World Series of Team Roping (2024)

SECTION 1 – Memberships


Participation at a WSTR event requires being a member of the WSTR, USTRC or Key Card holder to collect winnings. Before participating, if a roper is not a current member, he/she can submit a renewal membership application to the National Office, purchase the membership before roping at the event office or purchase online at Ropers will be permitted to purchase or renew memberships anytime during the year; that membership is valid from time of purchase until December 31st. Membership sales for the next season will begin on October 1st for the Key Card and all standard memberships. However, a WSTR Finale contestant must be a current year member before the entry is accepted, regardless of when the entry is paid.

Participation in a WSTR event by a roper who does not have a current Key Card, WSTR or USTRC membership or has not submitted a renewal membership application as specified, will result in disqualification of the roper and the roper's teammate even if the team has roped.

By entering a WSTR event, the roper is representing that he or she is in compliance with the membership requirements. Acceptance of an entry at an event by WSTR or its producers shall not constitute a waiver of the requirement set forth in this rule. Membership fees are not refundable and are not transferable. Membership fees will not be refunded as a result of classification or rule disagreements.


WSTR reserves the right to refuse service or draw-out any roper and/or team for inappropriate conduct, conflicts with management, or any other disputes that cannot be settled prior to an event.


Proof of membership and pictures of membership cards are provided digitally on Issuance of a classification pictured on the card does not guarantee that a classification number shall remain the same for the entire year or not be changed during the year. Classification services are provided to WSTR and managed by Global Handicaps. WSTR


Ropers who are 15 or younger (age determined based on the year of birth rule) can buy the reduced price Junior Global Card and receive full WSTR membership benefits.


Is an independent classification program that handles all classifications for WSTR and many other associations/arenas. Classification numbers are not printed or pictured on the WSTR membership card because a Global Handicap card is complimentary with WSTR memberships and is available to view on At an event, and upon request, a roper must log-in and show his/her membership status.


WSTR memberships are free to renewing or past WSTR members 70 and older who have roped anytime in the prior three seasons. The rule is based on year of birth; therefore, ropers who turn 70 within the calendar year are eligible as of January 1st of the year they turn 70 years young.


Quarreling or fighting in the arena or anywhere on the premises. Mistreatment of livestock. Misrepresenting or falsifying a classification number. Attempting to fix, threaten, bribe, influence or harass any WSTR official at any time, in or out of the arena, or talking with a Field judge/flagger at a time when an event is in progress. Engaging in, or attempting to engage in, any action threatening, berating, harassing, intimidating, assaulting or striking a roping official, a roping spectator, any official representative or employee of the WSTR or any WSTR Contestant anytime during, before or after an event.


Ropers attempting to fix, threaten, bribe, influence or harass any WSTR official at any time, in or out of the arena, will automatically be disqualified, forfeit entry fees, and face potential disqualification from future events at the discretion of the WSTR . If a roper uses any excuse to enter a roping advertising WSTR membership, at a number lower than his official Global Handicap, and this dishonesty results in winning a check, upon verification, the WSTR will immediately upwardly adjust that individual’s official handicap for a period of not less than one year. This also applies to any roper falsifying information on another ropers behalf.


WSTR reserves the right to disqualify any roper who does not act in a sportsmanlike, reasonable, or professional manner. Disqualified ropers forfeit all fees.


Bad checks made payable or declined or disputed credit card charges to the WSTR and USTRC to include vendors, The Team Roping Journal or producers holding an official WSTR sanctioned event will result in immediate ineligibility. Non-payment shall result in punitive action, which may include a handicap number increase, and/or legal action. Ropers who have competed on entry fees paid with a bad check, declined or disputed credit card charges are responsible for the debt, regardless of who made payment along with additional fees assessed.



There are only three legal head catches:

  1. Around both horns;
  2. Half a head (loop must be around one horn and head, one eye of the steer must look through the loop);
  3. Around the neck.

Any heel catch behind both shoulders is legal if the rope goes up heels

Illegal Catches might include but are not limited to:

  • If the Hondo passes over one horn and the loop over the other, the catch is illegal.
  • If a loop crosses itself in a head catch, it is illegal. This does not include heel catches.
  • All bridle catches are considered illegal.


