Death by Chocolate (Death by Chocolate, #1) (2024)


3,568 reviews2,418 followers

May 25, 2016

I only had one problem with this book but unfortunately it was the main character. Please oh please but if you found your husband in bed with another woman and then he went to live with that woman and is still living with her but wants you back do you honestly consider it for even one second? I know it is just a book but really!
Anyway once I managed to ignore anything to do with Rick the rest of the book was pretty good. The neighbours were fun, especially Fred, and the policeman/prospective boy friend was good too. The story galloped along and the mystery was suitably mysterious.
So I did enjoy the book but I refuse to believe a woman who can set herself up as bait for a murderer cannot say no to a soon to be ex husband. A quick glance at the sequel tells me the situation continues so I will probably not be reading on.


1,184 reviews225 followers

December 24, 2021

Death by Chocolate by Sally Berneathy is a wonderful cosy mystery that took me by surprise because although it caught my attention by the title I was a little uncertain that I would enjoy it, but I can honestly say I enjoyed it. This is the first book in the series was a great start to the series.

Dark secrets, mystery and fast-paced with quite a bit of humor all of which makes for a fabulous read. Looking forward to the next book in the series.

    5000-2021 cosy-mystey own-read

Kylie H

1,042 reviews

March 22, 2019

This book is chick-lit, meets crime in a cosy manner. An enjoyable book centring on Lindsay who is addicted to chocolate. Her neighbour and good friend appears to be being stalked, but also has a secret past that she is reluctant to share with anyone.
One thing that did irritate me was the constant wise-cracking and flippancy of Lindsay throughout the entire story. Yes, it was irritating, no it did not detract from the story and sometimes the humour was quite good.
Looking forward to the next book in this series.

    chick-lit cosy-mystery crime


5,477 reviews63 followers

November 7, 2022

After her husband cheats on her, a woman opens a bakery specializing in chocolate treats. A man is reported missing. It seems her employee might have something to do with it. The husband wants to get back together. There's a mysterious neighbor, an intelligent cat, and things just snowball.

Entertaining, but maybe over the top.

    cozies mystery


Author16 books324 followers

December 7, 2018

Lindsey Powell owns a chocolate shop in Kansas City. When her best friend is stalked, Lindsey investigates.

Berneathy gives us a sassy protagonist, an engaging plot with vivid descriptions, and captivating secondary characters. All done within a delightful chocolate environment with plenty of humor.

A fun, fast-paced read.


885 reviews5 followers

December 16, 2021

This was my first book by Sally Berneathy. It will not be the last..!

Truly enjoyable!
The story was cozy, warm and funny.

Absolutely addictive, and I couldn't put it down.

    humour mystery suspense


2,419 reviews684 followers

March 26, 2016

This was a delightful easy to read mystery with great characters. Chocolatier Lindsay Powell has always known that her neighbour and best friend Paula is hiding a secret from her past. After all she turned up out of nowhere with no belongings or family ties other than her baby Zach, needing a home and a job. Paula took a chance renting the property she owns to her and giving her a job in her ever expanding chocolate bakery. Now someone is snooping around and Paula looks set to flee again unless Lindsay can work out what Paula has kept so well hidden up to now. At the same time Lindsay is trying to persuade her cheating estranged husband Rick that she does not want him back and trying to keep on the right side of that nice Detective Trent who is investigating the goings-on. A perfect weekend or summer read for those wanting a light, cosy mystery complete with chocolate desert recipes at the end.

    cosy-crime mystery relationships

♛ Garima ♛

951 reviews183 followers

February 18, 2019

3 stars

Abusive relationship (not described explicitly)

Short review:
Lately, I am into Diner Mystery kind of books. It was free on kindle, so I thought why not.

