVariationalControlProblem constructs the PDE from:


  2. The residual form that can be called to the form the residual \(r(u,m,v,z)\)

  3. Option lists of Dirichlet boundary conditions bc and their hom*ogeneous (zeroed) counterparts bc0. Note: if no Dirichlet boundary conditions are used, empty lists are supplied by default (bc = [], bc0 = []).

  4. A flag is_fwd_linear denoting if the PDE is linear. This will be the case for us. If a nonlinear PDE is used, a nonlinear variational solver will be used to solve the PDE.

def residual(u,m,v,z): return dl.exp(m)*dl.inner(dl.grad(u), dl.grad(v))*dl.dx - z * v *dl.dx def boundary(x, on_boundary): return on_boundary and (dl.near(x[1], 0) or dl.near(x[1], 1))boundary_value = dl.Expression("x[1]", degree=1)bc = dl.DirichletBC(Vh_STATE, boundary_value, boundary)bc0 = dl.DirichletBC(Vh_STATE, dl.Constant(0.0), boundary)pde = soupy.PDEVariationalControlProblem(Vh, residual, [bc], [bc0], is_fwd_linear=True)

4. Define the distribution for the random parameter

We will use hIPPYlib’s BiLaplacianPrior to define the distribution for our uncertain log-coefficient field \(m\). The robin_bc flag selects whether to use a Robin boundary condition for the elliptic operator \(\mathcal{A}\). We will set it to false for simplicity.

Note that the function space passed in to this is just the parameter’s function space.

PRIOR_GAMMA = 0.5PRIOR_DELTA = 10.0PRIOR_MEAN = -3.0mean_vector = dl.interpolate(dl.Constant(PRIOR_MEAN), Vh_PARAMETER).vector()prior = hp.BiLaplacianPrior(Vh_PARAMETER, PRIOR_GAMMA, PRIOR_DELTA, mean=mean_vector, robin_bc=False)

5. Define the optimization QoI

We define our optimization QoI \(Q = \int_{\Omega} (u - u_d)^2\).

Since this is a frequently used QoI, SOUPy has this implemented directly as soupy.L2MisfitControlQoI.

Additionally, we can define QoIs as a soupy.VariationalControlQoI by supplying the variational form for \(Q(u,m,z)\). We will use this approach in this tutorial.

We will pick a target state, say,

\[u_{d}(x_1, x_2) = x_2 + \cos(2\pi x_1) \sin(2 \pi x_2),\]

which we can define using a FEniCS expression. We then write out a function l2_qoi_form that returns the variational form of the QoI

u_target = dl.Expression("x[1] + cos(k*x[0]) * sin(k*x[1])", k=2*np.pi, degree=2)def l2_qoi_form(u,m,z): return (u - u_target)**2 * dl.dx qoi = soupy.VariationalControlQoI(Vh, l2_qoi_form)

6. Define the control model

We can now put the PDE with the QoI in a soupy.ControlModel. This essentially handles the entire mapping from \((m,z) \rightarrow u \rightarrow Q(u,m,z)\), along with the components for derivative computations.

control_model = soupy.ControlModel(pde, qoi)

7. Define the risk measure

We will use the expectation as risk measure with sample average approximation. This is implemented as a soupy.MeanVarRiskMeasureSAA, which gives a risk measure of the form

\[ \mathbb{E}[Q] + \beta \mathbb{V}[Q] \]

where \(\beta > 0\) is a weighting on the variance. For this problem, we will just set \(\beta = 0\).

The sample size for the approximation and the variance weighting are supplied as settings. We will choose \(N = 10\) to keep the runtime low.

VARIANCE_WEIGHT = 0.0SAMPLE_SIZE = 10risk_settings = soupy.meanVarRiskMeasureSAASettings()risk_settings["beta"] = VARIANCE_WEIGHTrisk_settings["sample_size"] = SAMPLE_SIZE risk_measure = soupy.MeanVarRiskMeasureSAA(control_model, prior, risk_settings)

8. Define the penalization

We now define the \(L^2\) penalization for the control variable.

Once again, as this is commonly used, SOUPy provides the class soupy.L2Penalization.

But as with the QoI, we can also define penalty terms by their variational forms using soupy.VariationalPenalization, so we will do that for the tutorial. We write the penalization as a function that returns the variational form \(P(z)\) given \(z\).

PENALTY_WEIGHT = 1e-3def l2_penalization_form(z): return dl.Constant(PENALTY_WEIGHT) * z**2 * dl.dx penalty = soupy.VariationalPenalization(Vh, l2_penalization_form)

9. Assemble the cost functional

With that, we can assemble the cost functional, which is a combination of the risk measure and the penalization

\[J(z) = \mathbb{E}[Q](z) + \mathbb{P}(z)\]

This is implemented as a soupy.RiskMeasureControlCostFunctional class.

cost_functional = soupy.RiskMeasureControlCostFunctional(risk_measure, penalty)

10. Optimization

We can now optimize the cost functional. In this tutorial, we will use the native SOUPy Inexact Newton CG algorithm, which makes use of the Hessian of the cost functional. The default settings use a backtracking line-search based globalization approach to find descent directions at every iteration.