If the heeler ropes a front foot or feet in the heel loop, this is a foul catch. Should the front foot or feet come out of the heel loop prior to the team calling for time, the time will be counted. Field judge/flagger will not allow any extra time for a front leg to come free.


Should a header rope any leg (horse or steer), it’s an automatic no time. Under no circ*mstance will the header be allowed to fish out the leg.

2.1.3 LOOPS

Roping steers without releasing the loop will be considered no catch. A Roper is not allowed to ride up and remove the loop or put the loop over the other horn or head with his/her hands.


The Field judge/flagger will decide any questioned catches. If a Field judge/flagger tells the header to hold the steer so the Field judge/flagger may inspect the head catch, and the header does not do so, the team may receive a no-time.


Flagging on the heels will be permitted in specified events and/or divisions. This means the official will "drop the flag" and end the run once the heeler has a legal catch, without the header facing. Time is taken when the flag is dropped, however, that time is not official until the field judge/flagger gives indication to the timer.


  • Heeler:
    • Heeler must have a full dally and be in control of the run. The rope must be tight from the steer or heifer to the heeler's saddle horn.
    • Heel horse must be facing the steer.
    • Heel horse's front feet must be on the ground and both ropers must be mounted when time is taken.
  • Header:
    • Header must have possession of their rope and fully mounted when flag is dropped.


Time will be taken when the steer is roped, secure between both partners, both horses are facing the steer with ropes dallied and tight. Horses front feet must be on the ground and ropers must be mounted when time is taken. Steer must be standing up when roped by head or heels. Time is taken when flag is dropped, however, that time is not official until the Field judge/flagger gives indication to the timer or secretary. The flagger may flag a team out after a time is taken on a run, based on an illegal head catch or illegal heel catch, steer was not secure or any other factor that was not clear when time was taken.


A roper is encouraged to use a quick release for tied on ropes. Global Handicaps reserves the right to revoke Tie On Permissions at any time. Under no circ*mstances can a 'header' tie on. Ropers who heel will be allowed to tie on based on the following rules:

Age Based Rules:

Age Requirements are on year of birth (except for 13 year old girls as noted below). As an example, if the birthday is in July, your effective age date is January of that same year.

Male Ropers:

  • 60 Years Old: Any heeler 60 years or older may tie on regardless of classification number.
  • 55 Years Old: Any heeler 55 years and older with a classification of a #5.5 or below will be permitted to tie on.

Female Ropers:

  • 13 Years Old: Any female heeler 13 years and older may tie on, on or after the DAY of their 13th birthday. (Under no circ*mstances can child 12 years or younger tie on.)

General Rules: Assuming age requirements are meant the following rules also apply:

  • A roper cannot dally over the top of a tied on rope or tie on device, the result is an automatic disqualification.
  • A roper may not reattach his/her rope or dally with a loose tied on rope.
  • Should a tied rope inadvertently come loose from the saddle horn or otherwise become detached during the course of a run, the team will be disqualified.
  • After receiving proper medical documentation, Global Handicaps, at its sole discretion, may grant a tie on permission for medical or handicap circ*mstances for a specified period of time.
  • Ropers acknowledge that, if a tied on rope presents a hazardous situation, the field official may be required to cut the rope at the heeler's expense.


Except in the Open, #14.5 and higher divisions and specifically excluded add-on events, the age limit for participation is 21 years. A 21-year-old is determined based on year of birth, not birth date. Therefore, a roper is considered 21 years old from January 1, thru December 31 of his/her year of birth.


Ropers who are 15 or younger based on year of birth can buy the Junior Global Card receiving full WSTR memberships benefits.


Will not be permitted. The direction of the steer’s body must be changed before the heel loop can be thrown. However, if the steer stops, it must only be moving forward for the heel loop to be legal. Any heel loop thrown before the completion of the initial switch will be considered a crossfire and no time will be recorded. Animal must be in tow before the heel rope is released.


A dropped rope that must be recoiled is considered a thrown rope.


Should a team call for a steer before the arena is clear, and are subsequently interfered with by the steer or team still in the arena, this will not be recognized as interference and they shall NOT receive a rerun.



At the Finale and all major events where formal cowboy attire is advertised or required, ropers must wear a cowboy hat or no hat. Caps will not be permitted. Cowboy attire is defined as shirts with a sewn on collar, buttoned front styling, with long sleeves (sleeveless shirts not permitted) and cowboy boots, or approved laced cowboy shoe with a heel. Ladies attire under formal cowboy attire is the same as men. Unless a medical exemption is made, heeled or any type tennis shoes will not be permitted. Failure to observe dress code will result in a no-time on any steer qualified.