Lindsay Powell has lot on her plate with what sleeping with almost ex-husband Rick, stray overprotective watch cat (all hail Sir Henry), troubled neighbor and best friend/co-owner of her bakery (Paula), with getting involved with ongoing missing person investigation officer Trent. It is fun read except if you don't mind our protagonist consuming chocolate every 5 mins which would be sufficient to feed a small island...

Review in image/gif:

Death by Chocolate (Death by Chocolate, #1) (8)


Aftermath: (possible spoilers)
Lindsay definitely got on my nerves couple of times, like how can you simply eat (chocolate cookies, of course) while listening your best friend physically abused by her husband.
or how can you crave anything remotely chocolatey, while you puked your gut consuming a very large portion of chocolate cake...beyond me but I guess it's just me...

    beautiful-cover blast-from-past cop-series


2,465 reviews577 followers

January 1, 2019

Main character loves chocolate and coca cola. That's her personality, ladies and gentlemen!

    didn-t_finish mystery


1,775 reviews89 followers

February 12, 2016

Death by Chocolate by Sally Berneathy is the first book in the Death by Chocolate mystery series. Chocolatier and owner of cafe Death by Chocolate, Lindsay Powell helps her friend Paula when she is targetted by a stalker who then goes missing. I loved everything about this book. The chocolate cake on the cover looks so tempting and the quirky crazy characters were fun and entertaining, even the cat. No murder to solve but more of a disappearance, it was still a great mystery to read. Fast paced, with plenty of action to keep me interested and I definitely want to read more in the series.

    aussie-crime-lovers-challenge cozy-mysteries-bingo-challenge

Nola Arganbright

1,592 reviews27 followers

May 5, 2019

A chocolate mess

Loved the book but regret having no chocolate available as I absorbed it. Strong plot with multiple subplots to keep the reader guessing. Strong characters that were well developed. This book does have talk of abuse and narcissistic tendencies and may be a trigger for some.
Chocolate recipes included.



1,372 reviews14 followers

March 7, 2019

Wonderful characters and relationships. Well-written, well-edited and I couldn't put it down. A little bit wacky, a little bit sad and a whole lot of fun.

    ereader ereader-favourites

Sonia De la rosa

419 reviews42 followers

February 18, 2016

Cuando hace unos meses mi amiga Ana me contó que Sally Berneathy se había puesto en contacto con ella para proponerle que fuera la traductora de sus libros al español me hizo mucha ilusión. Cuando nos paso la biografía y las sinopsis de los libros de la serie Muerte por chocolate estuve deseando poder leer el primer libro ya que estaba segurísima que me iba a gustar.

Lindsay Powell su único talento es saber hacer fabulosos postres donde el ingrediente principal es el chocolate, es una inepta en la cocina no es capaz de cocinar nada potable pero eso cambia cuando cocina repostería, en sus manos un simple brownie se convierte en algo increíble. Gracias a esa habilidad pudo montar su pastelería Muerte por chocolate.

Después de estar casada 8 años con Rick un hombre pretencioso y snob, en resumen un capullo total, no entiendo como Lindsay se dejó conquistar por él… el matrimonio terminó el día en que la protagonista lo pillo con una de sus amantes en plena faena en su cama matrimonial.

Lindsay de su divorció solo quería cuatro cosas… su pastelería, una casita que compraron y que alquilaban, la casa vecina a esa la cual la tenía alquilada a su mejor amiga Paula y su viejo coche.

Nuestra protagonista en su nuevo vecindario tiene dos amigos Paula, amiga, inquilina y empleada de su pastelería y a unas casas más allá Fred un obsesivo compulsivo que decía que trabajaba vendiendo valores bursátiles y frikis de los ordenadores.

