Chrome OS devices/Crostini - ArchWiki (2024)

Crostini is Google's umbrella term for making Linux application support easy to use and integrating well with Chrome OS.

This article describes how to install Arch Linux on a Chromebook in a container (via Crostini), without needing to enable developer mode, allowing apps to run alongside other Chrome/Android apps.


  • Officially supported, do not need to enable developer mode - leaves Chrome OS secure, no need to flash a BIOS etc.
  • Better battery life - battery life of Chrome with the functionality of Linux.
  • Audio (in/out) & OpenGL are supported, but USB devices are only partially supported and development is still in progress.


Enabling Linux support

Look for Linux under Settings and enable it. This installs a Debian Linux container that we will then replace with an Arch Linux container.

Settings > Linux > Enable

Crostini is still rolling out to Chromebooks. If you do not see an option to enable Linux, you may need to switch to the beta or developer channel, if it has not rolled out to the stable channel for your laptop yet. This can be done via Settings > About Chrome OS > Channel > Dev/Beta.

Replacing the default Debian Linux container with Arch Linux

The below instructions were initially based on

Optional: Delete the Debian container

Warning: For the time being of Chrome 87, starting a vmc with a custom lxc image makes Termina think it is invalid and delete it. lxc delete penguin should not leave the space unusable. See [1]

If you have no use for Debian anymore, you can save some storage space by destroying and recreating the Termina VM (this will let you skip renaming / deleting existing container later). Beware this will also delete any other containers you may have under Termina.

Warning: Destroying the existing termina may also disable android apps and the play store.

Open the crosh terminal in Chrome (Ctrl+Alt+t).

vmc destroy terminavmc start termina

Create the container

Open a new crosh terminal in Chrome (Ctrl+Alt+t). Create an Arch Linux container in Termina using VMC:

vmc container termina arch[dead link 2024-03-03โ“˜] archlinux/current

The following error will be shown after completion:

Error: operation `container_create` failed: failed to create container: `UNKNOWN`: requested VM does not exist: terminaERROR - ERROR: command failed

This is expected behaviour, proceed with following steps.

(If this doesn't work, you might be able to succeed with 'lxc launch images:archlinux' instead. It will create the image with a random name to be changed instead of arch later on. substitute arch in the following steps for this generated name.)

Open a shell in Termina and check if the Arch Linux container is present (it may a few minutes to show on the list):

vsh terminalxc list

If the container is not started, start it:

lxc start arch

Launch a bash shell in the container:

lxc exec arch -- bash

Set up the user

The container creates a default user on install based on the email used to sign in to Chrome OS. The username can be seen with the following command:

grep 1000:1000 /etc/passwd|cut -d':' -f1

Optionally you can rename user/group, by default named by your GMail id:

# pkill -9 -u old-username# groupmod -n new-username old-username# usermod -d /home/new-username -l new-username -m -c new-username old-username

A password needs setting for the user:

# passwd username

You may additionally want to install sudo and add the user to the wheel group. Use after installation:

# visudo

Uncomment the following line to allow the wheel group to use sudo:

# %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL

Add your user to the wheel group:

# usermod -aG wheel username

Leave the container:

# exit

Set up the container for use in Chrome OS

Login to the container using regular user account you just configured:

lxc console arch

Verify networking in the container. The command

$ ip -4 a show dev eth0

should return a non-empty output with the container's assigned IP address. If it is not empty, you can proceed, otherwise you are facing the issue described in #No network in container - follow the instructions listed there to address the issue.

Install the Crostini container tools, Wayland for GUI application support and Xwayland for X11 application support:

Install the cros-container-guest-tools-gitAUR package. Additionally install wayland and xorg-xwayland to be able to use GUI tools.

Start/enable the following user units:

Template instancePurpose
sommelier@1.serviceWayland (low density)
sommelier-x@1.serviceX11 (low density)

Make sure these user services are running successfully by checking their unit statuses. Now, when apps are installed in Arch Linux, they will automatically appear in the Chrome OS launcher. Exit from the container shell back to the Termina shell by pressing Ctrl+a q.

Replace the default Debian container with Arch Linux

The default Debian container is named penguin. Renaming the "arch" container created above to it will cause Chrome OS to launch Linux apps from the arch container. Stop the Arch Linux container:

lxc stop --force arch

Stop the Debian container and rename it to "debian" (this step can be skipped if you have already removed the Debian container):

lxc stop --force penguinlxc rename penguin debian

Rename the Arch container to "penguin" and start it:

lxc rename arch penguinlxc start penguin

Restart the Linux subsystem to apply the changes. After restart, verify that no failed system or user units are listed.

