Fleet Command (2024)

Fleet Command, also known as FLEETCOM and to foreign powers as the Terran Navy, is the main interstellar warfare branch of the Armed Forces of the Greater Terran Union. Originally a maritime branch, it transitioned to purely space-based operations in the early decades of the Union, as part of a vast military restructuring program. The official headquarters of Fleet Command is located in London on Earth, but many of its administration and command staff are located within the vast Fleet Shipyards and Anchorages in orbit of Acadia, located in the Sirius System.


  • 1 Organization
    • 1.1 Permanent Operational Fleets
    • 1.2 Naval Hierarchy
    • 1.3 Auxiliary Components and Planetary Establishment
    • 1.4 Combined Reserve Fleet Force
  • 2 Personnel
    • 2.1 Ranks and Officers
      • 2.1.1 Enlisted
      • 2.1.2 Commissioned Officers
      • 2.1.3 Executive Commanders
  • 3 Equipments and Ships
    • 3.1 Evolution of Ship Design


Permanent Operational Fleets[]

The core of FLEETCOM lies on the various component fleets in the operating forces of the Terran Navy. Each component is responsible for their respective area of responsibility across the GTU’s territories. However, unlike the more rigid fleet structure and names (such as the typical numbered fleets, i.e: 1st Fleet, 2nd Fleet etc) employed by many other galactic naval forces, FLEETCOM’s fleets are organized under a series of Numbered Expeditionary Fleets that contain up to ten battlegroup/task force (i.e: The Home Fleet’s Homeworld Defense Battlegroup or the 2nd Ex.’s Task Force Rodina), with each formation fielding about 5,000 to 13,000 combat starships at any given time. During peacetime, each of the Commissariats are afforded one Numbered Expeditionary Fleet to be stationed at strategic or major star systems within their area of responsibility and will not exceed the number of the Commissariats within the GTU (it has 7 Numbered Expeditionaries as of the end of War in Heaven). The number of Numbered Expeditionaries however could fluctuate according to military needs during wartime.

However, there are some irregular formations that are also organized as part of the permanent operational fleet. This could range from the Specialized Warfare Fleets such as Ryan’s Raiders and the Ghostbusters, or the recently formed Battlegroup Styx. Excepting the irregular fleets with their own primary mission, the mission of all Terran Navy fleets is the defense of the Sol System and Earth alone. As such any fleet that operates beyond the stellar boundary of Sol is considered on "expedition", thus leading to the caveat in every fleet title of "expeditionary".

Major Fleet FormationHeadquartersStatusInformation
Terran Home FleetEarth, Sol SystemActiveThe Terran Home Fleet is the oldest combat formation in the GTU, formed amongst the various squadrons of the old Space Warfare Branch. It is stationed at Earth as the defensive fleet for the GTU's capital as well the Core Region of the GTU
1st ExpeditionaryArtemis, Raznum CommissariatActive[CLASSIFIED]
2nd ExpeditionaryVolga, Aurora CommissariatActiveThe 2nd Expeditionary is notable for being the flag formation of the Federated Coalition Task Force during the War in Heaven, and commanded by Admiral Enim, the first Wessari Admiral in the Terran Navy.
3rd ExpeditionaryYangtze, Outer Rim CommissariatActive[CLASSIFIED]
4th Expeditionary (Suicide Squad)Fort Thermopylae, Thermopylae CommissariatTemporarily inactive, under major repairThe 4h Expeditionary fleet is a formation that exists in periodic configurations throughout GTU history. It has come to be known, only slightly jokingly, as "the Suicide Squad" due to its penchant for running into desperate situations that result in high casualty rates.
5th ExpeditionaryYeni Ankara, Sakaraya CommissariatActive[CLASSIFIED]
6th ExpeditionaryHorizon, Horizon CommissariatActive[CLASSIFIED]
7th ExpeditionaryLivonia, Augean CommissariatActive[CLASSIFIED]
8th Expeditionary[CLASSIFIED]Inactive[CLASSIFIED]
9th Expeditionary[CLASSIFIED]Inactive[CLASSIFIED]
10th Expeditionary[CLASSIFIED]Inactive[CLASSIFIED]
11th Expeditionary[CLASSIFIED]Inactive[CLASSIFIED]
Ryan's Raiders(VVS-989)Al-Waha Ringworld, Styx System, L-ClusterActiveThe most capable of FLEETCOM's formations. VVS-989 serves as quick reaction force specialized in unconventional warfare and surgical strikes deep within enemy territory. The fleet is also unique due to the emphasis on fast battleship, cruisers and destroyers, which gave the Raiders its signature strong offensive power and rapid mobility that would later be emulated by the future Battlegroup Styx and the Ghost Busters.
Ghost BustersStyx System, L-ClusterDisbandedThe Ghost Busters is a specialized formation that were formed to combat the Unbidden's incursion into the Milky Way Galaxy and, to lesser extend, against the aggression from the Jaz'Gavaz and the Xani, comprising of the surviving veteran elements of the 4th Expeditionary Fleet. Technically being part of the 2nd Expeditionary Fleet, in reality the Ghost Busters retains separate command from the 2nd Exp. True to its namesake, the Ghost Busters are famed for being the most capable fleet in combating the Unbidden.
Battlegroup StyxStyx System, L-ClusterDisbandedFormed in the aftermath of the First Terran-Florian War, the fleet was designated as the Expeditionary Fleet-sized formation that replaced the old Styx Garrison Forces. Apart from serving as the permanent defensive fleet formation for the L-Cluster, it is also serves as a quick reaction force in the event of war, owing to the L-Cluster's favorable position.