Ropers must wear a cowboy hat or no hat. Caps will not be permitted. Exceptions to Caps: Ladies will be permitted to wear style caps or caps of WSTR sponsors at OUTSIDE arenas only. In addition, contractors/producers may wave the hat rule during inclement weather (excessive wind, rain). Shirts must have a collar and at least two buttons, short or long sleeve. Shirt rule is same for men and women (sleeveless shirts and tank tops not permitted.) Unless a medical exemption is made, heeled or any type of tennis shoes will not be permitted. Failure to observe dress code will result in a no-time on any steer.


A team who fails to compete in any short round is automatically disqualified from the aggregate and thereby forfeits all money, prizes, points and shoot-out positions related to the aggregate.


A team who ropes out of order in a short round will automatically receive a no time.


In ropings where ropers are allowed to enter more than once, ropers are permitted to enter “Up and Back” - (switching ends with same partner).


In the event of an emergency involving a competing roper, his family or his horse, the contractor may draw that team out and refund their money, even though they may have already competed and taken some but not all of their runs; excluding the short round.


  • Open 7HD/8HL
  • #16.5 6HD/8HL
  • #15.5 6HD/7HL
  • #14.5 5.5HD/7HL
  • #13.5 5HD/6.5HL
  • #12.5 4.5HD/6HL
  • #11.5 4HD/5HL
  • #10.5 - #6 No Floor
  • No Floor/Caps in Legends Ropings.



Flag passing is not permitted. Producer shall not permit flaggers to rope in a roping event he/she is flagging, unless the event is using rotations and more than one flagger is in use.


The Field judge/flagger has an obligation to control the domain within the boundaries of the arena. That includes anyone trying to warm up, extend a waiting line, sit in the back of the arena, or in any way be in position to interfere.


A contestant may point out to the official an incorrect communication between the Field judge/flagger and timekeeper. In addition, if the ability of a team to compete was impaired by physical conditions in the arena or physical conditions of the steer he/she may appeal to the Field judge/flagger immediately. A contestant may also request a flagger to explain a call, however, this explanation is not a discussion or debate and the roper shall immediately exit the arena after receiving the explanation. The flagger has performed his/her function of making the call.


Any question or further discourse concerning the call should be addressed directly to the contractor/producer immediately. The decision of the Field judge/flagger is not final. The event contractor or association official after listening to the roper’s perspective, discussing and studying all information has the right to override a call he/she believes is incorrect. If the contractor/producer’s decision overrides the Field judge/flagger, and that ultimate decision results in the awarding of purse monies, the producer is required to inform the association of that decision and the circ*mstances surrounding that decision. In the event that a roper decides to question a decision beyond the roping event via social media, WSTR may utilize its authority under 1.1.2.


Flagging on the heels will be permitted in specified events and/or divisions. This means the official will "drop the flag" and end the run once the heeler has a legal catch, without the header facing. Time is taken when the flag is dropped, however, that time is not official until the field judge/flagger gives indication to the timer.



  • Heeler must have a full dally and be in control of the run. The rope must be tight from the steer or heifer to the heeler's saddle horn.
  • Heel horse must be facing the steer.
  • Heel horse's front feet must be on the ground and both ropers must be mounted when time is taken.


  • Header must have possession of their rope and fully mounted when flag is dropped.


If in the opinion of the Field judge/flagger one or both members of a team stops competing during the course of a run, the Field judge/flagger has the right to flag the team out.


If a roper has had the opportunity to enter the box and can neither get the horse in the box, nor bring the horse under control while in the box, and in the opinion of the Field judge/flagger this situation has become excessive (holding up the roping) a three-strike notice will be given. If the roper does not call for the steer on the 3rd attempt the Field judge/flagger has the option of declaring a no-time on the run. Should this occur on the first steer, the team will receive their entry fees back. If this occurs on the second or third steer (or on the fourth steer in a five-steer aggregate), the team may receive their fees back, only if they qualified the previous steer or steers. The refund rule is not valid for any short round.


Steer belongs to the ropers when called for by the header. Except for mechanical failure the team accepts the situation “as is” regardless of what happens.


