Dwarf Fortress: How to Raise and Train Animals (2024)

Raising and training animals in Dwarf Fortress will provide your people with a steady supply of meat and leather, but if you’re having trouble figuring out how to get more, you’re not alone.

You may have already mastered plant farming inDwarf Fortress, but if you want some leather and other food goods, like milk, you’ll need to learn how to raise and train animals. Luckily, doing so is easier than you think. Here’s how you can set up a massive animal farm in your game.

Like many things in Dwarf Fortress, animal farming can reach higher levels of complexity as you advance through the game. You’ll gain more varieties of animals, which may open access to additional resources or materials.


  • Creating a Pasture
  • Maintaining Your Animals
  • Breeding Your Animals
  • Getting More Animals

Creating a Pasture

The first step of running a successful animal farm is setting up a Pen/Pasture. To do this, clickZones (z), then selectPen/Pasture. Click and drag over a grassy area so that your animals have an area to graze.

Dwarf Fortress: How to Raise and Train Animals (1)

From here, you can assign your specific animals to that Pasture, so they congregate there. Click the Pasture Zone, then click the➕ iconto assign animals there. Select the checkmark next to the animal(s) you want in your Pasture.

Dwarf Fortress: How to Raise and Train Animals (2)

In Dwarf Fortress, you won’t need to build a fence or walls to keep your animals in the Pen. However, enemies can attack and kill your animals, so consider enclosing them to keep them safe.

Maintaining Your Animals

The most important aspect of maintaining your animals is ensuring green grass for them to graze on. They will starve to death if you set their Zone underground or in an area with no grass.

You should save young and healthy animals for breeding and leave them alone until they reachElderstatus–in which case you can butcher them for food and leather.

Understanding the Pets/Livestock Menu

Like all creatures in Dwarf Fortress, each animal that you have has feelings, wants, and desires. You can access this by left-clicking the animal or accessing theCitizen Information Menu (u). From here, hit thePets/Livestocktab to narrow the list to all your owned animals.Hit the ? icon if you want to look at the breakdown of individual animals in your Fortress.

From here, players have a few options for what they can do with their pets, including:

  • Assigning an owner
  • Set the animal for butchering
  • Gelding the animal for misbehaving
  • Assigning a trainer
  • Toggle war training
  • Toggle hunting training
Dwarf Fortress: How to Raise and Train Animals (3)

Certain actions, like War Training and Hunting Training, will only be available to certain animals, like dogs and elephants.

Breeding Your Animals

To breed animals in Dwarf Fortress, you’ll need to get a male and female variant of the same animal. Then, assign them to the same Pasture, and they will breed over time. You will receive a notification in the top left of your screen when one of your animals has given birth.

Dwarf Fortress: How to Raise and Train Animals (4)

As you get more animals, they will breed more frequently. This can explode the pet population over time, which can provide a steadier stream of meat and leather to your Fortress.

Getting More Animals

In the Steam version of Dwarf Fortress, there are two main ways to catch animals. One method includes setting up cages and traps to catch land animals; the other way is by trading with merchants at your Trading Post.

You can build cages at the Metalsmith’s Workshop and Carpenter’s Workshop. To catch more animals, build a cage first, then set theCatch live land animaltask at theButcher’s ShoporVermin Catcher’s Shop.

Dwarf Fortress: How to Raise and Train Animals (5)

A surefire way to get more animals is by taking advantage of “Goods for Next Year” when a merchant visits. Select all the possible animals; the next year they come, they will bring more animals to you that you can breed to get even more.See our Trading Guide for more details.

Wooden cages will only catch smaller animals, which can’t be used for meat–so keep this in mind.Build metal cages if you want to catch bigger animals.

