How Long Does Lion's Mane Take to Work? The Ultimate Guide (2024)

Are you feeling stressed or anxious? Or perhaps you’re experiencing brain fog and a decrease in productivity that’s affecting not just your work life but also your day-to-day? If you’re looking for a natural solution to address these issues and boost your general health, Novomins Lion’s Mane Gummies may be what you’re looking for.

Revered in traditional medicine for centuries, this unassuming fungus is setting the health and wellness world on fire — and we’re not surprised.

What it might lack in appearance, this large and shaggy mushroom more than makes up for in health benefits, including improved brain function and reduced stress and anxiety. But just how long does lion’s mane take to work? Does lion's mane work straight away? And what are its effects?

Stick with us and carry on reading to find out everything there is to know about this super mushroom.

What is Lion’s Mane?

Lion’s mane is a large white mushroom with a curious, tufty, almost beard-like appearance that grows on the trunks of dead hardwood trees. Found in the forests of Europe, North America and Asia, it’s also known as hericium erinaceus and has been used in traditional Eastern medicine and cooking for centuries thanks to its many health-boosting properties.

Composed of two parts (the visible fruiting body and the mycelium, which resembles the root), lion’s mane contains bioactive substances that are great for the body, including the brain, heart and stomach.

In fact, studies have shown that Lion’s Mane can promote nerve growth and protect the nerves from being damaged, improving cognition and brain function and even protecting the brain from Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. That’s because it’s a natural nootropic, which is used to treat memory and learning disorders and improve brain health and function.

It can also enhance mood, providing relief from common mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. Plus, it contains antioxidants which protect against cell damage that can lead to ageing and cancer.

But that’s not all. This wonder fungi reduces the risk of heart disease, can boost the immune system and can even improve gut health. It does this by preventing ulcers in the digestive tract and protecting the stomach lining from inflammatory bowel diseases likeulcerative colitis and Crohn’s by halting harmful Helicobacter pylori bacteria in its tracks.

How long does it take for lion's mane to work?

Delivery Method


Time it takes to work


2 gummies daily

Varies per individual, taking anywhere from a few days to several weeks or months.

Works best when taken regularly.


1-2 capsules daily with food

Varies per individual, taking anywhere from a few days to several weeks or months.

Works best when taken regularly.

Capsules tend to be more potent than gummies or powders, so effects should be felt sooner.


1-3 grams per serving (usually 1 scoop of powder once a day)

Varies per individual, taking anywhere from a few days to several weeks or months.

Powders are typically less potent compared to capsules or extracts, so effects may take longer to see.


1 capsule daily

Varies per individual, taking anywhere from a few days to several weeks or months.

Extracts are more powerful than powders and tend to have a more concentrated dose, which could lead to faster effects.


One scoop once a day

Varies per individual, taking anywhere from a few days to several weeks or months.

Powdered coffees are typically less potent compared to capsules or extracts, so effects may take longer to see.


2-4 droppers a day, once a day (2 ml)

Varies per individual, taking anywhere from a few days to several weeks or months.

They usually contain a concentrated dose of Lion’s Mane extract, making them more powerful compared to powders, teas and coffees, with faster effects.


Add a 2g serving size to a cup

Varies per individual, taking anywhere from a few days to several weeks or months.

Powdered teas are typically less potent than capsules or extracts, so it may take longer before you feel any benefits.

Lion’s mane gummies

Gummies are a delicious, easy and convenient way to get your daily dose of lion’s mane’s health-boosting properties.

Novomins Lion’s Mane Gummies come in a delicious orange flavour and easily fit into even the busiest daily routines. They are formulated with a high-strength dose of 2000 mg of lion’s mane alongside the added benefits of vitamins B6 and B12 and iodine.

From improved nervous system regulation and enhanced brain and memory function to gastrointestinal health, enjoy 2 of these tasty halal and gelatin-free gummies daily for optimal effects and benefits.

Lion’s mane capsules

Lion’s mane capsules are widely available throughout the UK and are another convenient way of getting a quick dose of this disease-fighting mushroom.