During the course of a run, if the contestant or steer is visibly fouled or they can visibly see that they will be fouled, the roper must declare by pulling up or attempting to pull up and not try to go on with the contest. If the roper does not declare, he/she accepts the situation the way it is.


If the roping stock is visibly injured as the run begins, including a broken horn, the team must declare themselves by pulling up immediately. The Field judge/flagger may stop a run at any

time an injured animal is observed allowing the animal to be removed from the competition. This action will result in a rerun for that team.


If in the opinion of the Field judge/flagger a non-visible broken horn existed prior to the beginning of a run, he has the option to declare a rerun. However, no rerun shall be awarded where clearly the broken horn was caused by the run itself, or if the Field judge/flagger suspects the broken horn occurred during the run. If run is completed and time taken, even though a broken horn is clearly visible, time shall stand and the Field judge/flagger will remove that animal from the competition.


If a roper believes he/she was fouled but has no visible or obvious way of knowing, for instance that a chute or barrier malfunctioned, the roper must qualify in order to get a rerun.


If the gate fails to open in the first attempt, the chute operator must stop and wait for another nod from the roper. Whatever happens prior to the nod is not to be considered, (horse cannot break a barrier before the roper calls for the animal). If a steer is inadvertently released or escapes the head gate, the team in the box will be rolled and given another steer (exception: in the short round, the team must rope the next available steer in the chute).



WSTR, or WSTR official(s), reserve the right to withdraw any steer from the herd at any time. Head duckers, draggers, stoppers, eliminators, unusually slow cattle and cattle that turn back into the corners shall be pulled from the herd immediately as they surface during the WSTR qualification roping. Removal from the draw does not automatically result in a rerun for the team roping a steer removed. However, a rerun may be awarded if, in the opinion of the Field judge/flagger, that a steer in question did not afford a team the opportunity to compete.


The right to withdraw a steer from the herd at any time is required as sorting occurs continually throughout most professionally run events. Speed sorts are occurring, and in addition some contractors sort short rounds. Occasionally, cattle begin to show wear and are sorted or pulled in anticipation, before they might foul a team in the future. Teams may not request a rerun simply because a steer is sorted from the herd. Neither are reruns automatic when the horn wraps are pulled.

5.1.2 RERUNS

Reruns will be determined by the Field judge/flagger and will be offered without a request from the roper. If a rerun is not awarded on a steer that a team feels did not afford them the opportunity to compete, they may ask for an explanation, but not argue or discuss the lack of rerun with the Field judge/flagger. They may immediately request a review by the roping Contractor/Producer who has the final decision in these matters. If a barrier penalty is assessed and the rerun is a result of a field issue, the barrier penalty carries to the rerun with a lap and tap (no additional barrier penalty assessed).


If a WSTR roper excessively abuses an animal by any unnecessary non-competitive or competitive action, that roper shall be disqualified and forfeit all entry fees. The Field judge/flagger shall immediately inform the announcer that the contestant has been disqualified, and announcer will immediately announce the disqualification due to unnecessary roughness of livestock.


No animal shall be treated inhumanely or prodded excessively. Standard electric prods shall be used as little as possible. Animal shall be touched only on the hip and shoulder area with prod.


Any roper who fails to release a steer following a run, continues to hold pressure on a steers head, resets or re-ropes a steer moving into the stripping chute, may be disqualified from the competition. This does not apply to ropers who hold up the steer to allow other teams to clear the stripping chute or alley, or headers who are assisting a steer to find the stripping alley or chute.


Any contestant who fails to heed an initial warning from a Field judge/flagger that the roper is mistreating an animal will forfeit their entry fees in all divisions for the remainder of that event.



A 5-second penalty will be added for beating the barrier. The penalty for beating the heel barrier will always be the same as the penalty for beating the head barrier.


Height of barrier eyes shall be from 32 to 36 inches, measured at the center of the box. In the case of the WS steer chute barriers, offset eyes and barrier curtains are permitted.


All score line lengths are to be set by the Producer in accordance with arena conditions and steer speed. Every effort should be made to avoid 5 second runs, and based on prevailing break out clock variances, every effort should be made to have the majority of the herd turn at the middle of the arena.


Where possible contractors are asked to use the World Series barrier.


