How to build a Snowball Farm in Minecraft (2024)

This Minecraft tutorial explains how to build a Snowball Farm with screenshots and step-by-step instructions.

In Minecraft, you can build a Snowball Farm that gives players an unlimited supply of snowballs. This quick and easy farm is powered by a Snow Golem (also known as Snow Man). You'll never run out of snowballs again! Also, learn where you can and can't build this farm. It doesn't work in every biome.

Let's explore how to do this.

How to build a Snowball Farm in Minecraft (1) Subscribe

Where to Build the Snowball Farm

Because this farm is powered by a Snow Golem, you can build this farm in biomes such as the Plains, Forest, Taiga and Mountains. These biomes are cool enough to allow the Snow Golem to make its snow trail.

Biomes that WORK!

But you can NOT build this farm in Desert, Savanna, Jungle and Mesa biomes. These biomes are too hot and will either melt the Snow Golem (killing it) or not let the Snow Golem build its snow trail.

Biomes that DO NOT work!

How to build a Snowball Farm in Minecraft (6)

How to build a Snowball Farm in Minecraft (7)

How to build a Snowball Farm in Minecraft (8)

How to build a Snowball Farm in Minecraft (9)

Steps to Build a Snowball Farm

1. Dig a Hole and Place a Cobblestone Block

First, dig a hole that is one block in size.

How to build a Snowball Farm in Minecraft (10)

And place a cobblestone block in the hole. This is where we will spawn our Snow Golem.

How to build a Snowball Farm in Minecraft (11)

2. Place 4 Glass Blocks

Next, place 4 blocks to make an enclosure. You can use any block but we are using glass blocks to make it easier to see inside.

How to build a Snowball Farm in Minecraft (12)

3. Place another layer of 4 Glass Blocks

Now, place another 4 glass blocks on top. You should now have an enclosure that is 2 glass blocks high.

How to build a Snowball Farm in Minecraft (13)

4. Place 2 Snow Blocks Inside

Next, place 2 snow blocks inside the enclosure. This makes the body of the Snow Golem.

How to build a Snowball Farm in Minecraft (14)

5. Add a Carved Pumpkin or Jack o'Lantern

Now, add either a carved pumpkin or jack o'lantern to make the Snow Golem's head. In this tutorial, we will use a carved pumpkin. If you are too close to the snow golem, you won't be able to place the carved pumpkin so either step back a bit or jump while placing it.

How to build a Snowball Farm in Minecraft (15)

You should see the Snow Golem come alive.

6. Break the Glass Block

Next, break this glass block.

How to build a Snowball Farm in Minecraft (16)

See this snow layer. We need to dig up this snow.

How to build a Snowball Farm in Minecraft (17)

7. Use a Shovel to dig up the Snow

Now, you will need a shovel. In this tutorial, we will use a diamond shovel. Dig up the snow with your shovel.

How to build a Snowball Farm in Minecraft (18)

Each time you dig up the snow, it creates a snowball.

How to build a Snowball Farm in Minecraft (19)

Make as many snowballs as you like. Add the snowballs to your inventory and never run out of snowballs again!

Congratulations, you just learned how to build your first Snowball Farm in Minecraft.

How to build a Snowball Farm in Minecraft (2024)
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