COP28 Declaration On Climate, Relief, Recovery And Peace (2024)

We, governments, international and regional organizations, international and regional financial institutions,philanthropic and private sector entities, and organizations from the climate, environment, development,humanitarian, and peace sectors, as identified below.

On the occasion of the 28th UN Climate Change Conference, the first Global Stocktake under the ParisAgreement, as well as the first Relief, Recovery and Peace Day at a COP, call for bolder collective action tobuild climate resilience at the scale and speed required in highly vulnerable countries and communities,particularly those threatened or affected by fragility or conflict, or facing severe humanitarian needs, manyof which are Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States.

We stress that an ambitious, immediate scale up of enhanced support is urgently needed in such situations,including financial resources; technical and institutional capacities; local, national, regional partnerships; anddata and information, recognizing the importance of complementarity and predictability.

Recalling the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement, and thepromise of leaving no one behind in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and cognizant of thesuffering created by the effects of climate change, environmental degradation and biodiversity loss and theimportance of averting, minimizing, and addressing loss and damage associated with the adverse effects ofclimate change,

Recognizing that many of the people, communities, and countries threatened or affected by fragility orconflict, or facing severe humanitarian needs, are on the frontlines of the climate crisis, and are among theleast resourced to cope with and adapt to associated shocks and stressors,

Acknowledging that fragility and conflict increase people’s vulnerability and exposure to climate hazards andimpede coping capacity and adaptation options, and that, at the same time, climate change adversely affectslives, livelihoods, infrastructure, water, human capital, food, health, cultural identity, education, and humansettlements, among other spheres, exacerbating humanitarian needs and constituting a significant andgrowing challenge to stability,

Alarmed by the disproportionate and intersecting effects of climate change, conflict, fragility and/orhumanitarian crises on women and girls, children and young people, indigenous peoples and localcommunities, people with disabilities, older persons, and on refugees, other displaced persons, and theirhosting communities, among other populations,

Deeply concerned that global efforts to build climate resilience remain insufficiently tailored or targeted to thespecific needs and challenges of people, communities and countries threatened or affected by fragility orconflict, or facing severe humanitarian needs, including due to real and perceived risks and barriers associatedwith working in such settings,

Emphasizing that climate action in these settings is possible and if managed properly, can offer avenues forsustainable development, conflict prevention and inclusive peace building,

Taking note of and supporting critically important efforts to evolve the international financial architecture,and building on efforts and initiatives such as the COP26 Taskforce on Access to Climate Finance, theCOP27 Presidency’s Climate Responses for Sustaining Peace (CRSP), the UN Climate Security Mechanism,the Climate for Peace Initiative, and the Early Warnings for All Initiative,

We commit to pursue, in line with our respective mandates, in partnership with international, regional,national, and local actors, and in alignment with existing instruments, particularly national adaptationplans or other adaptation strategies, the following objectives in the context of climate change in situationsof fragility, conflict, or severe humanitarian needs:

Enhanced financial support for climate adaptation and resilience by:

1. Continuing to substantially scale-up financial resources for climate adaptation and resiliencebuilding in such situations, emphasizing the need for public and grant-based resources, as wellas mobilizing a variety of financing sources, while recognizing the importance of environmentaland social safeguards,

2. Improving access to all relevant financial resources, including by enhancing predictability,flexibility, disbursem*nt, speed, and simplicity, and working to reducing transaction costs,including by streamlining application, accreditation, procurement, and monitoring andevaluation procedures,

3. Strengthening the technical and institutional capacity of national governments and local actors,to absorb, account for, report on, allocate, and leverage climate finance effectively,

4. Prioritizing local ownership, impact, and results where possible, including through channelingfinance at the local level to respond to local needs and priorities and working with affectedcommunities and both local government and non-government partners,

5. Leveraging financial and technical support from the private sector and adopting tailoredfinancial instruments to mobilize new sources of finance in support of national and localresponses,

6. In line with existing reporting requirements for our respective organizations, continue to monitorcommitment and disbursem*nt of climate finance to countries affected by fragility or conflict, orfacing severe humanitarian needs, to help identify gaps.

