7 Fruits and Veggies You Haven’t Spiralized Yet! (2024)

Healthy Recipes

7 Fruits and Veggies You Haven’t Spiralized Yet! (1)
7 Fruits and Veggies You Haven’t Spiralized Yet! (2)


Lauren Bedosky and Abigail Libers

7 Fruits and Veggies You Haven’t Spiralized Yet! (3)


Kelly Kennedy, RDNcourtesy ofAmerican College of Lifestyle Medicine

Updated on January 5, 2024

7 Fruits and Veggies You Haven’t Spiralized Yet! (4)

Swap pasta for veggie noodles for steadier blood sugar.

If you’re looking for a fun way to add more fruits and veggies to your meals, meet the spiralizer.

This kitchen tool, which allows you to make noodles out of veggies such as zucchini, provides an easy way to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. And if you’re following agluten-free, low-carb,orketogenic diet, these noodles can replace more traditional types of pasta to keep you on track.

They also have fewer calories and carbs than pasta. A typical serving size for pasta is 1 cup of cooked whole-grain spaghetti — that’s 240 calories and 47.6 grams (g) of carbs,per the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)— but many people load up their plate with three or four times that amount, saysSharon Palmer, RDN, a dietitian who specializes in plant-based eating in Ojai, California.

Meanwhile, 1 cup of cooked zucchini slices contains only 27 calories and 4.8 g of carbs,notes the USDA. By swapping veggie noodles for the grain-based kind, you can also score plenty of vitamins and minerals that your body needs, such as vitamins A and C, manganese, and lutein.

RELATED:The 12 Best Veggies to Eat on the Ketogenic Diet

But if you’ve been spiralizing the same star produce for a while (we’re looking at you, zucchiniandcarrots), it’s time to add a few new players to the rotation. There are a host of veggies, as well as fruits, that are delicious when spiralized into meals.

Check out this list of lesser-known produce that’s easy and tasty to spiralize. From beets to bell peppers, these game-changers might just start a noodle revolution in your home.


Butternut Squash Is Full of Vitamins, Fiber, and Flavor

7 Fruits and Veggies You Haven’t Spiralized Yet! (5)

This fall favorite offers a rich, sweet flavor and a pretty golden color. It’s also rich in fiber and vitamins A and C, Palmer says.

Vitamin Asupports vision and immune health,according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Meanwhile,vitamin Chelpsyour immune systemdefend you against harmful invaders and scavenges damaging free radicals,research has found.

You’ll net a whopping 745 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin A (that’s 83 percent of your daily value, or DV), and 29.4 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C (33 percent of your DV), along with 63 calories, 1.4 grams (g) ofprotein, 0.1 g offat, 16.4 g of carbs, and 2.8 g of fiber in a single cup of raw butternut squash (cubed), which covers about 11 percent of the DV,per the USDA and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Butternut squash is easier to spiralize than you might think. Simply slice off both ends of the veg (including the more bulbous side) and peel the veggie completely before running it through your spiralizer. You might want to cut it in half first to make it easier to work with, says Ali Maffucci, the New Jersey–based founder ofInspiralized, a lifestyle blog that provides inspiration for spiralizing foods. Sauté the noodles for 5 to 7 minutes, or roast them at 400 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes (do not boil the noodles), and voilà! You’ll have a tasty, slightly sweet pasta, says Maffucci. You can also try pulsing the noodles in a food processor to create butternut squash “rice.”

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Beets Make Potassium-Rich Noodles That Also Provide Antioxidants

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Sure, they can get a little messy, but spiralizedbeetsare well worth the trouble. These richly hued root veggies are packed with fiber and phytochemicals linked with health benefits, says Palmer.

Beets contain betalains, a group of plant pigments with potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that may help lower therisk of heart diseaseand cognitive decline,according to research.

Like otherplant foods, beets contain a variety of vitamins and minerals, including folate andpotassium, says Palmer.

Potassium, for instance, is essential for normal kidney and heart function, muscle contraction, and transmission of nerve impulses,according to the NIH. And one beet provides 266 mg (nearly 6 percent DV) of this mineral,according to the USDA.