The following command should report the IP address assigned for container:

ip -4 a show dev eth0


Tip: Check the Chromium OS Garcon Bridge (journalctl --user -u cros-garcon) for host integration issues, like "Linux files is empty in the Files app" or "Applications do not appear on Chrome OS".

Arch container fails to start after update to Chrome OS 81

Most of custom containers stopped working with Chrome OS 81 update. The root cause is a LXC version update, as a result, the container fails to start with following error:

lxc penguin 20200411193357.312 WARN initutils - initutils.c:setproctitle:324 - Invalid argument - Failed to set cmdlinelxc penguin 20200411193357.395 WARN conf - conf.c:lxc_map_ids:2919 - newuidmap is lacking necessary privilegeslxc penguin 20200411193357.395 WARN conf - conf.c:lxc_map_ids:2925 - newgidmap is lacking necessary privilegeslxc penguin 20200411193357.400 WARN conf - conf.c:lxc_map_ids:2919 - newuidmap is lacking necessary privilegeslxc penguin 20200411193357.400 WARN conf - conf.c:lxc_map_ids:2925 - newgidmap is lacking necessary privilegeslxc penguin 20200411193357.477 ERROR conf - conf.c:run_buffer:335 - Script exited with status 32lxc penguin 20200411193357.477 ERROR conf - conf.c:lxc_setup:3589 - Failed to run mount hookslxc penguin 20200411193357.477 ERROR start - start.c:do_start:1263 - Failed to setup container "penguin"lxc penguin 20200411193357.478 ERROR sync - sync.c:__sync_wait:62 - An error occurred in another process (expected sequence number 5)lxc penguin 20200411193357.478 WARN network - network.c:lxc_delete_network_priv:2561 - Failed to rename interface with index 17 from "eth0" to its initial name "veth421fa9d1"lxc penguin 20200411193357.478 ERROR lxccontainer - lxccontainer.c:wait_on_daemonized_start:842 - Received container state "ABORTING" instead of "RUNNING"lxc penguin 20200411193357.479 ERROR start - start.c:__lxc_start:1939 - Failed to spawn container "penguin"lxc penguin 20200411193357.701 WARN conf - conf.c:lxc_map_ids:2919 - newuidmap is lacking necessary privilegeslxc penguin 20200411193357.701 WARN conf - conf.c:lxc_map_ids:2925 - newgidmap is lacking necessary privilegeslxc 20200411193357.706 WARN commands - commands.c:lxc_cmd_rsp_recv:132 - Connection reset by peer - Failed to receive response for command "get_state"lxc 20200411193357.707 WARN commands - commands.c:lxc_cmd_rsp_recv:132 - Connection reset by peer - Failed to receive response for command "get_state"


Navigate to crosh and execute the following commands:

vmc start terminavsh terminalxc file delete penguin/var/lib/lxclxc file delete penguin/var/lib/lxcfs

Restart Linux subsystem and container started should start normally.

No network in container

Chrome OS devices/Crostini - ArchWiki (1)The factual accuracy of this article or section is disputed.

Reason: In systemd v249, the problem seems to have disappeared, and everything works as it should. However, in systemd v250, the problem seems to appear again. The above claims regarding v249 and v250 need to be confirmed with more user reports. (Discuss in Talk:Chrome OS devices/Crostini)

As was reported by multiple sources, systemd-networkd and systemd-resolved services in systemd-244.1 are not working properly for unprivileged LXC containers, which ends up in missing network connectivity inside the Crostini container. Users may see only IPv6 address but no IPv4 address for the arch container (for example, using ip a command).

One possible solution is stated here: LXD#No IPv4 with systemd-networkd.

Alternatively, another solution is to completely disable systemd-networkd/systemd-resolved and perform network configuration by dhclient service instead. First, install dhclient, then, as the root user, run:

dhcpcd eth0systemctl disable systemd-networkdsystemctl disable systemd-resolvedunlink /etc/resolv.conftouch /etc/resolv.confsystemctl enable dhclient@eth0systemctl start dhclient@eth0

NetworkManager and dhcpcd also can be used to address the issue if you prefer them over the dhclient solution.

Permission denied with ping

If you get

ping: socket: permission denied

when trying to ping from a user other than root, you need to set the capability flag on the /usr/bin/ping file to fix it.

# setcap cap_net_raw+ep /usr/bin/ping

This should solve the problem. See FS#63710.

App not opening in chrome OS (infinite spinner)

I found that launching a console (lxc console penguin) session prevents apps from launching in Chrome OS. Launching results in an infinite spinner. In that case, I have to stop and start the container to get the Chrome OS launcher working

lxc stop penguinlxc start penguin

Instead of using an lxc console session, I use a regular Linux terminal GUI launched from Chrome OS that prevents this issue.

