How to roast chicken (2024)

How to roast chicken (1)

For a family roast chicken, weighing about 5 lb (2.25 kg), make a stuffing by combining in a food processor 1 peeled, cored and quartered dessert apple, 1 heaped tablespoon of fresh sage leaves, 1 peeled and quartered small onion, 4 oz (110 g) of fresh white bread, crusts removed, 1 tablespoon of fresh parsley leaves, the chicken livers, 8 oz (225 g) of minced pork orgood-quality pork sausagemeat, ¼ teaspoon of powdered mace, salt and freshly milled black pepper.

How to roast chicken (2)

To make the stock for the gravy, the chicken giblets are simmered for 2 hours in 1½ pints (850 ml) water with 1 medium, roughly chopped carrot, half an onion, a few fresh parsleystalks, a sprig of fresh thyme, a bay leaf, ½ teaspoon of black peppercorns and a pinch of salt.

How to roast chicken (3)

To stuff the chicken, begin at the neck end where you will find a flap of loose skin: gently loosen this away from the breast and pack about two-thirds of the stuffing inside. Make a neatround shape on the outside then tuck the neck flap under the bird's back and secure it with a co*cktail stick or small skewer. Take the remaining stuffing and place it in the bodycavity.

How to roast chicken (4)

Place the chicken in the roasting tin and smear 2 oz (50 g) of softened butter all over the chicken with your hands. Season the chicken all over with salt and freshly milled black pepperthen arrange 7 rashers of smoked streaky bacon in a row along the breast. Cut one extra rasher in two and place a piece on each leg.

How to roast chicken (5)

Roast in the centre of a pre-heated oven, gas mark 5, 375°F (190°C), for 20 minutes per lb (450 g) plus 10-20 minutes extra – this will be 1 hour and 50 minutes to 2 hours for a 5 lb (2.25 kg) bird. Baste three times during the cooking time. During the last basting, remove the crisped bacon rashers and keep them warm. For the final 15 minutes of cooking, increase the heat to gas mark 7, 425°F (220°C) to give the skin that final golden crispiness. When it is cooked, remove it from the oven and cover it with foil. Leave to rest for 30 minutes before serving.

How to roast chicken (6)

The sauce is very easy – all you do here is combine 6 tablespoons of cranberry jelly, 2 dessertspoons of chopped fresh sage, 3 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar and some salt and freshly milled black pepper in a small saucepan. Whisk over a gentle heat until the cranberry jelly has melted. Pour the sauce into a serving jug and leave till needed (it won't needreheating – it's served at room temperature).

How to roast chicken (7)

Make the gravy – with the pan juices and the giblet stock – to serve with the chicken.

How to roast chicken (8)

How to roast chicken (2024)


Is it better to roast chicken at 350 or 400? ›

You can roast or bake anywhere between 325 and 450 degrees F. When roasting a whole chicken, a nice rule of them is to start at 400 to 425 degrees F and then turn the oven down to 350 after 15 minutes and cook until the internal temp of the chicken is 165 – 175 degrees F on an instant read thermometer.

What's the best temperature to roast a chicken? ›

For tender, fall-off-the-bone meat and soft skin, roast whole chicken at 325°F (162°C) for 1 ½ to 2 hours, depending on the weight. For firm, juicy meat and crisp, golden-brown skin, roast whole chicken 425°F (218°C) oven for 45 minutes to 1 ½ hours, depending on size.

Should I cover whole chicken with foil when baking? ›

When chicken is covered while baking, it traps steam and moisture within the dish, resulting in juicier results. The covering helps prevent excessive evaporation and keeps the chicken moist throughout the cooking process. Preventing dryness. Chicken tends to dry out more quickly when exposed to direct heat.

What temp is chicken most tender? ›

Fattier dark meat can stand a higher temperature than lean white meat. While it's safe to eat dark meat cooked to 165°, you'll get a bouncier bite. Allowing thigh meat and the like to reach somewhere between 175° and 190° will give you more tender meat because the connective tissues have longer to break down.

Is it better to roast chicken on low heat or high heat? ›

Go low and slow for a very tender, falling-off-the-bone flesh and softer skin (say, 300 to 350 degrees for 1 ½ to 2 hours or so). Or roast it fast and furiously for less time for crisp, dark brown skin and firmer, chewier flesh (between 375 and 500 degrees for 45 minutes to 1 1/2 hours).

Is 350 hot enough to cook chicken? ›

Given the fact that drumsticks and thighs are dark meat and won't dry out as easily as breasts, the range from 350 to 450 degrees is okay for baking them. 350 to 375 is generally best for breasts. The best answer to these questions? Simply check the chicken for doneness using an instant read thermometer.

Will baking chicken at 350 dry it out? ›

Baking the chicken for 30 minutes at 350°F will yield dry meat. Baking it for 20 minutes at 450°F will result in delightfully juicy chicken. Jump to: Ingredients.

What is the best temperature to bake chicken and for how long? ›

Otherwise, follow this general formula: Cook large, boneless, skinless chicken breasts for 20 to 30 minutes in a 375-degree-F oven. Cook large, bone-in, skin-on chicken breasts for 35 to 40 minutes in a 375-degree-F oven.

What is the lowest temperature you can cook chicken at? ›

Information. The minimum oven temperature to use when cooking chicken is 325 °F (162.8° C). Using a food thermometer is the only sure way of knowing if your food has reached a high enough temperature to destroy foodborne bacteria.

Do you put water in the bottom of the pan when roasting a chicken? ›

However, if you do notice during roasting that all of the drippings in the bottom of the pan have evaporated, a splash of water can prevent the pan from scorching and preserve the tasty drippings.

Should you cover a chicken when roasting? ›

Weigh your chicken and calculate the cooking time according to the guide below. Sit the bird in a roasting tin slightly larger than the chicken, and don't cover it with foil or you won't achieve a crisp skin. Basting your chicken during cooking will help keep the meat moist.

Should you oil chicken before baking? ›

Rubbing the chicken with a little olive oil before baking helps add moisture to the chicken and also helps the seasonings stick to the breast. Keep the seasoning simple. I use a very simple seasoning of salt and pepper, garlic powder, onion powder and chili powder or paprika.

Is it better to bake chicken slow or fast? ›

Question: When I cook chicken, it always comes out tough. Am I cooking it too long, too short, too high or too low? The slower you cook chicken, the better. That's the overall rule for cooking protein.

Is 400 too high to cook chicken? ›

The best ways to bake chicken breast at 400 F without drying them out. The best way to bake chicken breasts is the oven is at 400 F. Simply drizzle some olive oil in the bottom of your baking dish, season your skinless chicken breasts generously and add a pat of butter on top of each chicken breast.

Is 350 hot enough for chicken? ›

The USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Services (FSIS) recommends cooking whole chicken and parts of chicken to 165 degrees F. To do this, you'll need to set your oven to 350 and 450 degrees F to ensure the inside of the chicken reaches the right temperature.

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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.