Easy Strawberry Poke Cake - Carefree Mermaid (2024)

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Ingredients Instructions

Today I’m making this Easy Strawberry Poke Cake. Not only is this cake super easy to make, it’s delicious and very appropriate for Valentine’s Day!

The idea behind the poke cakes is that after the cake comes out of the oven and is cooled, you pour a liquid over top – most of the time Jello! To make this cake I’m sticking true to form and using strawberry jello! I’m using a box cake mix. Could you make the cake from scratch? Sure. Do you need to? Absolutely not. This is going to taste homemade and it’s going to cut the time in half.

Easy Strawberry Poke Cake - Carefree Mermaid (1)

I’m also decorating the cake with strawberries and raspberries to keep with the flavors and red theme of Valentine’s Day!

Easy Strawberry Poke Cake

Start off by following the directions on your cake box. Mix the egg whites, vegetable oil, and cake mix in a large bowl.

Easy Strawberry Poke Cake - Carefree Mermaid (2)

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees . Spray your cake pans with non-stick cooking spray and pat with a little flour . Pour your batter into the pans. Place the pans in the oven to bake . They should take about 24 minutes to bake. You can test them with a toothpick , stick it in the middle and if it comes out clean it’s ready!

After removing your cakes from the oven let them cool in the pan on a rack for about 15 minutes. Next transfer them to a plate to cool for and additional 15 minutes. After they are completely cool you’re going to replace them in the pan so that you can pour the jello over top.

Take a fork and poke wholes all around the cake. Boil 1 cup of water on the stove top and then add the jello packet to the water stirring. Pour the jello mix over top of the cake slowly and evenly!

Easy Strawberry Poke Cake - Carefree Mermaid (3)

Place the cakes in the fridge for at least 3 hours. After they’ve chilled for long enough, remove them from the cake pans and get ready to frost them!

Easy Strawberry Poke Cake - Carefree Mermaid (4)

Mix 3/4 of a tub of cool whip with one can of frosting. Separate the frosting in to two bowls and place a little red food coloring in to one bowl. After mixing it frost the top of the bottom cake with it.

Easy Strawberry Poke Cake - Carefree Mermaid (5)

Next, place the other cake on top.

Easy Strawberry Poke Cake - Carefree Mermaid (6)

Begin frosting the edges of the cake. The easiest way is to sort of spin the cake slowly as you apply the frosting with a spatula. Finally, apply frosting on top evenly.

Once your done frosting it sprinkle some white crystal sprinkles all over the middle and place strawberries around it in two separate layers of a circle. Lastly, place the raspberries right in the middle on top of the crystal sprinkles!

Easy Strawberry Poke Cake - Carefree Mermaid (7)


  • 2 boxes white cake mix
  • 1 box strawberry jello mix
  • 1 can of vanilla frosting
  • 1 Cup of Strawberries
  • 1 Cup of Raspberries
  • 2 Tbsp of Sprinkles



Bake cakes according to box directions!


Let cakes cool for 15 minutes. Remove from pans and cool for an additional 15 minutes.


Place them back in the pan so that you can pour the jello over the top.


Take a fork and poke wholes all around the cake.


Boil 1 cup of water on the stove top and then add the jello packet to the water stirring.


Pour the jello mix over top of the cake slowly and evenly!


Place the cakes in the fridge for at least 3 hours.


After they've chilled for long enough, remove them from the cake pans.


Mix 3/4 of a tub of cool whip with one can of frosting.


Separate the frosting in to two bowls and place a little red food coloring in to one bowl.


After mixing it frost the top of the bottom cake with it.


Place the other cake on top and begin frosting the sides.


Sprinkle some white crystal sprinkles all over the middle and place strawberries around it in two separate layers of a circle. Lastly, place the raspberries right in the middle on top of the crystal sprinkles.

Easy Strawberry Poke Cake - Carefree Mermaid (8)


Easy Strawberry Poke Cake - Carefree Mermaid (2024)
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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.