Understand and improve good practice and programming by:

7. Investing in the design, piloting, delivery and scaling up of climate adaptation programmingthat is informed by the most vulnerable and hard to reach populations and communities,including through preparedness and prevention, early warning and anticipatory and earlyaction, and disaster risk finance mechanisms; ecosystem restoration, protection, andsustainable use; sustainable agriculture; building climate-smart infrastructure and resilientfood, water, and energy systems; and strengthening shock-responsive and inclusive socialprotection systems,

8. Contributing to strengthening the evidence base on the effective delivery of climate action incountries or communities affected by fragility or conflict, leveraging the experiences andknowledge generated by humanitarian, peace, disaster risk management, and developmentactors, as well as researchers and academics, and building on community and indigenousknowledge,

9. Enabling greater adaptability in implementation and delivery of programs, to enhancedisbursem*nt rates and enable anticipatory action and rapid and effective responses by a widerrange of delivery partners to changing conditions,

10. Considering how to best incorporate conflict-sensitive approaches across the project cycle, tohelp ensure climate action avoids aggravating new or existing grievances, respects the humanrights of all people affected, reinforces social cohesion, supports human development andpeace, and promotes environmental peace building,

11. Enhancing granular and integrated, gender-responsive risk and vulnerability mapping at thetransboundary, national, subnational and community level, including through monitoringand forecasting, as appropriate, to identify shocks and longer-term trends impacting peopleand communities,

12. Promoting the leadership and empowerment of affected groups, including civil society, women,indigenous peoples, youth, people with disabilities, refugees, displaced populations, and theirhosting communities, as well as other affected groups, to actively participate in policy making,programming design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation, supported by educationand training, to enhance ownership, impact, and sustainability of climate action.

Strengthen coordination, collaboration, and partnerships by:

13. Optimizing complementarity of mandates and expertise across climate, development,humanitarian, disaster risk management, and peace actors to further the efficiency,sustainability, and effectiveness of short- and long-term investments, including by providingearlier and more timely support, with the aim to yield cumulative increases in the adaptivecapacity, recovery, and resilience of people and communities,

14. Strengthening operational partnerships and synergies across governments, international andregional organizations, financial institutions and mechanisms, civil society, local communities,the private sector, and other actors to tailor climate action to context and needs, and to delivercoordinated, inclusive programs and sustainable solutions for greater impact,

15. Enhancing the exchange of information between countries and regions, institutions, andsectors, and sharing data and evidence, including early warning and analysis of climate-relatedrisks, strengthening accuracy, reliability, and open accessibility of data.

We commit to contribute to the operationalization of this declaration, in line with our mandates andgovernance structures. We will continue to raise the objectives of the declaration, including in relevantinternational fora, and will reconvene at the 29th UN Climate Change Conference to review progress andinitiate potential additional action.


1. Albania
2. Antigua and Barbuda
3. Armenia
4. Austria
5. Azerbaijan
6. Bahamas
7. Bahrain
8. Bangladesh
9. Belgium
10. Brunei Darussalam
11. Bulgaria
12. Burkina Faso
13. Burundi
14. Cabo Verde
15. Cambodia
16. Canada
17. Chad
18. Colombia
19. Cook Islands
20. Costa Rica
21. Cote d’Ivoire
22. Croatia
23. Cyprus
24. Czech Republic
25. Denmark
26. Dominican Republic
27. Egypt
28. El Salvador
29. Estonia
30. Eswatini
31. Ethiopia
32. European Union
33. Fiji
34. Finland
35. France
36. Germany
37. Greece
38. Guatemala
39. Haiti
40. Hungary
41. Iceland
42. Ireland
43. Italy
44. Jamaica
45. Japan
46. Jordan
47. Kenya
48. Kiribati
49. Kyrgyz Republic
50. Latvia
51. Lebanon
52. Lesotho
53. Luxembourg
54. Malta
55. Moldova
56. Monaco
57. Mongolia
58. Morocco
59. Mozambique
60. Myanmar
61. Nauru
62. Nepal
63. Netherlands
64. Nicaragua
65. Nigeria
66. Norway
67. Palau
68. Papua New Guinea
69. Paraguay
70. Poland
71. Portugal
72. People’s Republic of China
73. Republic of the Marshall Islands
74. Republic of North Macedonia
75. Romania
76. Rwanda
77. Seychelles
78. Sierra Leone
79. Slovakia
80. Slovenia
81. Somalia
82. Spain
83. Sudan
84. Sweden
85. Switzerland
86. Timor Leste
87. Uganda
88. United Kingdom
89. Ukraine
90. United Arab Emirates
91. United States of America
92. Venezuela
93. Yemen


