What does Haggis taste like? (2024)

Best ways to taste Haggis

The classic way to enjoy haggis is with mashed potato and turnips – neeps and tatties. Whilst the most heard of, it’s comfortably the least interesting way to eat it. It just doesn’t show haggis off to its full potential.

Personally, we love everything battered and deep-fried, we’re Scottish after all. So getting a sausage-shaped haggis from the chippy is a great way to enjoy this, with salt and vinegar too. I enjoy some chip shop curry sauce on mine but Katie doesn’t because she’s weird.

Haggis bonbons are another great way to enjoy Haggis. You’ll see these as starters in lots of pubs and bistros. If you’re not sure about haggis then getting some to share is a great way to try it! They are breaded and deep-fried little balls of haggis, usually with some tasty dips.

If you’re staying at a hotel that does a buffet cooked breakfast you may find little, round pieces of haggis amongst your selection. Now, these probably won’t be of the highest quality but if you’re hesitant to try it, taking a little piece at no cost is a win-win.

If you visit one of the many Burrito places that have popped up in Glasgow and Edinburgh recently, you’ll find haggis as an option as the meaty filling for your burrito. Another way to perhaps gently introduce yourself with tentative steps if you’re unsure. Just remember it’s quite peppery when you add your salsa’s etc.

If you’re eating out in fine dining restaurants in Scotland, you may see Haggis as part of a dish or two. Now, generally speaking, if you’re unsure about an ingredient these top chefs should be the ones to try it from as they have the knowledge to make the best of it. Though I understand it’s a lot of money to eat at these restaurants and you may not want to risk a dish you won’t like. If it’s a small element it might be there to add depth, spice and umami to a dish, rather than haggis being the centrepiece. So, just ask your waiter how “haggisy” the dish is. You may well be pleasantly surprised.

What does Haggis taste like? (2024)
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