Divinity: Original Sin 2 – 24 Best Unique Armor Pieces, Ranked (2024)


  • Gear customization in Divinity: Original Sin 2 offers unique abilities that can enhance gameplay beyond just stats and defense upgrades.
  • Seeking out special armor pieces is crucial for success in the game, as gear plays a major role in combat effectiveness.
  • Players must carefully choose and utilize armor pieces with unique abilities to counter status effects and maximize their characters' strengths.

The breadth of gear customization in Divinity: Original Sin 2 is almost unmatched by any modern RPG. In this game, gear not only gives stat and defense upgrades, but it can also grant unique abilities to classes normally unable to use them. For instance, a Knight would not usually be able to teleport, but with the Teleportation Gloves, they can do so with grace. Armor in Divinity: Original Sin 2 is something that players will constantly seek out for both direct abilities and special upgrades.


Divinity: Original Sin 2 is a fantastic game with diverse romance options, so be sure you know which choices are the best and how to make them happen.

Generally, armor found in the natural progression of the story gets the party geared well enough to beat the game's content. Not all armor is created equally, though. There are lots of special armor pieces that every player should hunt down, which is important in a game where gear is imperative to a player's success. Without adequate physical and magical armor protection, party members will be bombarded by a wealth of status effects and rendered completely ineffective in no time at all.

Updated on April 18, 2024, by Ritwik Mitra: Divinity: Original Sin 2 is one of the greatest CRPGs players can check out. The writing was on the wall of Baldur's Gate 3 from the moment this game launched, showing players just how massive of an improvement this game was over its predecessor. The changes to the game's combat made battles more tactical (and gear-driven, almost to a fault) than ever before, with players being further impressed by the impressive wealth of content in this game and how the title's many massive worlds dwarfed anything the first game brought to the table. Players who want to take out enemies must make it a point to deck themselves out in the best armor possible so that they can avoid direct health damage and status effects that can make or break battles.

24 Soft Touch


Divinity: Original Sin 2 – 24 Best Unique Armor Pieces, Ranked (2)

Item Level



  • Physical: 200
  • Magic: 147

At a glance, most people would assume that Soft Touch isn't the greatest equipment to wear in Original Sin 2, especially in the late-game where enemies are ferocious and can down the player in a few hits. So, to wear a piece of equipment that causes players to be atrophied at all times can't be the best use of an equipment slot, or so it would seem.

Sure, a character wearing this piece of equipment may suffer from a status effect that doesn't let them use physical weapon attacks or skills, but this is countered by the Healing Tears skill that heals allies in said party member's vicinity. This means that players can easily use these gloves on magic users who don't need physical attacks anyway, turning them into a walking, talking AoE healing source who can help characters in a jiffy.

23 Band Of Braccus


Divinity: Original Sin 2 – 24 Best Unique Armor Pieces, Ranked (3)

Item Level



Magic: 8

The Band of Braccus is a strange ring with a particularly useful function. It provides Intelligence, Constitution, and a small amount of magic armor. It will also make the character who equips the ring Cursed.

The Cursed effect reduces many stats and renders the wearer unable to use movement-based abilities. However, the band allows the wearer to travel with no problems through the Gargoyle's Maze, as it apparently signals that the wearer is Braccus Rex himself.

22 The Gloves Of Teleportation


Divinity: Original Sin 2 – 24 Best Unique Armor Pieces, Ranked (4)

Item Level



  • Physical: 1
  • Magic: 4

The Gloves of Teleportation is a must-find for players starting a fresh run through Divinity: Original Sin 2. They don't have great armor stats, and they're not worth a lot of money. Their value instead comes from the namesake Teleportation enchantment, which gives the wearer access to one of the most useful spells in the game for any character and class.


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It can be found as part of The Teleporter side quest in Fort Joy, which can be picked up from Gawin in the Fort Joy ghetto. He instructs the player to defeat a group of crocodiles who seem to be able to teleport all around the battlefield, one of which will drop the Gloves of Teleportation upon death.

21 Luronta Temva


Divinity: Original Sin 2 – 24 Best Unique Armor Pieces, Ranked (6)

Item Level



  • Physical: 314
  • Magic: 44

Late-game equipment is always a roll of the dice. On one hand, players gain access to some extremely strong weapons and armor that can help them power through enemies, but on the other hand, players must only go for the best equipment that is tailored to tackle the endgame enemies, leading to a lot of equipment becoming useless when players read the fine print.