2.Adaptation Fund
4.African Development Bank
5.African Wildlife Foundation
6.All India Disaster Mitigation Institute
7.Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
8.Center for Climate and Security
10.European Investment Bank

11. European Union
12. Food and Agriculture Organization
13. Global Environment Facility
14. Global Green Growth Institute
15. Global Refugee-led Network
16. Green Climate Fund
17. Institute for Climate and peace
18. Interaction
19. Interpeace
20. International Committee of the Red Cross
21. International Council of Voluntary Agencies
22. International Crisis Group
23. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
24. International Fund for Agricultural Development
25. International Medical Corps
26. International Organization for Migration
27. International Rescue Committee
28. Islamic Development Bank
29. Islamic Relief Worldwide
30. Mercy Corps
31. New women connectors
32. Overseas Development Institute
33. United Nations Department of Peace Operations
34. United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs
35. United Nations Children’s Fund
36. United Nations Development Programme
37. United Nations Environment Programme
38. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
39. United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
40. United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
41. World Bank
42. World Food Programme
43. World Meteorological Organization

COP28 Declaration On Climate, Relief, Recovery And Peace (5)

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Global Environment Facility
International Crisis Group
International Medical Corps
International Rescue Committee
Mercy Corps


What is the objective of the COP28 Declaration on Climate, Relief, Recovery and Peace?

COP28 Declaration On Climate, Relief, Recovery And Peace (30)

During the incoming COP28 Presidency’s yearlong series of consultations, countries and otherstakeholders have repeatedly raised the need to align leaders on the urgency and options to ensure thatclimate action and finance reaches those who are highly vulnerable to climate change and threatened oraffected by fragility, conflict, or severe humanitarian needs. In response to this call, COP28 is introducingthe first Relief, Recovery and Peace Day in the COP process, taking place on 3 December, supported by theCOP28 Declaration on Climate, Relief, Recovery and Peace.

The declaration is a non-binding call to action outside the formal UNFCCC negotiations that reflects theconcerns, common positions and solutions of countries and institutions from humanitarian, development,climate, and peace communities to urgently foster climate resilience in the most vulnerable and operationallychallenging settings. The declaration recognizes that climate action is possible and effective in these settings,and that inaction comes with high cost to human development and stability. Endorsem*nt of the declaration isintended to rally support and action around enhancement of technical and institutional capacities, financialresources, and data and information to build climate resilience and leave no one behind.

How was this declaration developed?

COP28 Declaration On Climate, Relief, Recovery And Peace (31)

The declaration was developed by the incoming COP28 Presidency, in close partnership with an informal‘core group’ of countries and an advisory group of key institutions with experience working in climatevulnerablesettings, and with countries and communities affected by fragility or conflict or severehumanitarian needs. The COP28 Presidency has held a series of workshops and consultations with the coregroup countries, with the advisory group institutions and with as many other countries and organizations todevelop the zero-draft of the declaration. The COP28 Presidency has aimed to be as consultative aspossible in the development of this declaration, in order for it to adequately reflect the priorities and needsof countries and key actors.

The COP28 Presidency also built on and coordinated with other initiatives, including but not limited to theCOP27 Presidency Initiative Climate Responses for Sustaining Peace (CRSP), that seek to ensure thatintegrated climate responses contribute to sustainable peace and development in line with nationalownership and context specificity.

The draft declaration was shared with parties through diplomatic channels, including permanent missions tothe United Nations in New York, on 9 October for comments. After incorporating feedback, the COP28Declaration on Climate, Relief, Recovery and Peace was made available for endorsem*nt from 6 November.

What is the legal status of this document?

COP28 Declaration On Climate, Relief, Recovery And Peace (32)

The declaration is not legally binding. It sits outside the UNFCCC negotiations and is a voluntary, nonbindingpolitical declaration meant to galvanize support for accelerated climate action and resourcing incountries experiencing multifaceted crises and high climate vulnerability.

What are the main areas covered in the declaration?