Lindsay sabía que su amiga escondía algo, nunca hablaba de su pasado, su casa tenía más cerrojos que una cárcel de alta seguridad y siempre parecía que vivía en estado de vigilancia. Sospechaba que o era una mujer que huía de una relación abusiva o lo que esperaba fuera la opción menos probable que fuera una fugitiva de la ley. Hasta ese momento la pastelera había respetado su deseo de no hablar de su vida pasada pero todo cambió la mañana que se presentó la policía en la casa de su amiga. Y cuando en la casa abandonada que había delante de su casa encontró evidencias de que alguien se escondía para vigilar, o que a su amiga le empezaron a suceder cosas extrañas… decidió que quisiera o no quisiera Paula iba a ayudarla aunque eso significará indagar en el pasado de ella, para eso están las amigas ¿no?. Y para hacerlo recluta a su amigo y vecino Fred que se descubre como un hombre con habilidades y destrezas poco habituales para un inversor en bolsa que trabaja desde casa y que sus aficiones es ver películas antiguas… ¡otro amigo que le esconde cosas!

Lindsay es una protagonista algo alocada que siempre acaba metida en líos, adicta al chocolate y a la coca cola, su dieta casi se compone de esos dos productos solamente. Es una protagonista de esas con la que te ríes un montón debido a su humor irónico. Su vida se puede decir que es un desastre, un ex marido que estuvo encantado cuando ella se fue de casa y habló de divorcio y que ahora ha decidido que la quiere de vuelta así que tiene que aguantar que a cualquier hora se presente a su casa hablando de reconciliación y utilizando a sus suegros como aliados para su “campaña de reconciliación”. Un gato que un día se presentó en su casa y no sabe como acabó instalado y que a veces parece más un perro guardián que a un gato, personalmente creo que King Henry (ese es el nombre que le puso) tenía un trastorno de personalidad jajaja.

Y con esta protagonista sus amigos no podían ser normales, una amiga, Paula, que escondía algo, que tanto podía ser una atracadora de bancos que huía de la justicia, como una mujer que huía de un marido maltratador, el otro amigo, Fred, que sus habilidades lo ponían más cerca de ser un super espía que de un friki que siempre estaba enterado de lo que pasaba en el barrio, de hecho Lindsay sospechaba que tenía micrófonos ocultos por el vecindario jajaja.

Y por último esta el detective Adam Trent, el policía encargado de investigar los sucesos raros que ocurren alrededor de Paula, Lindsay por un lado se muestra arisca con él por ser el “enemigo” pero por otro lado se siente atraída por él. Por la forma en que el detective se enfrenta con el ex marido sospecho que también se siente muy atraído por nuestra protagonista.

Es un libro que yo lo catalogaría como Cozy mystery, una trama de intriga donde no encontrarás asesinatos sangrientos, ni psicópatas, ni torturas. La historia es sencilla pero muy divertida con las locuras de la protagonista, con su forma de enfrentarse a su nueva vida, sus reflexiones.

Es una novela entretenida de lectura fácil, con una historia fresca donde el humor tiene mucha importancia. El romance en este primer libro de la serie tiene poca importancia aunque sospecho que entre el detective Trent y Lindsay va a ver algo más que una amistad en los próximos libros de la serie.


1,029 reviews698 followers

January 24, 2019

This was a fun cozy mystery. The characters are interesting and there are a few twists to the story line. The writing style was one that drew me in to the story immediately.

    mystery-thriller-suspense read-2019


4,498 reviews2,858 followers

May 6, 2017

Lindsay Powell’s best friend Paula and her two year old son Zach lived right next door to Lindsay – they had also worked together in her café, Death by Chocolate for the past two years. Lindsay’s divorce from her cheating ex-husband Rick would be through in around three weeks, but Rick was still trying to stay sweet with Lindsay. But that all went on the back-burner when Paula found herself in trouble from a secretive past – a past she wouldn’t tell Lindsay about…

Fred, Lindsay’s other neighbour, was a computer expert who was extremely OCD. He was also friends with Lindsay and Paula, so when bad things started to happen, Fred began immediately digging into the past – and some of the things he found were mind-blowing. And with the police suspicious of Paula’s secretive ways, plus the stalker leaving no prints or evidence whatsoever, and the danger escalating, survival wasn’t guaranteed.