Audio playback/input

Crostini support audio playback starting Chrome OS 74. With cros-container-guest-tools-gitAUR installed both ALSA and PulseAudio playback should work after PulseAudio configuration. Audio input is supported starting Chrome OS 79.

Enter the following command in the container (in case you did not):

$ cp -rT /etc/skel/.config/pulse ~/.config/pulse

It is also possible to use PipeWire instead of PulseAudio. Put the following file into /etc/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d:

context.objects = [ { factory = adapter args = { = api.alsa.pcm.sink = "Virtio Soundcard Sink" media.class = "Audio/Sink" api.alsa.path = "hw:0,0" audio.channels = 2 audio.position = "FL,FR" } } { factory = adapter args = { = api.alsa.pcm.source = "Virtio Soundcard Source" media.class = "Audio/Source" api.alsa.path = "hw:0,0" audio.channels = 2 audio.position = "FL,FR" } }]

Video playback

mpv can play videos using software rendering without any addition configuration, however this is CPU consuming and laggy experience for modern video codecs like H265. For hardware accelerated playback GPU acceleration is required. Take into account, that GPU acceleration for Crostini is based on VirGL, so no real GPU device pass-though is performed and hardware-specific APIs like VA-API or VPDAU are not available. However OpenGL acceleration can be used, i.e. this is example of mpv.conf which enabled accelerated video and audio playback on Google Pixelbook starting Chrome OS 77:


GPU acceleration

On Google Pixelbook GPU acceleration works with Arch out-of-the-box starting Chrome OS 77. Also no flags need to be enabled on recent released of Chrome OS:

$ glxinfo -B
name of display: :0display: :0 screen: 0direct rendering: YesExtended renderer info (GLX_MESA_query_renderer): Vendor: Red Hat (0x1af4) Device: virgl (0x1010) Version: 19.1.4--> Accelerated: yes <-- Video memory: 0MB Unified memory: no Preferred profile: core (0x1) Max core profile version: 4.3 Max compat profile version: 3.1 Max GLES1 profile version: 1.1 Max GLES[23] profile version: 3.2OpenGL vendor string: Red HatOpenGL renderer string: virglOpenGL core profile version string: 4.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 19.1.4OpenGL core profile shading language version string: 4.30OpenGL core profile context flags: (none)OpenGL core profile profile mask: core profileOpenGL version string: 3.1 Mesa 19.1.4OpenGL shading language version string: 1.40OpenGL context flags: (none)OpenGL ES profile version string: OpenGL ES 3.2 Mesa 19.1.4OpenGL ES profile shading language version string: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.20

Unlock the keyring when starting the container

If you have problems with programs that use gnome-keyring-daemon, you need to write a user systemd daemon (see Systemd/User#Writing user units) that will run the keyring daemon when the container starts.

Create the following two files:


Warning: Leaving the password in plain text is potentially dangerous. You can replace echo random-password with cat ~/.password by creating the appropriate file in your home folder.

#!/bin/bashkillall gnome-keyring-daemonecho random-password | gnome-keyring-daemon --components=secrets,ssh,pkcs11 --unlock --foreground

Give the file launch rights:

# chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/export-keys

Then, start/enable the gnome-keyring.service user unit and run

$ echo -n login > ~/.local/share/keyrings/default

Fullscreen video, games and mouse capture

Currently Crostini has limited support for mouse capture starting with Chrome OS 79. You must enable the flag chrome://flags/#exo-pointer-lock to get mouse capture. The closed issue relating to mouse capture is

"Linux Files" is empty on host

If you find the "Linux Files" directory on host is always empty and see the following logs in the guest Arch Linux, then you might be affected.

Feb 24 21:18:23 penguin garcon[183]: [183]: sftp: accepted connection from vsock:2:3162708311Feb 24 21:18:23 penguin garcon[183]: [183]: Failed to execute requested program in child process: No such file or directoryFeb 24 21:18:23 penguin garcon[183]: [183]: sftp: failed to spawn child process: No child processes (10)

Since 2022-06, garcon launches the sftp server with /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server, while the openssh package installs the binary at /usr/lib/ssh/sftp-server. A workaround is linking the path expected by garcon to the installed one:

# mkdir /usr/lib/openssh/# ln -s /usr/lib/ssh/sftp-server /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server

Firefox laggy clicking, scrolling & videos

If firefox is exhibiting extremely laggy behavior when clicking on the address bar, scrolling, selecting text etc, and or playing lagged or choppy videos, running firefox with MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 may resolve this. Inside firefox, about:support should show "Window Protocol" as wayland after this.


See also

Chrome OS devices/Crostini - ArchWiki (2024)
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