Salt Scrubs vs. Sugar Scrubs: Uncovering the Ideal Exfoliant for Your Skin (2024)

By Doctor's Desk


Exfoliation is a crucial step in every skincare regimen because it clears clogged pores and removes dead skin cells, revealing smoother, younger-looking skin. Salt and sugar scrubs are two popular types of exfoliants, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Both salt and sugar scrubs have distinct advantages and disadvantages. If you have sensitive skin or want to exfoliate gently, a sugar scrub may be the best option for you. A salt scrub may be a better option if you want deep exfoliation and have normal to oily skin. Finally, your skin type and preferences will determine the best exfoliant for your skin.

Understanding the Basics of Salt and Sugar Scrubs

Salt Scrubs vs. Sugar Scrubs: Uncovering the Ideal Exfoliant for Your Skin (1)

Sea salt, which is a natural exfoliant, is commonly used in salt scrubs. The rough texture of salt crystals aids in the removal of dead skin cells and the promotion of healthy blood flow. Salt scrubs can also aid in skin detoxification by drawing out impurities and toxins. Salt scrubs are available in fine, medium, and coarse grades. Fine salt scrubs are kinder to the skin and are ideal for those with sensitive skin. For rough and calloused skin, coarse salt scrubs are ideal. Sugar scrubs, on the other hand, are typically made from sugar, which is another natural exfoliant. Sugar crystals are smaller and gentler on the skin than salt crystals, making them ideal for sensitive skin. Sugar scrubs also moisturize the skin. Sugar is a natural humectant, meaning it draws moisture to the skin. Sugar scrubs can also promote healthy, youthful-looking skin by increasing collagen production. Sugar scrubs come in a variety of flavors, including white, brown, and raw sugar. White sugar is the gentlest and most suitable for sensitive skin. Brown and raw sugar are coarser and offer a more thorough exfoliation.

These actions should be taken to use a salt or sugar scrub:

  1. To get your pores to open, wet your skin with warm water.

  2. Apply a small amount of the scrub to your skin, working your way up from the soles of your feet. Apply the scrub to your skin by massaging it in circular motions, paying special attention to rough spots like your knees and elbows.

  3. Rinse the scrub off with warm water, then pat a fresh towel over your skin to dry it.

  4. To keep moisture in your skin, use a moisturizer.

Salt Scrubs: Benefits and Drawbacks

Salt scrubs have several skin benefits, but they also have some drawbacks. Here's a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of salt scrubs:

Advantages of Salt Scrubs

  1. Salt scrubs are excellent exfoliants that help to remove dead skin cells and promote healthy skin. The salt crystals' gritty texture aids in scrubbing away dirt and impurities, leaving the skin smooth and radiant.

  2. Salt scrubs can also aid in skin detoxification by drawing out impurities and toxins. This can aid in the prevention of breakouts and other skin issues.

  3. Salt scrubs can hydrate the skin by re-establishing the proper balance of moisture. This can leave the skin soft and supple.

  4. The massaging effect of a salt scrub can aid in promoting healthy blood flow and enhancing circulation. This can help to reduce inflammation and promote healthy, youthful-looking skin.

Drawbacks of Salt Scrubs

  1. Salt scrubs may be harsh, particularly if they contain coarse salt crystals. This can cause irritation or damage to the skin, particularly for those with sensitive skin.

  2. Salt scrubs can dry out your skin, especially if you use them too often. This might result in flakiness, itching, and other skin issues.

  3. Some skin types, especially those with sensitive or dry skin, may not respond well to salt scrubs. It's crucial to pick a salt scrub that is mild and appropriate for your skin type.

  4. Salt scrubs may not be suitable for use on certain areas of the body, such as the face, as they can cause irritation or damage to delicate skin.

Sugar Scrubs: Pros and Cons

Sugar scrubs are a popular alternative to salt scrubs, and they have several skin benefits. Here are some pros and cons of using sugar scrubs:

Pros of Sugar Scrubs:

  1. Sugar scrubs are gentler on the skin than salt scrubs, making them an excellent choice for those with sensitive skin. Sugar particles' fine texture makes them ideal for removing dead skin cells without causing irritation.