To avoid staining your hands, consider wearing kitchen gloves while handling beets, suggests Maffucci. Slice off both ends of the beet and then peel it using a vegetable peeler. Run the beet through your spiralizer, and then wash the spiralizer immediately to prevent staining. The noodles can be eaten raw, or you can boil them quickly (for about 2 to 3 minutes), roast them at 425 degrees (for 5 to 10 minutes), or sauté them (for 5 to 7 minutes). Try tossing raw beet noodles withsalad greens, goatcheese, and walnuts for a salad that’s satisfying and healthy.

One raw beet offers 35 calories, 1.3 g of protein, 0.1 g of fat, 7.8 g of carbs, and 2.3 g of fiber for about 8 percent of the DV,according to the USDA.

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Turnips Make a Nutritious Addition to Soups, Salads, and Sides

7 Fruits and Veggies You Haven’t Spiralized Yet! (7)

Some may fearturnipsbecause of their bitterness, but when cooked, the root veggie softens and absorbs other flavors well, says Maffucci.

Turnips are high in fiber and certain vitamins and minerals, while offering a moderate calorie count, Palmer says. Case in point: A single medium-size turnip provides roughly 34 calories, 1.1 g of protein, 0.1 g of fat, 7.8 g of carbs, 2.2 g of fiber (about 8 percent of the DV), 25.6 mg of vitamin C (28 percent of the DV), and 233 mg of potassium (5 percent DV), according to the USDA.

Be sure to slice off both ends of the turnip and peel it completely before running it through your spiralizer. Turnip noodles may be boiled for 2 to 3 minutes, sautéed for 5 to 7 minutes, or roasted at 425 degrees for 10 to 12 minutes. They’re delicious when added to soups, salads, and sides. Try tossing them with roasted butternut squash, pine nuts, and goat cheese for a fall pasta dish you’ll want to make again and again.

RELATED:10 Healthy Fall Foods and the Best Ways to Eat Them


Jicama Is Versatile and Full of Nutrients

7 Fruits and Veggies You Haven’t Spiralized Yet! (8)

Jicama is the perfect example of how spiralizing a vegetable changes not only its shape and texture but also its flavor, says Maffucci. When eaten raw, jicama can taste bland, but it can add some crunchy texture to a salad or fruit tray. That said, when it’s spiralized, seasoned, and cooked, it can become anything from shoestring french fries to the basis of a no-cook noodle salad.

Plus, this perennial vegetable is packed with nutrients. “Jicama is rich in fiber, vitamin C, folate, and potassium,” Palmer says. You’ll score 26.3 mg of vitamin C (29 percent of the DV), 15.6 mcg of folate (4 percent of the DV), and 195 mg of potassium (4 percent of the DV), along with 49 calories, 0.9 g of protein, 0.1 g of fat, 11.5 g of carbs, and 6.4 g of fiber (nearly 23 percent of the DV) in a single cup, per the USDA.

To spiralize jicama, simply peel it using a peeler or your fingers, and load it into the spiralizer (you may want to cut it in half if it’s too large). Jicama noodles can be eaten raw, or they can be roasted at 400 degrees for 10 to 20 minutes, or sautéed for about 5 minutes.

RELATED:7 Low-Carb Veggies for Your Diabetes Diet


Broccoli May Be Tricky to Spiralize, but It’s Loaded With Fiber and Vitamins

7 Fruits and Veggies You Haven’t Spiralized Yet! (9)

Yes, you can spiralizebroccoli— the stalks, that is! It’s a little tricky and doesn’t yield perfect spirals, but it is doable, says Maffucci. And the effort will pay off in nutrition benefits. Not only is this cruciferous veggie a good source of fiber (2.4 g, or about 9 percent DV per 1 cup chopped,per the USDA), but it’s also packed with vitamin K (92.8 mcg, or 77 percent DVper 1 cup chopped), a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a key role in blood clotting and bone health,according to the NIH.