Capsules tend to have concentrated doses of lion’s mane powder or extract. They are thought to be more quickly absorbed than other supplement formats, meaning you could see the effects much quicker.

However, lion’s mane dosages vary from brand to brand, so it’s crucial to choose a capsule supplement with a high enough dosage to see quick and effective health benefits.

Lion’s mane powders

Lion’s mane powders are made from dried mushrooms. They can be added to drinks — including water, tea, coffee and smoothies — baked goods and even meals like pasta and rice dishes. This makes powders an incredibly versatile way to enjoy this rare nootropic mushroom’s many health benefits.

Lion’s mane extract

For a stronger kick, try a lion’s mane extract, which you can add to food or drink, or take on its own.

Due to its potency, lion’s mane extract should take less time than powders. However, it can potentially cause some stomach discomfort for those who are not used to taking these fuzzy fungi due to their strength, so it’s recommended to start on a lower dose and work your way up.

Lion’s mane coffee

We all know that coffee is great for helping you wake up in the morning and get through those mid-day slumps, giving you a much-needed caffeine boost as you go about your day. But what if you could get all of that PLUS enhanced focus, memory and overall brain function? Thanks to lion’s mane coffee, you can.

This therapeutic beverage will come in varying doses depending on the brand you purchase from and will most likely be weaker compared to capsules, tinctures and extracts.

Lion’s mane tincture

Tinctures are one of the strongest forms of lion’s mane thanks to the extraction process, which removes a higher concentration of bioactive compounds, hericenones and erinacines, that can stimulate the growth of brain cells.

Easy to take, tinctures have a higher absorption rate thanks to their liquid format, meaning you can see quicker effects compared to supplements, gummies or powders.

They can be diluted in a drink of your choice or placed under the tongue for direct absorption into the bloodstream as opposed to capsules or gummies, which are mainly absorbed through the small intestine.

Lion’s mane tea

Like powders, you can find lion’s mane in powdered or loose tea formats that are easy to prepare.

Powdered teas can also be added to smoothies and coffees like regular lion’s mane powders, while some loose tea variants come infused with other complementary health-boosting ingredients like ginger, turmeric or peppermint. Again, strength and dosages will vary according to brand.

How Long Does Lion's Mane Take to Work? The Ultimate Guide (1)

Buy Lions Mane 2000mg gummies today.

How does lion's mane make you feel?

As with any other supplement, taking lion’s mane regularly is essential to gain the full spectrum of health benefits. But exactly how long does lion’s mane take to kick in? And how do you know if lion's mane is working?

While it’s important to note the effects of lion’s mane are mild, many users report an increase in productivity and creativity levels, making them feel more focused at work and in daily life. They also describe feeling calmer, with lion’s mane alleviating the symptoms of mild anxiety, clearing up brain fog and even improving mood.

Its calming and anti-anxiety properties can also contribute to better sleep, immunity and our second brain, the gut, which can be especially beneficial for those with inflammatory digestive disorders.

But you don’t have to have a particular disorder or disease to feel the benefits of lion’s mane. A simple improvement in your overall well-being could be the signal you need to know it’s starting to take effect.

A natural and non-addictive supplement, most people can take lion’s mane without worrying about side effects. Studies on the impact of lion’s mane on animals show that it’s well tolerated with no serious effects, even at high doses.

While lion’s mane is generally safe, there are some potential reactions you should be aware of, including stomach upsets, skin rash, nausea and headaches.

Allergic to mushrooms? Then you should also probably stay clear altogether. The same goes for mums who are pregnant or breastfeeding due to a lack of scientific research into the effects on humans.

If you do experience any adverse reactions, stop consumption immediately and speak to your local GP.

How long should you take lion's mane for before it starts working?

You're probably thinking, this all sounds great! But how long before you start to see results?

Good things take time and, unfortunately, no one answer fits all, with results varying from person to person. Some may feel the benefits almost immediately or after several days, while others may need several weeks or even 1-3 months of regular consumption before noticing any significant effects and reaping the longer-term benefits.