Original Sin 2 is a game that prioritizes a rigid class design, and Battlemages simply aren't viable since these characters won't be unleashing a lot of damage if they try to be a jack-of-all-trades. So, while Luronta Temva may seem powerful and worth wearing for most players, the stat boosts are the only notable thing about it. Trying to use Superconductor is a fool's errand, since this attack will barely do any damage on physical combat characters and requires way too much AP to be viable.

20 Ave Layal


Divinity: Original Sin 2 – 24 Best Unique Armor Pieces, Ranked (7)

Item Level



  • Physical: 151
  • Magic: 107

Ave Layal is one of the best armor pieces that Divinity 2 offers for any character who wields magic-based abilities. In addition to +5 intelligence, +2 Constitution and Wits, and boosts to Necromancer and Initiative, it also gives the user immunity to being silenced and the Silencing Stare skill.

These gloves turn a witch, summoner, sorcerer, or other mage class into a near-unstoppable arcane machine that resists other mages' attempts to silence them while silencing them right back. It's found in the Owlmistress' Office in Kemm Gardens, a later-game area in Arx. The chest containing them is locked, though, so players will have to figure out a way to break in without causing alarm.

19 The Silent Path


Divinity: Original Sin 2 – 24 Best Unique Armor Pieces, Ranked (8)

Item Level



  • Physical: 151
  • Magic: 116

The Silent Path gives a pretty decent amount of armor, both physical and magical, and also provides the Battering Ram skill. Additionally, it grants its wearer two effects while worn: Silenced and Clear-Minded, making it one of the more complex Divinity Original Sin 2 unique armor pieces.


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It might seem counter-intuitive to set the Silenced effect on oneself, especially when there are so many powerful spells at the player's disposal. However, this helmet is powerful on ranged and multi-attack classes, which don't typically rely on spells. Players can buy the Silent Path from a trader in Kemm's Mansion in Arx.

18 Cowl Of True Sight


Divinity: Original Sin 2 – 24 Best Unique Armor Pieces, Ranked (10)

Item Level



  • Physical: 20
  • Magic: 140

Cowl of True Sight is a quest-relevant item that players must use if they wish to face off against the Sallow Man. It gives the skill Dispel Illusions, allowing players to reveal the entrance to the assassin's hideout and take him out once and for all.

For what it's worth, the Cowl of True Sight also gives a decent bit of magic armor along with an intelligence boost. It's a great piece of equipment that players can use until they reach Arx.

17 Falone Girt


Divinity: Original Sin 2 – 24 Best Unique Armor Pieces, Ranked (11)

Item Level



Magic: 227

A Level 18 piece of equipment is bound to be useful for obvious reasons, and such is the case with the Falone Girt amulet. It provides a whopping 347 magic armor, which is pretty impressive as is.

Along with this, it also grants +5 to Intelligence and a +1 bonus to both Pyromantic and Geomancer. The +10% increase to both Fire and Earth Resistance also helps, and that's not even mentioning the Geomancer skill, Living Wall, that players can use, too.

16 Ancient Belt


Divinity: Original Sin 2 – 24 Best Unique Armor Pieces, Ranked (12)

Item Level



Physical: 142

The accessories that players wear in Divinity: Original Sin 2 are arguably just as important as the main gear. The armor bonuses they give are pretty decent as is, but the real draw comes from the many additional benefits that players can enjoy with this equipment. One such piece of equipment that players can find in Arx is the Ancient Belt, which provides a decent 142 boost to a person's physical armor.


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Along with this, it provides a 10% boost to fire, water, earth, air, and poison resistance, which is always welcome. Along with all of this, the Ancient Belt also lets players restore their vitality if they're in a bind, with the effectiveness of this move scaling with a character's Hydrosophist skill.

15 Last One Standing


Divinity: Original Sin 2 – 24 Best Unique Armor Pieces, Ranked (14)

Item Level



Physical: 202

It's rare enough for equipment to boast an additional skill, but Last One Standing takes it one step further. It lets players use Skin Graft, a powerful Source skill that resets all stat cooldowns and heals certain statuses too.