The optimizer is given an initial guess as a dolfin vector for the control variable \(z\). A simple way of doing this is using the generate_vector method, which will return a zero vector corresponding to the function space of the given index (soupy.STATE, soupy.PARAMETER, soupy.ADJOINT, or soupy.CONTROL). Note: the default input is 'ALL', which will generate a list of vectors x = [u,m,p,z], one for each variable.

The optimizer will then overwrite the input vector with the optimal solution.

optimizer = soupy.InexactNewtonCG(cost_functional)z = cost_functional.generate_vector(soupy.CONTROL)optimizer.solve(z)
It cg_it cost (g,dz) ||g||L2 alpha 1 2 1.369681e-02 -4.744559e-01 1.181035e-02 1.000000e+00 5.000000e-01 2 3 1.248531e-02 -2.422989e-03 2.215114e-03 1.000000e+00 4.330785e-01 3 6 1.205918e-02 -8.522694e-04 4.176918e-04 1.000000e+00 1.880600e-01 4 23 1.197968e-02 -1.589976e-04 6.301921e-05 1.000000e+00 7.304745e-02 5 38 1.197905e-02 -1.266265e-06 3.153411e-06 1.000000e+00 1.634025e-02 6 67 1.197904e-02 -1.108209e-09 4.841012e-08 1.000000e+00 2.024588e-03
(<dolfin.cpp.la.PETScVector at 0x17fb008b0>, {'termination_reason': 'Norm of the gradient less than tolerance', 'final_cost': 0.011979044690015858, 'final_grad_norm': 9.09264192227059e-11})

11. Visualization

We can now visualize our optimal control. In addition to plotting the distributed source, we can also sample from the random parameter field and plot their corresponding PDE solutions at the optimal control, and compare these to the target.

We will start by generating a vector x = [u,m,p,z] which is a list containing a vector for each of the state, parameter, adjoint, and control variables.

Sampling from a hippylib.BiLaplacianPrior is done by first initializing a noise vector, filling it with Gaussian white noise, and then using the prior object to convert the noise vector to a parameter vector. Details can be found in the hIPPYlib documentation/tutorials.

We also set the CONTROL component of x to our optimal solution. Now x will have the sampled point m and the optimal control z

x = cost_functional.generate_vector()# Initialize the noise vector noise = dl.Vector()prior.init_vector(noise, "noise")# Use hippylib's rng to sample Gaussian white noise rng = hp.Random(seed=111)# This is sampling noise with 1.0 standard dev to the noise vectorrng.normal(1.0, noise) # The prior then turns the noise into a parameter sampleprior.sample(noise, x[soupy.PARAMETER])# Also set the CONTROL component of x to the optimal control zx[soupy.CONTROL].axpy(1.0, z)

We can now solve the PDE at the point x, i.e. the syntax iscontrol_model.solvefwd(u, x)which will solve the pde for the m and z stored in x, and will save the result to u.

We’ll simply save the result to the u stored in x = [u, m, p, z]

Note: control_model.solveFwd is a wrapper to pde.solveFwd.

control_model.solveFwd(x[soupy.STATE], x)

We can now plot the results. To facilitate this, we can convert them into dolfin functions first, and plot either using the hIPPYlib plotting capabilities or dolfin’s built in plotting tools. We will use hIPPYlib’s plotting tool.

To plot the target state, we will also have to interpolate it first into the state’s function space.

u_fun = dl.Function(Vh[soupy.STATE], x[soupy.STATE])m_fun = dl.Function(Vh[soupy.PARAMETER], x[soupy.PARAMETER])z_fun = dl.Function(Vh[soupy.CONTROL], x[soupy.CONTROL])u_target_fun = dl.interpolate(u_target, Vh[soupy.STATE])hp.nb.plot(z_fun, mytitle="Optimal control", subplot_loc=221)hp.nb.plot(m_fun, mytitle="Parameter sample", subplot_loc=222)hp.nb.plot(u_fun, mytitle="State sample", subplot_loc=223)hp.nb.plot(u_target_fun, mytitle="Target state", subplot_loc=224)
<matplotlib.collections.TriMesh at 0x18595afe0>

A first OUU problem using the Poisson equation — SOUPy 1.0.0 documentation (1)

For illustration, this last code block will repeat the sampling and forward solve. See how the Sample state will vary depending on the parameter, and recall that OUU problem only aims to be optimal in expectation.

rng.normal(1.0, noise)prior.sample(noise, x[soupy.PARAMETER])control_model.solveFwd(x[soupy.STATE], x)u_fun = dl.Function(Vh[soupy.STATE], x[soupy.STATE])m_fun = dl.Function(Vh[soupy.PARAMETER], x[soupy.PARAMETER])z_fun = dl.Function(Vh[soupy.CONTROL], x[soupy.CONTROL])u_target_fun = dl.interpolate(u_target, Vh[soupy.STATE])hp.nb.plot(z_fun, mytitle="Optimal control", subplot_loc=221)hp.nb.plot(m_fun, mytitle="Parameter sample", subplot_loc=222)hp.nb.plot(u_fun, mytitle="State sample", subplot_loc=223)hp.nb.plot(u_target_fun, mytitle="Target state", subplot_loc=224)
<matplotlib.collections.TriMesh at 0x185280640>

A first OUU problem using the Poisson equation — SOUPy 1.0.0 documentation (2)

A first OUU problem using the Poisson equation — SOUPy 1.0.0 documentation (2024)
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