To keep you motivated, one study reported a decrease in anxiety and depression as well as an improvement in sleep disorders after eight weeks of daily consumption. Another study in Japan observed a significant increase in cognitive function among older men within eight weeks.

If you're new to taking lion's mane, it's best to start with a lower dose and work your way up over time. Not only will this let your body adjust to this nootropic, but it'll also make it easier to notice any significant effects on your body and health.

How long should you take lion’s mane before trying something different?

Patience, persistence, and regularity are key when it comes to supplements. Taking lion's mane is no different. While it would be great to see improvements within several days, the human body is more complex than that and improving your health and making long-lasting changes takes time.

For example, one 2020 study reported a significant improvement in brain health in people with mild Alzheimer's after 49 weeks of daily lion's mane consumption. Forty-nine weeks may seem like a lot, but the result of this particular study is priceless when taking into account the awful effects of this disease.

So don't be put off if your focus, memory, gut health or general health haven't turned a complete 180 straight away. It's important to be realistic, and you're not going to prevent cancer or feel a reduction in stress and anxiety after only taking them for a week.

That being said, if you have been taking lion's mane regularly and at the correct dose for several months and you feel like it's just not working for you, it may be time to try something else.

Make an appointment with your local GP to discuss alternatives that might better benefit you and your specific health concerns. Or take a look at Novomins’ wide range of supplements catering to just about every health goal, including improved focus.

Try Lions mane with Novomins

Asuperhero of the fungi world, it’s hard not to be tempted by all the incredible health benefits of lion’s mane. But from more potent tinctures and extracts to gentler powders and teas, it’s easy to get confused and overwhelmed.

Whatever you decide to go for, always opt for premium, organic ingredients to get the most health benefits from your supplement. And if you’re brand new to lion’s mane, it’s best to start on a lower dose and gradually work your way up to avoid any adverse side effects.

Novomins Lion's Mane Gummies are perfect for individuals looking to enhance mental clarity and mood. They are also ideal for those aiming to improve gut health or simply prioritise self-care. If you dislike the taste of mushrooms or struggle with swallowing traditional capsules, these gummies are a great solution.

Easy and convenient, our high-strength gummies are formulated by doctors, scientists and nutritionists and contain 2000 mg of lion’s mane with added vitamins B6, B12 and iodine.

Using only the highest-quality ingredients, our Lion’s Mane Gummies come in a yummy fruity orange flavour and are halal, NON-GMO, and sugar- and gelatin-free. They’re also free from artificial colours and preservatives, ensuring your body only gets the very best.

Click here to browse the Novomins range today.

Lion’s mane FAQ’s

Does lion's mane work immediately?

While some people may feel a difference incredibly quickly after only a few days, this is rare. Most users will need to take lion's mane regularly for several weeks or 2-3 months before feeling a significant effect and reaping the long-term benefits.


How Long Does Lion's Mane Take to Work? The Ultimate Guide (2024)


How Long Does Lion's Mane Take to Work? The Ultimate Guide? ›

Does lion's mane work immediately? While some people may feel a difference incredibly quickly after only a few days, this is rare. Most users will need to take lion's mane regularly for several weeks or 2-3 months before feeling a significant effect and reaping the long-term benefits.

How long does it take to see results from Lion's Mane? ›

The amount of time it takes for Lion's Mane to start working varies from person to person, but most people begin to feel benefits after a few weeks of regular use. However, for the best results, it is advised that you take a regular Lion's Mane supplement for at least 2 to 3 months.

Is 2000mg of lion mane too much? ›

Lion's mane can be taken up to three times per day, though it is not recommended to exceed this limit. Daily dosages of 250mg to 750mg have also been shown to be effective. We recommend mixing one scoop of lion's mane powdered mix into your tea or coffee, once a day for a two week period.

How long should you take a lion mane for? ›

When taken by mouth: Lion's mane mushroom is possibly safe when used in a dose of 1 gram daily for 16 weeks. Side effects are mild and may include stomach discomfort.

