Organic Mushroom Grow Kit (2024)

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R&R Cultivation is excited to offer OrganicMushroom Grow Kits perfect for mushroom lovers who want to try their hand at growing gourmet, organic mushrooms in their own home!

Our OrganicMushroom Grow Kits feature the same great mushrooms we sell at Twin Cities farmer’s markets, grocery stores, and co-ops. You can choose between several varieties: brightly colored Oysters, visually unique Lion’s Mane, and versatile Shiitakes. Your mushroom kit will be inoculated with the spores of your choosing and ready to start fruiting as soon as you get it home!

Pre-colonized OrganicMushroom Grow Kits are an inexpensive investment and require very little maintenance while producing pounds of mushrooms. Activate your kit by exposing it to the air and watch the tiny mushroom “pins” start to emerge! In a few short weeks, you’ll have your first harvest of delicious, homegrown mushrooms.

OrganicMushroom Grow Kit Fruiting Time

  • Oysters:2 weeks, then more fruitings every 2 weeks after that
  • Pink Oysters:2 weeks, then more fruitings every 2 weeks after that
  • Golden Oysters:2 weeks, then more fruitings every 2 weeks after that
  • Lion's Mane:3 weeks, then more fruitings every 3 weeks after that
  • Shiitake: 2 weeks, then more fruiting 2 weeks after that

Grow Kit Instructions

Click here for PDF Instructions:

FAQs About R&R Cultivation’s OrganicMushroom Grow Kit

What's the fruiting time for each of these species?

Generally, it will take about two to three weeks for your mushrooms to grow. This depends on the species:

  • Oyster Varieties – Two weeks to harvest, with subsequent fruitings every two weeks
  • Lion's Mane – Three weeks to harvest, with subsequent fruitings every three weeks
  • Shiitake – Two weeks to harvest. For subsequent fruitings, the block must be completely dried out before soaking in water for 24 hours. You can expect another harvest after two weeks.

How many mushrooms will the kit yield?

This will depend on the species you choose. In most cases, you should be able to get three to four pounds of mushrooms per kit.

Can I harvest more than once?

Yes, you can! You'll get subsequent fruitings after your initial harvest, but the quantity of mushrooms you harvest will likely diminish each time.

Are the OrganicMushroom Grow Kits easy to maintain?

Absolutely! The process of growing mushrooms at home couldn’t be easier when you use one of R&R Cultivation’s OrganicMushroom Grow Kits. In fact, it’s a completely hands-off process; just sit back and watch your mushrooms grow!

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Organic Mushroom Grow Kit (2024)


Why is my organic mushroom grow kit not growing? ›

The main factors affecting mushroom growth are humidity and temperature. If you live in an arid or very dry climate, your mushrooms may need more frequent waterings to keep them nice and wet.

Are mushroom grow kits worth it? ›

Should You Try a Kit? If you have any interest in growing mushrooms at all, and you aren't ready to do it from scratch, then most definitely yes- you should try a kit! It will give you an idea of how mushrooms grow, and what requirements they need in order to fruit properly.

How to get the most out of your mushroom grow kit? ›

Give your block some fresh air
  1. Take the mushroom block out of the box (and recycle the box!)
  2. Leave the block in the plastic bag.
  3. Place the block cut side up in a shady area where it will receive rainfall.
  4. Check on the block periodically, especially after rain or humid days.

Does an organic mushroom grow kit expire? ›

How long do mushroom growing kits last? Each grow kit usually lasts for about 2-3 harvests, but this will vary depending on the variety of grow kit you choose. Kits may produce more or less mushrooms in total before they expire and must be replaced.

How do you encourage mycelium to grow? ›

Here are some key factors: 1. Temperature: The optimal temperature for mycelium growth is usually between 24-27°C. 2. Humidity: High humidity levels (around 95-100%) are ideal for mycelium growth.

What do I do if mycelium isn't growing? ›

Relocate: Moving your pod to a slightly different environment, perhaps warmer or cooler, can kickstart stalled mycelium. Light Conditions: Ensure your pod isn't in direct sunlight.

Should mushroom kits be kept in dark? ›

Many gourmet mushroom grow kits need light to grow, so keep them in a bright spot away from direct sunlight. This allows you to watch your mushrooms grow and some types will double in size every 12-24 hours. It's a great transformation to witness. They'll also absorb that vitamin D, ready for your consumption.

Does mycelium grow faster in the dark? ›

Radial growth of the mycelium was faster under dark incubation rather than under light incubation.

How often should I water my mushroom kit? ›

Humidity is a key factor for successful mushroom growth. Spray the area around your kit with a few pumps of water whenever you have a chance, at least 2-3 times a day.

Where is the best place to put a mushroom kit? ›

While this can be good, airflow is also important and small enclosed spaces can cause your mushrooms to suffer from lack of oxygen. We recommend placing your grow kit on your kitchen bench, out of direct sunlight.

What speeds up mushroom growth? ›

Gypsum is a mineral that helps speed up the mushroom growing process in small amounts.

Do mushroom grow kits keep producing? ›

Expect to grow: 2-3 harvests of mushrooms / 150g - 300g

The first flush will always be the biggest. We've had some customers grow up to 4 flushes of mushrooms from our kits but on average you'll get 2 harvests. Once the kit has run out of nutrients and water it will be "spent" and won't produce any more mushrooms.

What is the white stuff in my mushroom grow bag? ›

The white stuff is mycelium, which is the vegetative body of mushrooms. Think of it as the roots to a plants. The mycelium colonizes the substrate block, which is made up of locally sourced sawdust and organic soybean hulls, and once fully colonized the entire grow block will appear white.

Do mushroom grow kits need to be refrigerated? ›

Most mushroom kits will store for 3-6 months in the fridge if necessary. To store your kit, keep it in the fridge. This puts the mycelium into hibernation and will prevent it escaping the box early.

How long does it take for a mushroom kit to grow? ›

7-14 days growing time

The Mushroom Grow Kit doesn't require much attention. Once you've cut open the kit you need to keep up the humidity by misting it daily and checking on it once or twice per day. Most kits will grow mushrooms in 7-14 days but it can take up to 21 days (this is rare).

How do you trigger mushroom growth? ›

Temperature and moisture changes trigger the shiitake fungus to produce mushrooms. Therefore, log shocking (or soaking) is often used for “forced fruiting” and is done at a time planned by the grower. Keep in mind that forced fruiting can reduce the production life of the log.

How do you activate a mushroom kit? ›

Original Mushroom Kit Instructions
  1. Open the box. If the compost looks brown, close the kit and leave it for a week. ...
  2. Open the plastic and evenly spread the casing over the compost, leaving it loose and fluffy. Leave the kit open.
  3. Every 2-3 days mist with water. After two to three weeks mushrooms will begin to form.

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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.