The Best Simple Feta Substitutes (2024)

The Best Simple Feta Substitutes (1)

Looking for an alternative to Feta? You’re in the right place! Keep reading for my favourite simple Feta substitutes both dairy and dairy-free.

What is Feta Cheese?

Feta is a hard white cheese made from sheeps milk that is aged in brine. It has a unique tangy deeply salty flavour and firm crumbly texture. It’s most commonly associated with Greek cuisine although it is made in other countries such as Denmark and Bulgaria.

What’s the different between feta and persian feta?

Persian feta is a softer, creamier less salty cheese that is marinated in oil, herbs and garlic instead of the salt solution used to marinate Greek feta.

The Best Feta Substitutes – Dairy

1. Halloumi

While the texture of halloumi is slightly softer and less crumbly, it provides a similar substance and salty kick to feta.

2. Persian Feta

As mentioned above Persian feta is softer and creamier and less salty, but you will be equally happy to have it scattered on your salad.

3. Goats Cheese

Fresh goats cheese is tangier, creamier and less salty than feta but adds a similar cheesy goodness.

4. Labneh

This creamy ‘cheese’ made from yoghurt isn’t as salty but it adds a lovely tang anywhere you’d normally use feta.

5. Parmesan

Shaved parmesan has a different more cheesey flavour profile to feta. And while the colour is more yellow, it will add similar bursts of flavour.

6. Cottage Cheese

Milder and creamier and way less salty, cottage cheese will be better than nothing to replace your hunks of feta.

7. Ricotta

Will work in a similar way to cottage cheese without the bumpy bits.

The Best Dairy-Free Feta Substitutes

1. Olives

If you’re looking for a salty burst of flavour, a handful of olives is the best dairy-free and vegan alternative to feta.

2. Sun Dried Tomatoes

A similar idea to olives, sun dried tomatoes are bursting with flavour and will add a little sweetness to your dish instead of a salt hit.

See Also
Melt Wheel

3. Salted Roast Almonds

For texture and salty hit roast almonds will take your dish in a different direction but it won’t be lacking in flavour or crunch. Other nuts like pinenuts, pistachios, macadamias or cashews will all work in a similar manner.

4. Sea Salt Flakes

Another option to replace the salty hit from feta is to sprinkle your dish with sea salt flakes. It won’t provide the same visuals or substance as hunks of cheese but you will appreciate the salty flavour explosions.

5. Capers

Work in a similar way to olives. Salted capers will be the best choice although capers in vinegar are better than nothing.

6. Hummus

This is a bit of an unusual idea but adding a big dollop of creamy hummus can add the substance and flavour hit you’d otherwise get from feta.

7. Avocado

Chunks of avo will add creamy goodness and substance to your dish. For an even closer match add in a squeeze of lemon or lime and some sea salt flakes.

8. Babaganoush

Works in a similar way to hummus.

How to Store Feta

Feta can be stored for months in the refrigerator. I generally ignore the best before date and eat it even weeks after it is out of date. As long as there’s no mold growing on it. Feta can be frozen although there’s generally no need because it lasts so long in the fridge.

Feta Goes with…

  • Dill & Feta
  • Basil & Feta
  • Cucumber & Feta
  • Pesto & Feta
  • Tomato & Feta
  • Olives & Feta

More Ingredient Substitutes

  • Tahini
  • Also see see the Simple Ingredients Substitutes Index.

    Have fun in the kitchen!

    With love,
    Jules x

    The Best Simple Feta Substitutes (2024)
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