Header eye distance shall be set at 9 feet from the headers butt bar, unless box construction prevents those measurements. Heeler eye distance shall be 11 feet from the heelers butt bar, unless box construction prevents that measurement.


Shall be set at 9 inches from the end of open chute gates. Contractor is permitted the option of setting the steer eye up to one and one-half feet from the open chute gates in some higher number divisions based on cattle speed.


Any roping forced to use a rope barrier will observe PRCA rules.


Should a barrier/timer malfunction during the natural course of a competition, either for the roper or against the roper, the field judge/flagger may offer the option of awarding a rerun or the ropers may elect to keep their time including the barrier penalty. NOTE: The steer need not be qualified on to receive a rerun. However, there shall be no disagreement or question that there was a barrier/timer malfunction.



Recording for personal use will be permitted, however, in any event where commercial video services or live Internet feed is offered, public usage is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized reproductions, Internet postings or a commercial sale of home videos is strictly prohibited.


By payment of membership in or entry into the WSTR Finale or a qualification event, ropers grant permission to the rights of their image, likeness and sound of their voices as recorded on audio or video tape without payment or any other notice or consideration. These images may be edited, copied, exhibited, published or distributed and ropers waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein their likenesses appears. Additionally, ropers waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of an image or recording. Material may be used for diverse promotional and educational purposes within an unrestricted geographical area.


The WSTR prohibits any Calcutta or any other organized gambling with WSTR ropings without prior written consent.

7.4 DOGS

No dogs allowed in spectator area or arena. If dogs are allowed on premises they must be leashed.


There will be no unauthorized sales conducted on roping grounds.

SECTION 8 – Unconditional Release

Download Release Form

MEMBERS ATTEST THAT THEY HAVE READ AND VOLUNTARILY AGREE TO THE RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT UPON ENTRY and/or purchase of membership, and further agrees that no oral representations, statements or inducements apart from the foregoing written agreement have been made. Equine Network, LLC., dba World Series of Team Roping has the right to refuse entry or membership to anyone for any reason it deems necessary, including but not limited to classification issues. Questions or concerns should be directed to the WSTR Office at 505-898-1755.

Each participant is fully aware, completely understands, and accepts that participation in a World Series of Team Roping Event, whether as a contestant, independent contractor, employee, volunteer, exhibitor, sponsor or spectator, is dangerous and that the events and activities associated with, relating to, arising out of, and concerning this participation present substantial, serious, and real risks of personal injury or death to the participant, and the loss of, damage to, or destruction of the participant’s personal property including livestock.

In Consideration of being permitted to participate in the World Series of Team Roping and its individual events or add-on events, the participant for himself/herself and all persons under his/her management and control including minor children, does acknowledge the dangers inherent in horse related events, and in the use of the facilities, fully and completely accepts and assumes these substantial, serious, and real risks whether or not apparent, known, unknown, foreseen, unforeseen, present, or contingent, and whether or not caused by any negligence of the Released Parties, or the negligence of any contestant, volunteer or spectator including but not limited to, any negligence associated with the design or designing, staging, supervising, maintaining or in any way presenting, conducting or sponsoring the Event, further does agree to use extraordinary care and prudence in his/her activities and those of charges, and does:

HEREBY RELEASE, WAIVES, DISCHARGES AND COVENANTS NOT TO SUE the organizers or any subdivision thereof, sponsors, chairmen, agents, officials, and does;

HEREBY AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS Equine Network, LLC., dba World Series of team Roping, its sponsors, its agents, its venue owners and representatives, servants, employees, and other representatives from any claim, demand, or liability for personal injuries or property damage arising from participation or use and enjoyment of the event and facilities. Parents of ropers younger than 18 who participate acknowledge the full and unconditional release for participation for their child.

PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS: Participant(s) grant permission to the World Series of Team Roping and affiliated entities to use photographs, videos, recordings and/or words said by participants in its promotional and advertising materials without notification or compensation.

ASSURANCES. The participant fully understands and agrees that this Release is to be interpreted and applied in the broadest and most comprehensive manner in favor of the RELEASED PARTIES. The participant agrees that he/she has full power authority, capacity and right without limitation to sign, deliver and perform this Release. This release shall be and is binding upon the participants and his/her spouse, legal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns. The undersigned agrees that the laws of the State of New Mexico and/or the State of Delaware govern this Participation Release. The participant also agrees that upon entry to any event, he or she has read and understands said agreement whether the signature has been returned or not.