What would Lindsay do to ensure Paula and Zach’s safety? And would Rick finally take no for an answer?

Death by Chocolate is a fast-paced, adrenalin packed cosy mystery which I thoroughly enjoyed! It had lots of laugh out loud moments, especially with Zach and Henry, the cat and had a very satisfying conclusion. Highly recommended.

    cosy-mystery first-in-a-series own-read

Elena Johansen

Author5 books29 followers

November 8, 2019

DNF @ 20%. I was bored.

Things happened that should have engaged my interest--a little boy mysteriously disappearing only to be found soon after with no explanation of who took him or how he got out of the house; a stake-out spot discovered in the fenced-in yard of an empty house in the neighborhood; one of the protagonist's neighbors possessing an unusual and useful skill set to go along with her amateur investigating.

But whatever interest I might have mustered for those hooks was swamped by how stupid and irritating the protagonist herself is. Every three sentences it was chocolate this, co*ke that, more chocolate, "I shouldn't be sleeping with my ex but his smile is so gorgeous," then berating the investigating officer with her "I know what I'm talking about, I saw this on a crime drama" attitude.

She is the worst. And I've gathered that she's got a romance subplot with that officer? If I were him, I would run for the hills.

I simply could not overcome my intense dislike for the protagonist to keep reading, especially coupled with an all-telling, no-showing writing style. I'm not a "cozy mystery" genre fan, so I'm not aware of the general conventions, but this seemed simplistic and dull.

    acquired-in-2018 did-not-finish mount-tbr-2019


58 reviews

November 1, 2014

I loooooove this book! M daughter told me I had to read it and I blew her off for months. When I finally read it I was screaming with laughter (Fred, you da man!) and that was all it took to get me hooked. I call in sick to work when I see Sallly Berneathy has a new book out so I can stay home and read.


13.3k reviews514 followers

September 24, 2017

This was a fun cozy mystery. What attracted me to it was the title of the book, anything chocolate gains my attention! I loved how Lindsay's shop was involved, how chocolate was her life. Lindsay's personal life was a bit of a mess, as witnessed by the first chapter. I have to say that I thought less of Lindsay for the choice she made at the start. I was glad that by the end of the book she rectified that and put her past in the past and love that there seems to be a spark with a certain detective.

The drama with Paula was predictable from the start. I was glad when Paula finally trusted her friends to talk to them. I thought it was funny how Lindsay managed to make the bad guy tell the truth implicating himself, something that needed to happen.

    2017 mystery


112 reviews2 followers

June 26, 2023

I normally do not read books like this. But this book was free, and as much I love reading I love free books more. So I gave it a shot, and I was immediately hooked from the first page to ending. This book will have your mind running in different directions. Although I will admit the interactions with the detective and the suspects definitely was not realistic, but it is a book so it doesn't have to be. I absolutely loved how Fred and Lindsey had Paula's back no matter what, life or death they was there for her. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and plan on reading some books from this author I have already recommended this book to a few friends.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

J.P. Willson

Author4 books60 followers

January 7, 2020

Interestingly enough I stumbled across this book while browsing on AllAuthor for another reason altogether. I saw the title and was intrigued. I read the free preview and was hooked. I got the book and read the thing in a matter of hours. This was one of the funniest things I have read in a long time, plus it was a good story that kept me engaged from start to finish.
Well worth a look...


342 reviews8 followers

February 23, 2019

Chocolate can be the death of you

This is a nice book with a good story line. Lindsay Powell is owner of a small cafe called Death by Chocolate. Which is fitting since Lindsay has a major love of chocolate and co*ke.
She's getting a divorce from her cheating husband who seems to have a revolving door in her life.
She has a neighbor, Paula Walters who has a son and keeps her house locked up like Fort Knox and another neighbor, Fred who is mysterious.
When strange things start happening to Paula, Lindsay and Fred jump in to help.