Couple this with this piece of equipment being Level 19, and it's easy to see why this belt is so useful for warriors in the game. It's a highly effective piece of equipment that will let characters tank through more hits with ease.

14 Shadow Prince's Signet


Divinity: Original Sin 2 – 24 Best Unique Armor Pieces, Ranked (15)

Item Level



Magic: 84

The Shadow Prince's Signet boosts Finesse, Wits, and Thievery. It also provides another skill that just about every class can make use of the Chameleon Cloak. This ability renders the user invisible for three turns. During this time, the caster cannot attack or cast any ability or else they will break their invisibility.

This skill lets close-up and sneaky party members use their full potential as stealth burst damage dealers without players having to invest any points into the Polymorph skill. Divinity Original Sin 2 armor pieces that give characters abilities not normally available to them tend to be must-haves for the dynamic player.

13 Sallow Chainmail

Chest Armor

Divinity: Original Sin 2 – 24 Best Unique Armor Pieces, Ranked (16)

Item Level



  • Physical: 214
  • Magic: 125

After defeating the Sallow Man, players can get his chainmail and use it to great effect. It's a powerful piece of equipment that rogue characters will have a great time with, especially with one of its passives reflecting 20% of melee damage as poison damage.


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The great bonuses and the Poisonous Skin skill are great bonuses for a piece of armor that players should keep on their roguish character as long as possible. Arx's difficulty curve means that players may have a hard time carrying this equipment to the very end, but that doesn't negate the usefulness of this armor in the slightest.

12 Lord Ruaney's Armor

Armor Set

Item Level



  • Erratic Wisp
  • Immunity to Slipping

During a certain quest in the game, players will be given the choice of selecting between Kvyn's and Ruaney's armor. While the latter is certainly viable in its own way, the benefit afforded by Kvyn's set is too immense to be ignored. However, to say that Ruaney's set isn't great for this reason alone doesn't make it worthless.

In fact, players who didn't know better found this armor set to be pretty usable. That being said, Erratic Wisp can make battles pretty random and hard to deal with if a melee tank is teleported in the middle of nowhere, leading to them wasting precious AP trying to get back to the action as their mage buddies are hammered into the ground with no reprieve.

11 Nazad Hunola

Chest Armor

Divinity: Original Sin 2 – 24 Best Unique Armor Pieces, Ranked (18)

Item Level



  • Physical: 459
  • Magic: 292

Nazad Hunola provides a lot of upgrades to its wearer. It gives bonuses to Finesse, Intelligence, fire and water resistance, the Huntsman and Scoundrel skills, movement, and HP. It even reflects melee damage back to enemies.

It's an extremely powerful chest piece for ranged classes thanks to its stat boosts, as well as melee tanks for its resistance, reflect, and HP bonuses. Players can find this piece in an ornate chest in Arx.

10 Armour Of The Eternals

Chest Armor

Divinity: Original Sin 2 – 24 Best Unique Armor Pieces, Ranked (19)

Item Level



  • Physical: 384
  • Magic: 59

By the time people get around to learning how to craft high-level armor in the game, there might not be too much of an incentive to do the same because of the quality of drops players get. However, there are instances when the stars align and let players enjoy a great piece of crafted armor, with Armor of the Eternals being a pretty safe pick in this department.


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Despite lacking the intricate look seen in the concept art, Armour of the Eternals is still a solid piece of equipment that is pretty useful during the last stretch of the game, when high-level equipment is the difference between defeat and victory. It's hard to believe that the rarity of this armor is Common, given how useful it is.

9 The Faithful Set

Full Armor Set

Divinity: Original Sin 2 – 24 Best Unique Armor Pieces, Ranked (21)

Item Level



Permanent Blessed status with the entire set equipped

Hunting down all the pieces of the Faithful Set can be quite a chore, but it is well worth the time investment. After all, doing so ensures that players can let one of their characters enjoy the Blessed status permanently, which is pretty useful given that a Source point is usually required to inflict the same onto a player.

Hunting down the pieces of this set all over Arx is pretty satisfying, with each piece of equipment offering an amazing bonus to the player. It may only be useful for a few hours, but taking this course of action is well worth it just for players to enjoy one of the best Divinity 2 armor sets that mages or other such high-intelligence characters can use to great effect.