World Series of Team Roping (2024)


What is the payout for the World Series of team roping finale? ›

The Ariat World Series of Team Roping Finale paid out $18 million in 2023, in the event's 17th edition in Las Vegas in December.

How to qualify for the WSTR finale? ›

FINALE ENTRIES - There are several ways to "ENTER" the World Series of Team Roping Finale. Qualification: Ropers may qualify at a qualification roping, by winning $4,000 as a team and entering within 30 days of their win.

What is the crossfire rule in team roping? ›

The direction of the steer's body must be changed before the heel loop can be thrown. However, if the steer stops, it must only be moving forward for the heel loop to be legal. Any heel loop thrown before the completion of the initial switch will be considered a crossfire and no time will be recorded.

How to watch the world series of team roping finale? ›

The Daddy WSTR will be live July 18 - 22 starting at 8:30 am MST daily. is your home to livestreams and video archives of some of your favorite Ariat World Series of Team Roping events. Binge the Finales, American Rodeo Contenders, and more.

Do World Series winners get a bonus? ›

When it comes to the financial aspect of winning the World Series, there is no fixed amount that the champions receive. The money paid out to the winners is determined by the 'Player's Pool' or prize money, which is generated from all the ticket sales during the MLB playoffs.

How much does a franchise make for winning the World Series? ›

The Rangers emerged victorious in five games to earn their first ever championship in franchise history. As well as winning the coveted championship ring, the Texas team pocketed 35 million U.S. dollars in prize money, with the players' pool for the winners amounting to around 440 thousand U.S. dollars.

Do team ropers pick their partners? ›

Choose The Right Partner

You'll probably need to try out more than one horse to find your roping match. Give them a trial at a jackpot roping or in a practice pen.

What is a handicap in team roping? ›

Each roper is assigned a handicap number, ranging from 1 to 9 for headers and 1 to 10 for heelers, which reflects their skill level. This number is determined by their past performance and competition results.

Who owns the World Series of team roping? ›

The World Series of Team Roping was sold in 2015 to a company that is now called Equine Network which is part of a larger group of companies that cater to equine enthusiasts and industry professionals, with live events, and all types of publishing and digital experiences.

What is a dally in team roping? ›

Dally: The dally is when the header catches the steer, then wraps the rope around its saddle horn. This is a key move that must be executed properly, or else it could severely injure the header's fingers or hand.

Is a neck catch legal in team roping? ›

The header ropes first and must make one of three legal catches on the steer — around both horns, around one horn and the head or around the neck. Any other catch by the header is considered illegal and the team is disqualified.

What is the 2 1 roping method? ›

A 2:1 roping arrangement is where the rope ends are connected to a secure structure at the top of the lift shaft, runs down and around a sheave or sheaves on top of the lift car, back up and over the drive sheave, then down and around a sheave on the counterweight, finally terminating back at the top of the lift shaft.

How much is a World Series roping card? ›

This $500 card provides maximum value and added benefits for ropers that not only includes all the standard benefits of the Key Card but also a USRoper Roadside service membership ($188.00 value), an annual subscription to, the premier training platform ($348.00 value), all WSTR Finale and USTRC NFTR live ...

What is the number for World Series of team roping? ›

By Phone: Call WSTR office at (505) 898-1755.

Is the World Series over with? ›

The series began on October 27 and ended on November 1 with Texas winning in five games. The Rangers won their first World Series title since their founding in 1961. This marked the first time since 1989 in which consecutive championships were won by different teams from the same state.

How much does the National Finals Rodeo go round pay? ›

The total purse increased to $10,257,048 in 2021 and $10,900,098 in 2022. Based on the updated purse in 2023, the increase will see round winners take home $30,706 per round and average winners earn $78,747. Each go-round will pay a total of $99,053, while the average total will pay $297,159 per event.

What are the prizes for breakaway roping? ›

The Top 15 breakaway ropers will compete for prize money of $250,000 during the two-day, 10-round performance.

Where is the World Series of Team Roping finale in Las Vegas? ›

The Ariat WSTR Finale is the second largest equestrian event in the world and is focused on the sport of amateur handicapped team roping. Held each year at the South Point Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, "The Finale" has continued to be the premier team roping event since its inception in 2006.

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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.