While the story line is different, the soon to be ex-husband, who now wants her back and she's not sure if she really wants a divorce and the hunk of a cop who she finds intriguing is a bit run of the mill.
I did like the twist at the end and the writing is good so I will be reading the next book in the series

Kevin Findley

Author12 books12 followers

April 5, 2019

An absolutely fun read with a rich, mystery center!

I'm not going to go into fine details, because everyone should go into this with no idea what it's about except for the blurb on the back cover. Our confectionary heroine finds herself with an interesting group of friends and cohorts (plus one strange feline) to come to the aid of a friend fleeing her actions that ended an abusive relationship.

There are a few times the abilities of one friend (and the cat) exceed any reasonable suspension of disbelief, but it was still charming , and I still wanted to read what happened next.

A good read, and it comes with a handful of recipes that should satisfy even the most intense of chocaholics!

Find it! Buy it! Read it!



438 reviews8 followers

December 2, 2018

Loved it!!!

This story sucked me in and kept me glued to my Kindle until I was done. Funny, quirky, and just enough mystery to keep you completely involved. I look forward to the next book!!!


1,993 reviews64 followers

November 19, 2022

Death by Chocolate is book one in the Death by Chocolate series by Sally Berneathy. One day her friend and co-worker Paula were arrested for child abuse, so Lindsay Powell and her neighbour, Fred, started investigating to find the truth and save Paula. During her investigation, Lindsay realised that her friends and neighbour all have secrets. The readers of Death by Chocolate will continue to follow Lindsay Powell to discover what happens.

Death by Chocolate was the first book I read by Sally Berneathy, and I did enjoy reading this cozy mystery. At first, I had trouble engaging with Death by Chocolate's plot and characters; however, it made me want to buy Chocolate. However, I enjoyed reading this book once I engaged with the story. I love Sally Berneathy's portrayal of her characters and their interaction with each other throughout this book. Death by Chocolate is well-written and researched by Sally Berneathy. I like Sally Berneathy's description of the settings of Death by Chocolate which complimented the book's plot.

The readers of Death by Chocolate will learn how to make chocolates. Also, the readers of Death by Chocolate will understand the devastation of reporting the wrong information to law enforcement officers.

I recommend this book.


Renju Johnson

71 reviews10 followers

February 3, 2020

3.5 stars

This book belongs to a sub genre within crime thrillers called cozy mysteries. Given my understanding of the literal meaning of those words, I would say that this book lives up to its expectations. The stakes were quite low but the writing was quite funny and things were unfolding at a decent pace which made it a compelling read for me. I would only recommend it as a light read on a lazy Sunday morning.


1,419 reviews3 followers

October 21, 2022

First time I have read this author, and the story was believable, but I figured out who and what the "bad guy" was way before it was told in the story. I found Lindsay, the main character to be just too much of a loud mouth...nobody talks to cops that way. Also, I didn't care for the remark she made about becoming diabetic because of all the sugar and chocolate she ate. I am sure her blood glucose was quite high most of the time...but that is not how you become diabetic.


1,379 reviews25 followers

June 21, 2017

3.5. First by this author. Different reasoning as to why the villain did it. Enjoyed it.

KDW Ferrell

23 reviews

December 19, 2018

Fun Read

This a fun read with good pacing and quirky characters. If you want some mind candy and some food recipes this is the book for you.


388 reviews3 followers

December 24, 2018

3.5 stars
An entertaining light hearted mystery. Lindsay the main character was likable and relatable. And bonus points for her Siamese cat. The recipes at the back of the book look good as well. I’m looking forward to reading the next book in the series.


1,268 reviews8 followers

February 15, 2019

I like this book, the characters are interesting, the food sounds great (except for the poisoned food). And the plot, unfortunately, is probable. It is funny at times, terrifying at others. I look forward to the next in the series.

Death by Chocolate (Death by Chocolate, #1) (2024)
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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.