  2. Sugar is a natural humectant, which means it draws moisture from the environment and aids in skin hydration. Sugar scrubs are therefore an excellent choice for people with dry or dehydrated skin.

  3. Sugar scrubs can be tailored to specific skin concerns by incorporating additional ingredients such as essential oils, honey, or fruit extracts.

  4. Sugar scrubs are gentle enough to use on the face, as opposed to salt scrubs, which can be too harsh for sensitive facial skin.

Cons of Sugar Scrubs:

  1. Sugar scrubs are less effective than salt scrubs at removing stubborn impurities and dead skin cells. A salt scrub may be a better option if you require heavy-duty exfoliation.

  2. Sugar scrubs have a shorter shelf life than salt scrubs because sugar is more susceptible to bacterial growth.

  3. Some sugar scrubs may leave a sticky residue on the skin that is difficult to remove.

  4. Sugar scrubs with oils or butter may clog pores and cause breakouts in acne-prone skin.

Common Ingredients in Salt and Sugar Scrubs

Salt and sugar scrubs can include a variety of ingredients, depending on their intended use and target skin issues. Here are some ingredients that are commonly found in both salt and sugar scrubs:

  1. Carrier Oils: To help moisturize and nourish the skin, carrier oils are frequently added to scrubs. Examples include coconut oil, jojoba oil, and almond oil.

  2. Essential Oils: Aromatic scrubs are frequently scented with essential oils, which also have additional skincare advantages. Examples of these oils include lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus.

  3. Herbs and Spices: Due to their calming or energizing effects, herbs and spices like rose petals, chamomile, and cinnamon are frequently included in scrubs.

  4. Fruit Extracts: Due to their antioxidant properties, fruit extracts like lemon, grapefruit, and orange are added to scrubs to help brighten and even out skin tone.

  5. Honey: Honey is a naturally occurring humectant that can hydrate and calm the skin.

  6. Aloe Vera: Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties naturally, and it can help calm and cool the skin.

  7. Vitamin E: Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that can help shield the skin from damage caused by free radicals.

Choosing the Right Scrub for Your Skin Type

Salt Scrubs vs. Sugar Scrubs: Uncovering the Ideal Exfoliant for Your Skin (2)

Choosing the right scrub for your skin type is critical to getting the most out of it without causing any damage or irritation. Here are some pointers to help you select the best scrub for your skin type:

  1. Dry Skin: It is best to choose a sugar scrub with nourishing oils like coconut, almond, or jojoba oil if you have dry skin. Sugar scrubs help exfoliate the skin gently and without removing its natural oils.

  2. Oily Skin: A salt scrub might be a better choice if you have oily skin because it helps to absorb extra oil and unclog pores. To help balance the skin's natural oils, look for salt scrubs that include natural ingredients like tea tree oil, peppermint, or eucalyptus.

  3. Combination Skin: Depending on the area of your skin that needs attention, you can use both sugar and salt scrubs if you have combination skin. For oily areas like the T-zone, use a salt scrub, and for drier areas, use a sugar scrub.

  4. Sensitive Skin: Choose a sugar scrub with gentle exfoliants like oatmeal or brown sugar if your skin is sensitive. Avoid scrubs that contain harsh ingredients like citrus oils or fragrances that can irritate your skin.

  5. Acne-Prone Skin: If you have acne-prone skin, pick a salt scrub with antibacterial ingredients like tea tree oil or lavender oil. The antibacterial qualities of the essential oils can aid in the fight against acne-causing bacteria while the salt helps to unclog pores and remove extra oil.

Salt Scrubs for Oily and Combination Skin

Salt scrubs are ideal for oily and combination skin types because they help to remove excess oil and unclog pores. Here are some recommendations for using salt scrubs on oily or combination skin:

  1. Use a mild scrub: Salt scrubs can be damaging to the skin, so it's important to use a mild scrub that won't irritate or harm the skin. Look for salt scrubs that have salt that has been finely ground so that they are not too abrasive.

  2. Don't scrub too hard: Be gentle and don't scrub too hard when using a salt scrub. Scrubbing too vigorously can irritate and harm the skin. Instead, gently scrub the skin by using circular motions and a light touch.

  3. Avoid sensitive areas: Keep salt scrubs away from your eyes, lips, and any other delicate body parts. Salt might be too abrasive for these areas and might irritate them even more.