8 Knight Of Duna's Helm


Divinity: Original Sin 2 – 24 Best Unique Armor Pieces, Ranked (22)

Item Level



  • Physical: 146
  • Magic: 20

The Knight of Duna's Helm is one of the best helmets a player can find in the mid-late game. Though it doesn't grant its wielder any specific abilities, it does give a massive amount of Physical Armor for a helmet. It also boosts Strength, Constitution, Warfare, and earth resistance considerably.

It's a must-get for melee party members, thanks to its impressive armor totals and its impressive stat boosts related to close combat. This helmet can be found in the quest The Water's Mercy in the Temple of Duna on Nameless Isle.

7 Vo Charlen


Divinity: Original Sin 2 – 24 Best Unique Armor Pieces, Ranked (23)

Item Level



  • Physical: 200
  • Magic: 111

Vo Charlen, like the Nazad Hunola, grants its user a number of boosts and effects. These include immunity to both Charmed and Terrified effects from enemies. It also boosts Finesse, Constitution, Wits, Huntsman, and Sneaking and offers an additional 20% resistance to Water and +234 HP.


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It's easily the best helmet piece for a close-combat Rogue or Shadowblade at level 18 since it improves traditional thief skills and enhances defenses and health totals. Players can find it in a basem*nt chest in Alchemist Dorian Gall's house in Arx.

6 Emrach

Chest Armor

Divinity: Original Sin 2 – 24 Best Unique Armor Pieces, Ranked (25)

Item Level



  • Physical: 223
  • Magic: 31

Emrach is a unique piece of chest armor and a must-have for close-combat big boys in any party. It gives bonuses to Strength, Constitution, Two-Handed, and Retribution. It also boasts earth and water resistance and a little bit of a movement buff.

At level 13, it's the best chest piece a Knight or a Fighter could hope for, especially considering its 307 physical armor total. Players can buy it from Basatan in the Demon Camp on Bloodmoon Island.

5 Kvyn's Set

Armor Set

Divinity: Original Sin 2 – 24 Best Unique Armor Pieces, Ranked (26)

Item Level



  • Tentacle Lash
  • Flight
  • Petrifying Visage

During the Prison of the Doctor quest, players will explore a basem*nt that eventually leads to two armor sets that they have to choose from. These are the Kvyn and Lord Ruaney armor sets, both of which are extremely useful in their own right, which is why this choice can be agonizingly difficult for some players.

However, many people consider Kvyn's Set to be the superior one. Not only is the player treated to three pieces of armor instead of the two from Lord Ruaney's set, but it also sets Wings permanently on the character lucky enough to wear this armor. It helps that the Ruaney set features a permanent casting of Erratic Wisp, which may be more trouble than it's worth.

Divinity: Original Sin 2 – 24 Best Unique Armor Pieces, Ranked (2024)


Divinity: Original Sin 2 – 24 Best Unique Armor Pieces, Ranked? ›

The Devourer Armor Set in Divinity Original Sin 2 gives bonuses to Warfare, unlocks the Enrage Skill, and also the Picture of Health Talent. This talent will give your character an extra +3% Vitality for every point in Warfare. You will also be able to level this armor set to 200 once you wear all the armor pieces.

Is the devourer armor worth it? ›

The Devourer Armor Set in Divinity Original Sin 2 gives bonuses to Warfare, unlocks the Enrage Skill, and also the Picture of Health Talent. This talent will give your character an extra +3% Vitality for every point in Warfare. You will also be able to level this armor set to 200 once you wear all the armor pieces.

What is the max strength for armor in Divinity Original Sin 2? ›

14 is the highest amount needed for any piece of gear. Just as a hint, if the piece gives str, you could cheese it by using a buff to temporary give you enough str, and then once it wears out, you can still wear it. I did this to put on some decent int gear on my bow character once.

Where is Ave Layal Divinity 2? ›

Ave Layal gloves can be found in a small house behind Lord Kemm's house, inside a chest. Ave Layal gives +5 Intelligence, +2 Constitution, +2 Wits, +2 Necromancer, +6 Initiative and grants immunity to Silenced. It also lets the wearer cats Silencing Stare. These are very powerful gloves for a spellcaster in particular.