Dwarf Fortress can feel complex. See below for more of our guides on the game:

How to Craft Jewelry | How to Transfer Save Files | How to Equip Weapons and Armor| Dwarf Fortress Beginners Guide | How to Fish | How to Make Drink | How to Create a Militia and Squads | How to Make an Office | How to Build a Bedroom| How to Trade and Build Trade Depots

Dwarf Fortress: How to Raise and Train Animals (2024)


How to train caged animals in dwarf fortress? ›

Once it is in a cage, you can find it in the "other" tab of the units screen, and assign a trainer. One of your dwarves will bring a piece of food to the cage, and train the animal.

Why are all my animals starving in the dwarf fortress? ›

Animals in general, though, default to your main meeting area. If you build a pasture and put your original animals into it, you'll need to update the pasture with any "new arrival" animals as well (or build them a new pasture) or they'll wander into your meeting room or tavern and eventually starve to death.

What is the best livestock animal in dwarf Fortress? ›

Pigs are great animals due to their potential to feed the fortress; with pigs, dwarves have a good supply of meat, milk, and leather. One bonus with pigs is that they require little attention and can even be kept underground, as unlike most other livestock, pigs don't need to graze.

Why wont my animals go to the pasture in dwarf Fortress? ›

The meeting zones will attract them if you have not already created a pasture. To keep your animals in a pasture, you must assign them to it. Go to the zones tabs, and select your pasture. In the pop up, there should be a button with a plus sign which will bring up your entire list of animals.

How do you keep livestock alive in Dwarf Fortress? ›

Put them in a pasture with grass and/or fungus on the ground. They won't feed themselves even wandering around on the surface covered in food annoyingly.

Do meals spoil Dwarf Fortress? ›

yes basically every edible food will spoil. spoil time is less if either or both, underground and in barrel. because temperature and not exposed to vermin.

Can you butcher dead animals in Dwarf Fortress? ›

To butcher corpses in Dwarf Fortress, put them in a stockpile, then click the butcher's knife icon. Corpses must be big enough, not rotten, and not be tamed animals or sapient creatures.

Do animals need water in Dwarf Fortress? ›

Click here to jump to that post. Originally posted by Jorn Stones: No, they do not.

Do chickens need to graze in Dwarf Fortress? ›

Note that egg-laying animals (chickens, geese etc.) don't really need access to grass or anything fancy, just nest boxes for egg laying.

What animals are best for bones in Dwarf Fortress? ›

Pigs are smaller, but they don't need to graze at all. Those are what I usually use for bones and meat animals. They're also easy to get because you can request them from the dwarvish caravan.

How do you catch giant animals in Dwarf Fortress? ›

You can build walls with gaps, and trap the gaps. You could do the same with channels, and remove the up ramp from the level below. Some animals also like specific things, be it food or certain items. You can order Dwarfs to put those in a cage to bait the animal in.

How do you keep animals out of the tavern in dwarf Fortress? ›

What I did this time was pick out where I wanted my pasture to be, designate THAT as a meeting area, then lay a pasture over the top of it. NOW the animals are staying in the pasture. Seems goofy to have to designate two things to make one actual pasture, but it works.

Can you tame agitated animals in dwarf Fortress? ›

Agitated animals can still be tamed(it doesn't seem to affect it in any way) and this can be a great way to grind the animal trainer skill.

What to do with trapped animals Dwarf Fortress? ›

If the animals are tame, you can create a pasture and assign them to it, then a dwarf will come and release them from the cage and drag them to the pasture. If they are wild/hostile animals, you need to connect a lever to the cage for releasing (and you should have one or a couple fighters nearby to kill them).

How do you butcher caged animals in Dwarf Fortress? ›

Go to the "other" tab in the citizens/animals area, they are not classed as pets unless caged+tamed, you have to select them for training in the "others" tab first. Once they are semi-wild (usually happens instantly), you can then find them in the usual pet/livestock tab and can select them for butchering.

How do you use the cage in Dwarf Fortress? ›

Once you have caught something (or bought something in a cage from a caravan) you "build" a cage and choose the one you want from a list. That way, you can put the full one where you want it. Then build a lever and attach it to the cage using q. q again and select (P)ull the lever.

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