  4. Rinse well: After using a salt scrub, be sure to thoroughly rinse your skin with warm water. It's crucial to get rid of all salt granules and any remaining scrub residue because salt can be drying on the skin.

  5. Moisturize: After using a salt scrub, moisturise your skin to replenish any moisture lost. Look for hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, or glycerin in moisturisers.

Sugar Scrubs for Sensitive and Dry Skin

Sugar scrubs are ideal for sensitive and dry skin because they are gentler than salt scrubs and can help to hydrate and nourish the skin. Here are some suggestions for how to use sugar scrubs on sensitive and dry skin:

  1. Use fine sugar: To make sugar scrubs less harsh on the skin, look for products that contain fine sugar particles. Because it is mild and moisturizing, brown sugar is a popular option.

  2. Add ingredients that are hydrating: Sugar scrubs with moisturising and hydrating ingredients like honey, aloe vera, or coconut oil are ideal. These ingredients can help to hydrate and nourish the skin, leaving it soft and supple.

  3. Test before use: Perform a patch test on a small area of your skin before using a sugar scrub on your face to ensure that it does not cause irritation or an allergic reaction.

  4. Be gentle: When using a sugar scrub, be gentle and don't exert too much pressure. Avoid scrubbing the skin for an extended period of time or too hard; instead, gently rub the skin in circular motions.

  5. Rinse well: After using a sugar scrub, be sure to thoroughly rinse your skin with warm water. Given that sugar particles can be sticky, it's crucial to get rid of all scrub residue.

  6. Moisturize: To keep your skin hydrated after using a sugar scrub, be sure to do so. Look for moisturizers with nourishing components like vitamin E, jojoba oil, or shea butter.

Customising Your Scrub for Unique Skin Needs

While salt and sugar scrubs are suitable for a variety of skin types, tailoring your scrub can help it meet your specific skin needs. Here are a few ideas for personalizing your scrubs:

  1. Add essential oils: Adding essential oils to your scrub will give your skin additional advantages. For instance, lavender oil can calm sensitive skin, peppermint oil can energize dull skin, and tea tree oil can help fight acne.

  2. Mix with other ingredients: You can customise your scrub by combining it with other ingredients. For example, to add extra hydration, combine a sugar scrub with yoghurt, or combine a salt scrub with lemon juice to help brighten and clarify the skin.

  3. Adjust the ratio of salt or sugar: Depending on your skin type, you may want to adjust the ratio of salt or sugar in your scrub. For example, if you have sensitive skin, you may want to use more sugar than salt or use a finer grain of salt.

  4. Use various salts or sugars: Salt and sugar come in a wide variety that you can use in your scrub. For instance, while turbinado sugar is coarser and can offer a deeper exfoliation, Himalayan salt is renowned for its detoxifying qualities.

  5. Choose ingredients based on skin concerns: When creating your own scrub, keep your skin concerns in mind. If you have acne-prone skin, for example, you may want to include ingredients like tea tree oil or salicylic acid to help combat breakouts.

Tips for Using Salt and Sugar Scrubs Effectively

Salt Scrubs vs. Sugar Scrubs: Uncovering the Ideal Exfoliant for Your Skin (3)

The following advice will help you use salt and sugar scrubs effectively:

  1. Use on damp skin: Damp skin is ideal for salt and sugar scrubs. Apply the scrub after wetting your skin, and stay away from dry or damaged skin when using it.

  2. Apply in gentle circular motions: Apply the scrub to your skin in gentle circular motions, paying special attention to areas that require extra exfoliation. Applying too much pressure can cause skin irritation.

  3. Warm water rinses: Use warm water to remove the scrub. Hot water should not be used because it can deplete your skin's natural oils.

  4. Moisturize: It's critical to moisturise your skin after using a salt or sugar scrub to help restore its natural moisture barrier. Use a hydrating moisturiser to keep your skin soft and supple by locking in moisture.

  5. Use only once or twice per week: Salt and sugar scrubs are great for exfoliating the skin, but it's important not to overdo it. To prevent irritating your skin, use them once or twice a week.