COP28 Declaration On Climate, Relief, Recovery And Peace (33)

The declaration calls for increasing climate action and access to finance for communities and countriesthreatened or affected by fragility or conflict or facing severe humanitarian needs; to strengthenknowledge and programmatic solutions for climate action in such settings; and to foster collaboration atmultiple levels and across regions and humanitarian, development, climate, and peace actors to addressthe multi-dimensional challenges of climate change.

Who should endorse the declaration?

COP28 Declaration On Climate, Relief, Recovery And Peace (34)

We welcome endorsem*nts from governments, international and regional organizations, internationalfinancial institutions, philanthropic and private sector entities, and organizations from the climate,environment, development, humanitarian, and peace sectors. The list of countries and institutions thathave endorsed the declaration will be added in an annex to the declaration.

How should endorsem*nts be made?

COP28 Declaration On Climate, Relief, Recovery And Peace (35)

Endorsem*nts should be transmitted via a note verbale or letter to

, with the name and email address of a focal point who can serveas a liaison for communications and preparations for the launch event on 3 December 2023.

What is the deadline for endorsem*nt?

COP28 Declaration On Climate, Relief, Recovery And Peace (36)

Countries and institutions are encouraged to endorse the declaration in advance of 30 November 2023. Thelist of endorsing countries and institutions will be announced during the launch event of the declaration on3 December 2023.

Are countries and institutions requested to make commitments after endorsing the Declaration?

COP28 Declaration On Climate, Relief, Recovery And Peace (37)

The Declaration will be underpinned by an initial “Package of Solutions”, capturing voluntary commitmentsand contributions from governments and institutions to support the operationalization of the declaration.Based on the Presidency’s consultations, such actions could include but are not limited to:

  • Support for project and program preparation to enable access to global climate fundingmechanisms and other funding opportunities,

  • Financial investments in climate adaptation and resilience programmes, contributing to prioritiesidentified by affected countries in national or regional climate adaptation strategies. Includingbut not limited to programmes to deliver early warning and anticipatory and early action;restoring soil, water, forest, and other natural ecosystems; building resilient food, water andenergy systems; increasing global climate risk insurance coverage; and strengthening shockresponsive social protection,

  • Policies, frameworks, guidance, and other process considerations to ease funding applicationprocedures for affected countries, for example through harmonizing and standardizingapplication procedures for various finance providers,

  • Dedicated capacity-building programmes for affected governments and communities to access,absorb and utilize funds,

  • Conflict-sensitivity frameworks, from project conception to completion, and enhanced flexibilityto adjust projects and operational protocols to changing situations in the project location,

  • New and tailored financial instruments to improve affected countries’ enabling environment andreduce perceived risks and improve affected countries’ fiscal space to act and respond prior,during and after extreme events,

  • Supporting regional organizations in developing and implementing climate-sensitive peace anddevelopment strategies,

  • Granular and integrated risk assessments and risk mapping across sectors, ensuring availabilityof data,

  • Knowledge on good practices of risk mitigation, management and lessons learned on workingmore effectively in crisis settings, building on the ample evidence of successful operations andprojects led by or in partnership with local communities.

Countries and institutions are welcome to share a description of such contributions to

by 30 November. The COP28 Presidency will aim to showcasethese commitments and announcements throughout the Relief, Recovery and Peace Day program.

What is the schedule like on the Relief, Recovery and Peace Day?

COP28 Declaration On Climate, Relief, Recovery And Peace (38)

There will be a variety of thematic and geographically focused events taking place. In addition to the mainevent where the Declaration will be launched on 3 December at 1200-1330 in Al Waha Theatre, a series ofhigh-level events will take place across both Blue and Green Zones, including[1]:

COP28 Declaration On Climate, Relief, Recovery And Peace (39)

COP28 Declaration On Climate, Relief, Recovery And Peace (40)


COP28 Declaration On Climate, Relief, Recovery And Peace (41)


COP28 Declaration On Climate, Relief, Recovery And Peace (42)


COP28 Declaration On Climate, Relief, Recovery And Peace (43)


COP28 Declaration On Climate, Relief, Recovery And Peace (44)


COP28 Declaration On Climate, Relief, Recovery And Peace (45)


COP28 Declaration On Climate, Relief, Recovery And Peace (46)


COP28 Declaration On Climate, Relief, Recovery And Peace (47)


COP28 Declaration On Climate, Relief, Recovery And Peace (48)


COP28 Declaration On Climate, Relief, Recovery And Peace (2024)
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