Great Ideas for a Bushel of Apples (2024)

Great Ideas for a Bushel of Apples (1)You stopped by a roadside stand and picked up a fresh bushel of apples, now what do you do? Here are some fun ideas to use up every last delicious bite!

  1. Make a Brown Bag Apple Pie (my favorite).
  2. Turn some into enchanting tea lights for a fall party.
  3. Bake mini individual apple pies in their own shell.
  4. Make easy, delicious Peanut Butter Apple Crisp.
  5. Baked apple chips are a healthy snack for lunches.
  6. Make Shrunken Apple Head decorations for Halloween.
  7. Bake up a batch of Apple Cheesecake Crumble Bars.
  8. Make some Crockpot Apple Butter and spread it on toast.
  9. Caramel Apple Cinnamon Bread makes a perfect breakfast.
  10. Make your own applesauce and can it to enjoy all winter.
  11. Make Apple, Baby Kale and Turkey Quesadillas.
  12. Apple Cheddar Scones are delicious with a cup of soup or tea.
  13. Spiced Apple Cider Sangria is the perfect drink for your autumn get togethers.
  14. Baked Apple Cider Donuts are delicious and, did I mention, baked!
  15. You'll never be the same after making Apple Brownies.
  16. Start the morning with a Baked Apple Smoothie.
  17. Two words: Apple Fritters. Enough said.
  18. Apple Pie Snickerdoodle Cookie Bars - that's a mouthful! And I want one!
  19. How about some Apple Walnut Pull-Apart Bread on a crisp fall afternoon?
  20. A healthy side dish of Baked Sweet Potatoes and Apples is perfect with dinner.
  21. Enjoy a savory dinner of Roast Pork with Apples.
  22. Is there anything more festive than a homemade caramel apple in the fall?
  23. I can't stop thinking about Seared Salmon with Caramelized Apples.
  24. Apple Coconut Pudding is a healthy and delicious treat.
  25. Apple Pie Fries give regular fries a run for their money.

What are your favorite apple ideas?

Great Ideas for a Bushel of Apples (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

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Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.