  6. Store properly: Your salt or sugar scrub should be kept in a cool, dry location in an airtight container. It will be less likely to dry out or spoil as a result of this.

  7. Skin sensitivity: If you have sensitive skin, use caution when using a salt or sugar scrub. Before using it all over your face, start with a small amount and perform a patch test. Stop using it right away if you experience any redness, itchiness, or discomfort.

Proper Exfoliation Techniques

You can maximize the benefits of your salt or sugar scrub without endangering your skin by using proper exfoliation methods. The following advice:

  1. Make sure your skin is clean and free of oil, dirt, and makeup before exfoliating. After cleaning up any debris with a mild cleanser, pat yourself dry.

  2. Warm water should be used to wet your skin before applying the scrub. Your skin will become softer as a result, making exfoliation simpler.

  3. Use gentle circular motions to massage the scrub into your skin. Start with a small quantity and increase as necessary. Avoid using excessive pressure or scrubbing power as this can harm your skin.

  4. Pay special attention to elbows, knees, and heels because they are prone to dryness or roughness.

  5. Make sure to rinse the scrub completely with warm water to get rid of all the granules. To avoid irritating your skin, be gentle when rinsing.

  6. To help your skin regain its natural moisture barrier after exfoliating, moisturize. To retain moisture and keep your skin soft and supple, use a hydrating moisturizer.

  7. Exfoliating can benefit your skin, but you should avoid overdoing it. Your skin may become dry, irritated, and more prone to breakouts if you over-exfoliate. Use your salt or sugar scrub once or twice a week, depending on your skin type and needs.

Frequency of Exfoliation for Optimal Results

Your skin type and the exfoliant you use will determine how frequently you should exfoliate. Exfoliating once or twice a week is generally recommended. If you have sensitive skin, however, you should exfoliate less frequently or use a gentler exfoliant. When using a salt scrub, remember that salt is more abrasive than sugar. As a result, if you have sensitive skin, you should limit your use of salt scrubs to once a week or less. Sugar scrubs, on the other hand, are generally gentler and can be used more frequently. If you have acne-prone skin, however, you should avoid sugar scrubs entirely because the sugar can feed the bacteria that cause breakouts.

Aftercare: Moisturizing and Nourishing Your Skin

It's critical to moisturise and nourish your skin after exfoliating to help it recover and stay healthy. Restoring moisture to your skin is crucial because exfoliation removes dead skin cells and can leave it feeling dry. Select a moisturiser that is appropriate for your skin type and contains nourishing ingredients like hyaluronic acid, ceramides, or shea butter. To help lock in moisture, apply your moisturizer immediately after exfoliating, while your skin is still damp.

Other nourishing products, such as facial oils or serums, can also be used to hydrate and protect your skin. To brighten and smooth your skin, look for products that contain ingredients like vitamin C, retinol, or antioxidants. After exfoliating, it's critical to moisturise and protect your skin from the sun. Because exfoliation can make your skin more sensitive to the sun's rays, wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Other harsh treatments or products, such as facial peels or scrubs, should be avoided for a few days after exfoliating to allow your skin to recover. To keep your skin healthy and glowing, use gentle, nourishing products.

Creating Your Own DIY Salt and Sugar Scrubs

Salt Scrubs vs. Sugar Scrubs: Uncovering the Ideal Exfoliant for Your Skin (4)

Making your own DIY salt and sugar scrubs can be a fun and inexpensive way to exfoliate your skin. Here are a few easy recipes to try:

  • Simple salt scrub recipe: 1 cup sea salt, 1/4 cup coconut oil, and ten to fifteen drops of your preferred essential oil.

Combine all the ingredients in a mixing bowl before transferring them to a jar. Use while bathing or showering, gently massaging damp skin in circular motions.

  • Recipe for Honey and Sugar Scrub: 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/4 cup honey, 1/4 cup olive oil, and optionally 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.

Combine all ingredients in a bowl, then pour into a jar. Use in the shower or bath, gently massaging in circular motions onto damp skin.

  • Recipe for a green tea salt scrub: 1 cup sea salt, 1/4 cup coconut oil, 1 tablespoon green tea leaves, and 10-15 drops of your preferred essential oil (optional).