The key to spiralizing broccoliis to choose heads with wide stalks. Ideally, they should be no smaller than 1.5 inches in diameter, and as straight and long as possible, says Maffucci. (To find larger broccoli, shop at a farmers market or grocery stores that sell organic produce.)

Slice off the florets and cut off the bottom of the broccoli stem so that it’s even and flat. Load the stem onto the spiralizer and spiralize it as quickly as possible, applying strong pressure toward the blade. The noodles may not be pretty, so feel free to sauté them with other veggies, says Maffucci. In fact, adding the florets, which contain the bulk of the nutrients in broccoli, is a wise choice. One cup of chopped broccoli including the florets, which you would not spiralize, contains 31 calories, 2.6 g of protein, 0.3 g of fat, and 6 g of carbs,according to the USDA. To get the nutrients of both the stalk and the florets, you could also rice broccoli in the food processor.

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Bell Peppers Pack Color and Vitamin C Into Stir-Fries and Salads

7 Fruits and Veggies You Haven’t Spiralized Yet! (10)

Bell peppers add vibrant color and sweet, peppery flavor to any dish. They also have the added benefit of being high in vitamins and fiber and low in calories, Palmer says.

For example, one medium-size sweet green pepper contains 24 calories, 1 g of protein, 0.2 g of fat, 5.5 g of carbs, and 2 g (7 percent DV) of fiber. Peppers are also a great source of vitamins C and K, boasting 96 mg of vitamin C (106 percent of the DV), and 8.8 mcg of vitamin K (7 percent of the DV) in a single veggie,according to the USDA. Keep in mind that when veggies are cooked, vitamin C concentration diminishes, however, according toScientific American.

Bell peppernoodles are a great addition to stir-fries and salads — and they’re easier to spiralize than you might think. Simply slice the stem off the top of the pepper and place the pepper on your spiralizer with the stem side facing away from the blade. The seeded inside will get messy, but you can just toss that part out or add the seeds to a salad for an added dose of protein and fiber, per research. Try tossing green bell pepper noodles with cucumbers, chopped mint, sliced kumquats, sliveredalmonds, and slicedavocadofor a refreshing winter salad.

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Apples and Pears Make a Sweet, Fiber-Filled Dessert or Salad Topping

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Veggies aren’t the only produce that can be spiralized. Certain fruits, like apples and pears, can also be easily transformed into noodles, says Maffucci.

Apples and pears are great sources of fiber. One medium-size golden delicious apple has 4.1 g,according to the USDA, which is nearly 15 percent of the recommended DV. Opt for a medium-size pear and you’ll get slightly more fiber — 5.5 g (about 20 percent of the DV),per the USDA.

Eatingfiber-rich foodslike apples and pears comes with a host of health benefits, from helping your digestive system run smoothly to lowering your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes,according to research.

Plus, high-fiber foods tend to fill you up better than low-fiber foods, making you likely to eat less, which helps you reach or maintain a healthy weight,notes the Mayo Clinic. In fact, simply focusing on upping your daily fiber intake can help you lose weight, suggests one randomized trial.

Here’s what else you’ll find in a medium-size apple: 96 calories, 0.5 g of protein, 0.3 g of fat, and 23 g of carbs,according to the USDA.

Meanwhile, one medium-size pear contains 101 calories, 0.6 g of protein, 0.2 g of fat, and 27 g of carbs,according to the USDA.

Apples can be loaded straight into the spiralizer (no need to cut off the ends or skin). For pears, cut off the top (pointy end) and retain the skin before spiralizing (it’s not necessary to chop off the other end). Then, load it straight into the spiralizer with the narrow end facing the blade.

Incorporate apple and pear noodles into your favorite salad to add crunch and just the right amount of sweetness. The noodles can also be roasted (at 400 degrees for about 10 minutes) and topped with a pinch ofcinnamonand sugar for a delicious dessert.

RELATED:8 Impressive Health Benefits of Apples

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7 Fruits and Veggies You Haven’t Spiralized Yet! (2024)
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