What happens when you start taking Lion's Mane? ›

Lion's mane may have a positive effect on mood and negative stress effects, which can impact sleep. Poor sleep quality is associated with obesity and poor heart health. Furthermore, some studies on rats and mice suggest the lion's mane, as well as other edible mushrooms, might improve lipid metabolism.

Is Lion's Mane better at night or morning? ›

Lion's mane mushroom brain benefits

This is why thebest time to take lion's mane mushroom is traditionally considered to be in the morning to early afternoon - to give the mushrooms a chance to work with brain function throughout the day, while you are awake.

How do you get the most benefits from Lion's Mane? ›

A traditional way of taking lion's mane is in the form of tea. This is because hot water helps to extract the healthy nutrients from the mushroom. This is also the case for many other medicinal mushrooms such as reishi, cordyceps and turkey tail.

Is Lion's Mane bad for liver? ›

Lion's mane is generally recognized as safe and has not been linked to serum enzyme elevations during therapy nor to episodes of clinically apparent liver injury.

Does Lion's Mane give you a high? ›

Lion's mane medicinal mushroom is not psychoactive, so it does not have any intoxicating effects. However, lion's mane is marketed for its potential to increase focus and is associated with reduced feelings of depression.

What medications should not be taken with lion's mane? ›

Blood thinners: One of lion's mane's components slows blood-clotting. 18 Taking lion's mane with other blood thinners like Jantoven (warfarin), aspirin, Plavix (clopidogrel), or herbs and supplements that affect clotting could increase the risk of bleeding.

Which is better, Ashwagandha or lion's mane? ›

Both are valuable, depending on your wellness needs and choices. In conclusion, Ashwagandha excels at managing stress and boosting one's well-being. Lion's Mane, meanwhile, is favored for its cognitive boost and brain health support.

Is it OK to take lion's mane long term? ›

There's not much research on whether it's safe to eat or take supplements of lion's mane for a prolonged period or about their side effects. Possible allergic reactions to lion's mane mushrooms have been reported. In one case, a man developed breathing problems.

Is Lion's Mane addictive? ›

Furthermore, Lion's Mane does not contain any addictive substances such as opioids or psychoactive compounds. It is primarily composed of bioactive compounds, including polysaccharides and hericenones, which are believed to contribute to its potential health benefits.

Is Lions Mane like Adderall? ›

Infact, according to The Guardian, lion's mane mushroom has been proved to be a great ingredient for improving cognitive performance among older adults. One of the major factors in using lion's mane mushroom compared to adderall is due to its nature of being easily abused.

What is the best brand of lion mane? ›

Top 3 Best Lion's Mane Supplements
  • Real Mushrooms Lions Mane Mushroom Cognition Capsules.
  • Double Wood Supplements Lions Mane Supplement Mushroom Capsules.
  • Horbäach Lions Mane Mushroom Extract.

Will lion mane show up on a drug test? ›

There is no evidence that Lion's Mane will cause a failed drug test. The compounds found in Lion's Mane are not known to be detected by drug tests, so it is unlikely that taking this supplement will result in a failed test.

How does Lion's Mane make you feel? ›

Consuming lion's mane mushrooms will not get you high but they might make you feel slightly different at first; whether that be improvements to your mood, reduced symptoms of mild anxiety or even clearing up any brain fog to help improve concentration.

Which is better, ashwagandha or lion's mane? ›

Both are valuable, depending on your wellness needs and choices. In conclusion, Ashwagandha excels at managing stress and boosting one's well-being. Lion's Mane, meanwhile, is favored for its cognitive boost and brain health support.

Does lion's mane cause weight loss? ›

Lion's Mane mushrooms are a type of functional mushroom with health benefits that may also help you lose weight. These beneficial mushrooms are the non-psychedelic kind that may play a role in fat metabolism and support healthy body triglyceride levels (a type of fat).

Will Lion's Mane show up on a drug test? ›

These compounds are not typically detected in drug tests, so it is unlikely that Lion's Mane will show up on a drug test.

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