What is the most powerful weapon in dos2? ›

The most powerful weapon in Divinity Original Sin 2 is the Falone Scythe that can be stolen from the statue in the Arx Cathedral. It has impressive base damage that's further boosted by +3 Strength and +1 Two-Handed. Each attack also has a 25% chance of inflicting Decaying for two turns.

What is the strongest armor in dos2? ›

Many players consider Ruvola to be the most powerful piece of chest armor in the game. It provides Intelligence, Constitution, and Wits, as well as resistance to all four elements, and it offers a huge HP boost.

Should I side with the devourer or the dreamer? ›

If siding with the Devourer, the Dreamer will die and the Devourer Armor set will be upgraded with the Onslaught Skill; the wearer will also be healed when they kill marked targets in battle. If you choose to side with the Dreamer, they will chain down the Devourer so that the dragon cannot move or dodge.

Is there a penalty for wearing higher level armor divinity 2? ›

There's no penalty for wearing armour above your level.

Do food buffs stack divinity 2? ›

Do food buffs stack? You can consume 1 drink, 1 food and multiple potions as long as the potion stats don't over ride.

Can you wear stolen armor divinity 2? ›

It's fine to wear stolen gear, but if you're worried about being caught just stay away from the person you stole from for a few minutes. You'll tell they stopped looking when they go back to their regular spot and stop searching around.

Where is headless Nick divinity? ›

Headless Nick is triggered in the Black Cove. After defeating the Source Abomination, walk through the stone building behind it, then follow the linear path of the wooden planks as it descends. At the bottom docks, you'll find two ghosts named Nick and Lillian.

How to finish a Nameless Isle? ›

The most beneficial way to complete act 3 (Nameless Isle.)
  1. Escort Delorus to the Temple of Tir-Cendelius.
  2. Agree to hunt the Shadow Prince for the Mother Tree.
  3. Agree to kill the Sallow Man for Alexander.
  4. Kill the Sallow Man and take his hand. ...
  5. Kill the Shadow Prince and take his heart.
  6. Pray at all seven altars.
Aug 16, 2020

How to get rid of permanently blinded DOS2? ›

The only two known ways to cure this blindness is to have the blinded character die and then be resurrected (an easy way to kill them is to have them walk into lava), or to equip and unequip the Blindfold acquired from The Driftwood Arena quest in Act II.

What is the most op build in dos2? ›

The Necromancer in Divinity Original Sin 2 is perhaps the most powerful class in the game. With the proper build, Necromancers can wipe out multiple enemies without giving them a chance to react, but its power relies on choosing the right talents, skills, and equipment as the player continues through Rivellon.

What is the best 2 handed weapon in divinity? ›

The latter is called the Falone Scythe and this is the best weapon in the whole game for 2h. Mega stats, +20% crit chance just up for graps in Arx cathedral. Reavers Battle Axe (found on Bloodmoon Island, South-East) was better than Lohar's axe in my playthrough. Same 20% crit chance, but also higher base damage.

What is the most powerful crossbow in divinity 2? ›

The Vord Emver is a powerful end-game crossbow that gives its wielder the Cryotherapy skill in addition to a number of bonuses. Skills that receive a bonus from the Vord Emver include Finesse, Huntsman, and Ranged, while Life Steal and Accuracy are also increased.

Should you fight the devourer? ›

If you decide to kill the Devourer, you'll be able to upgrade the armor without the caveat of the item being permanently equipped to your character, and the Devourer itself does drop some loot. The fight itself is quite tough, but there's a way you can trivialize it.

Is the wild armor set worth it? ›

12 Hero Of The Wild Set

It also has one of the highest armor ratings in the game at 84 once fully upgraded. In terms of just sheer defense, this is some of the best armor that Breath of the Wild has for you.

Is Bone Armor better than Creepy Armor? ›

Also, when killed, the Girl mutant will drop 3 pieces of creepy armor at its place of death. However, Mutant Babies do not contain creepy armor. It currently provides an armor rating of 80 per piece. Bone armor, the next strongest armor, provides 40 per piece.

What is the Devourer Armor in Divinity Original Sin 2? ›

Where To Find The Devourer Armor. There are five pieces of armor that players need to attain to complete the Devourer's Armor set. After all five spirits appear, players will be transported to the Devourer Dragon's lair, whom they either need to bow to or defeat to unlock the full power of this set.

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.