Make a strong cup of green tea and set it aside to cool. In a mixing bowl, combine the sea salt and coconut oil, then add the green tea leaves and essential oil. Transfer to a jar and use in the shower or bath, massaging gently in circular motions onto damp skin.

Selecting the Best Base and Carrier Oils

Your skin type and personal preferences will determine which base and carrier oils are best for your DIY salt or sugar scrub. Consider the following choices:

  1. Coconut Oil: Due to its inherent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, coconut oil is a preferred ingredient for scrubs. It easily absorbs into the skin and provides deep moisturization.

  2. Jojoba Oil: Ideal for all skin types, jojoba oil is a light oil that closely resembles the natural sebum produced by the skin. It also contains significant amounts of vitamin E and antioxidants, which can help shield the skin from environmental harm.

  3. Sweet almond oil: Rich in fatty acids and vitamin E, sweet almond oil helps hydrate and nourish the skin. Those with dry or sensitive skin should consider it.

  4. Grapeseed Oil: Because it is a thin oil that the skin can readily absorb, grapeseed oil is a good choice for people with oily or acne-prone skin. Vitamin E and antioxidants are also abundant in them.

  5. Olive Oil: Olive oil can help calm and soften the skin because it is a rich and moisturizing oil. It is heavier and thicker than other oils, though, so people with oily or acne-prone skin might not want to use it.

Adding Essential Oils and Natural Fragrances

In addition to the base and carrier oils, you may want to include essential oils or natural fragrances to boost the therapeutic benefits of your DIY salt or sugar scrub and create a pleasing scent. Consider the options below:

  1. Lavender Essential Oil: Lavender oil is a good choice for people with sensitive or irritated skin because of its calming and soothing qualities.

  2. Essential oil of peppermint: People with oily or acne-prone skin should consider using peppermint oil because it has a cooling and refreshing effect on the skin.

  3. Lemon essential oil: A natural astringent, lemon oil can help tone and tighten the skin. It also smells fresh and energizing.

  4. Tea tree essential oil: Tea tree oil naturally fights bacteria and fungi, making it a good choice for people with acne or other skin irritations.

  5. Vanilla Extract: Vanilla extract is a natural scent that can give your scrub a sweet and calming aroma.

Conclusion: Elevate Your Skincare Routine with the Perfect Exfoliating Scrub

Salt Scrubs vs. Sugar Scrubs: Uncovering the Ideal Exfoliant for Your Skin (5)

Exfoliation is an essential part of any skincare routine, and using a salt or sugar scrub can help you achieve smoother, brighter, and healthier-looking skin. You can make a customized scrub that effectively exfoliates while nourishing and moisturizing your skin by understanding the advantages and disadvantages of salt and sugar scrubs and choosing the best ingredients for your skin type. Use proper exfoliation techniques and moisturize your skin afterwards for the best results. You can improve your skin care regimen and achieve the glowing, radiant complexion you desire with regular use and a little experimentation.

Salt Scrubs vs. Sugar Scrubs: Uncovering the Ideal Exfoliant for Your Skin (2024)


Salt Scrubs vs. Sugar Scrubs: Uncovering the Ideal Exfoliant for Your Skin? ›

If you have sensitive skin or want to exfoliate gently, a sugar scrub may be the best option for you. A salt scrub may be a better option if you want deep exfoliation and have normal to oily skin. Finally, your skin type and preferences will determine the best exfoliant for your skin.

Which is better for your skin, a sugar scrub or a salt scrub? ›

If you have sensitive or dry skin, you may find sugar scrubs are better because they feel gentler on your skin and are less likely to cause irritation. However, if you want a way to detox and exfoliate, you may find that salt scrubs work better for you.

Are sugar scrubs actually good for your skin? ›

Sugar Scrub Exfoliates Your Skin

Sugar granules are rounder and less abrasive than salt, making them a gentler exfoliant. A natural source of glycolic acid (an AHA), sugar breaks down layers of dead skin and smooths the skin's surface. It also speeds up rehydration, keeping skin conditioned and moisturized.

Is a salt scrub an exfoliator? ›

A salt scrub is a type of exfoliating treatment in which coarse salt is used to remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. As we mentioned in our post on how to create the perfect natural skin care routine, exfoliation is essential for maintaining healthy, glowing skin.

What do dermatologists say about sugar scrubs? ›

According to Bowe, sugar scrubs are generally ok for rough patches of skin such as elbows and heels. However, she doesn't recommend them on your face as the texture can be too abrasive. "If you rub too hard, or use these scrubs too often, it can show up as red blotchy skin.

How often should you exfoliate with sugar scrub? ›

You shouldn't use a body scrub every day; exfoliation can be harsh on the skin, and over-exfoliation can damage the skin cells and prevent natural restoration. You don't want to overly strip the skin of moisture, or compromise the skin barrier. Aim to use body scrub 1-2 times a week at the most.

Does sugar scrub make your skin glow? ›

Sugar is one of the best natural beauty ingredients to exfoliate your skin. Sugar scrubs are mild and help remove dead skin. They also help rejuvenate the skin by cleaning all the dirt from the skin pores. With all the dead skin and dirt removed, the new skin is more radiant and you have a healthier glow.

Which salt is best for exfoliating? ›

Salt Scrubs

Epsom salts, though not actually salt (they're magnesium sulfate), are world-renowned for their detoxification powers and work best in the bathtub. Mix sea salt with an oil-based cleanser or moisturizer for a deep-cleaning scrub.

Which sugar is best for exfoliating? ›

Brown sugar isn't as coarse as white sugar and because of this, it can be used as a facial scrub as well as a body scrub. Brown sugar is better for people with dry or sensitive skin because it isn't as abrasive. Brown sugar will exfoliate the skin and leave it feeling soft.

Is coffee scrub better than sugar scrub? ›

Unlike the coarse texture of coffee grounds, sugar granules are finer and gentler on the skin. Imagine a sugar scrub as a delicate dance, gracefully removing dead skin cells without harsh abrasion. This makes sugar scrubs an excellent choice for those with sensitive or delicate skin.

Where should you not use sugar scrubs? ›

Sugar scrub can be applied to many areas of the body, including the arms, legs, feet, and hands. The only place you should avoid is your private parts. Many areas of the body are exposed to environmental elements and gradual damage that can result in rough or dull-looking skin.

What is the best body scrub to use? ›

  • Nécessaire The Body Exfoliator - Eucalyptus. ...
  • Soap & Glory Magnifi-coco Body Scrub. ...
  • Osea Salts of the Earth Body Scrub. ...
  • Biossance Squalane + Enzyme Sugar Body Scrub. ...
  • Naturopathica Manuka Honey Shower Body Exfoliator. ...
  • Skinfix Resurface+ Glycolic Renewing Body Scrub. ...
  • Soft Services Buffing Bar Microcrystal Exfoliant.
May 21, 2024

Do you exfoliate before or after shaving? ›

The quick answer is yes, according to the Cleveland Clinic. You should exfoliate skin prior to shaving as exfoliating first will help prevent the razor from becoming overloaded with dead skin cells — which reduces its effectiveness. Basically, exfoliating first is a serious pro tip for a closer shave.

Which is better bath salt or body scrub? ›

Sugar scrubs have smaller granules than salt, and are best suited for sensitive skin while salt is best for rough, flaky skin 🙌.

Can I use salt and sugar scrub together? ›

My wife, Chelsea, and I love this scrub in which we include both sugar and salt! We use it a couple of times a week because it keeps our skin in tip-top shape, providing nutrients directly to the epidermis layer along with tons of moisturizing benefits.

What is a good body scrub? ›

  • Nécessaire The Body Exfoliator - Eucalyptus. ...
  • Soap & Glory Magnifi-coco Body Scrub. ...
  • Osea Salts of the Earth Body Scrub. ...
  • Biossance Squalane + Enzyme Sugar Body Scrub. ...
  • Naturopathica Manuka Honey Shower Body Exfoliator. ...
  • Skinfix Resurface+ Glycolic Renewing Body Scrub. ...
  • Soft Services Buffing Bar Microcrystal Exfoliant.
May 21, 2024

What are the benefits of salt and coconut oil scrub? ›

It soothes dry, itchy, irritated skin and can alleviate many common conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne. Sea salt gently removes dead skin cells and Coconut Oil aids in rehydration of the body. The combination of the two leaves you with smooth and soft, moisturized skin.

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.