It can be presumed that the Battlegroup was disbanded long after the War in Heaven, possibly even absorbed by the other Expeditionary Fleets, with its role as the quick reaction force being replaced by VVS-989.

Naval Hierarchy[]

The hierarchy of the warship formations employed by Fleet Command vary in size throughout history, with each unit having their amount of warships required constantly expanding as the GTU's ability to build and man warships increasing exponentially as time marched on, as well as reflecting the need of protecting the vast swaths of its ever expanding territories.

As of the beginning of the War in Heaven, the naval hierarchy of the Fleet Command is as follows:

UnitsNumber of ShipsOfficers in CommandInformation
Battlegroup2+ FleetsFleet AdmiralBattlegroup is a the temporary formation that is only formed during wartime, such as in the case of invasion or campaigns in which the often vast theater of operation necessitates close coordination with multiple fleets. The Admiral in charge is temporarily given the rank of Fleet Admiral as the overall commander of the formation, which is then revoked upon disbandment of the Battlegroup. Battlegroup Styx is the only exception to this rule, reflecting the strategic value of the L-Cluster.
Fleet2+ Task Forces (10001+ vessels)Admiral or Vice Admiral (special cases)Forms the core of the Permanent Operational Fleets. During peacetime, each fleet of either the Home Fleet or the Numbered Expeditionaries is tasked with the overall protection of the entire Core Region or Commissariats respectively. A POF could vary in size, with the Terran Home Fleet boasting the largest fleet with a recorded 62,472 starships at the beginning of the War in Heaven.
Task Force2-10+ Divisions

(1001-10000+ vessels)

Vice AdmiralForms the core component of a singular fleet, with each task force tasked in protecting a star system (or more) during their peacetime operation, and only to be regrouped into the POF’s in the case of war

(Examples: Homeworld Defense Force, Task Force Rodina, etc)

Division2-10+ Flotillas

(101-1000+ vessels), not fixed for logistics divisions

Rear Admiral (for combat divisions), Commodore or lower (for logistic divisions)Forms the core component of a singular task force, with each task force being stationed on planets, space stations or even a whole sector within a star system during peacetime. Each division constitutes a myriad of specialized flotillas that can be customized according to the needs of the division, be it balanced, carrier-focused, battleship-focused and so on.

The exception would be the logistic divisions, a non-permanent formation than are often larger than regular division in term of size, comprised predominantly of supply ships, hospital ships etc. along with escorts of appropriate number

Flotilla2-10 Squadrons

(11-100 vessels)

CommodoreForms the core component of a singular division. Each flotilla is specialized, with corvette/destroyer/cruiser flotillas comprised entirely of ship types used for raiding or escort, while carrier/battleship/titans flotillas generally being made up of a mix of capital ships and escorts of smaller ships
Squadron2-10+ vesselsCaptain or CommanderForms the core component of a singular flotilla. Also known as wolfpacks, these units will be comprised entirely of one ship type (or one type of combat aircraft in case of spacecraft carriers). They are generally organized within groups of ten, although they are not necessarily fixed in number (it generally never goes beyond twenty though). This grouping is commonly used for the use of small area patrols or trade route protection during peacetime.
ElementA single vesselCaptain, Commander, Leftenant Commander or Leftenant (Senior Rate)The unofficial - and generally unused - designation for a single vessel. Each type of vessel is commanded according to its appropriate rank - titans, battleship and carriers by captains, while the remaining ship types by commanders. Leftenant commander and senior leftenant often serve as second-in-command for non-capital ships, while commanders for the capital ships anre expected to lead temporarily upon their superior’s absence.

Auxiliary Components and Planetary Establishment[]

FLEETCOM’s day-to-day operations are largely supported byan equally large and well organized network of auxiliary fleets, orbital/space installations, merchant fleets and planetary infrastructure to support the Permanent Fleets, both in peacetime and wartime. By the militaristic nature of the Terran state and its society, it is not surprising that even its auxiliary ships are moderately well-armed and/or armoured to some degree. Its greatest examples, the Mary Seacole-class hospital ships, are reputedly capable of sustaining heavy damage from corvette/destroyer packraids as well fighting said starships defensively, that it has received far more upgrades and retrofits than compared to the entirety of dedicated combat corvette classesfielded by the Permanent fleets.

In fact, it can be argued that Fleet Command owes much of its success and might due to its round-the-clock maintenance of its auxiliary components, and for a good reason; its militarization as well its history of constant, long warfare had caused Fleet Command to be more focused on the less-flashy aspects such as logistics, medical and economical to a fanatical degree, in anticipation of the worst-case scenario wherethe crippling of said aspects could heavily inflict the operational basis of FLEETCOM.

Among the key components and establishment ofFLEETCOM’s auxiliary forces include:

Fleet Logistics DivisionResponsible for the logistical needs of Fleet Command both during peacetime and during wartime, and the manning of fleets of supply ships, replenishment ship etc. Has a close working relationship with the merchant navy and myriad of shipping corporations.
Fleet Command's Engineering DivisionResponsible for the day-to-day maintenance of the Fleet's war machines (warship, weapons etc), and the manning of the repair ship armada designated for such purpose. Has a close working relationship with various state-owned and private industries.
Fleet Command's Medical ServicesResponsible for the health and medical needs of Fleet Command's personnel, as well the manning of the hospital ship armada during wartime. Notably known for their association with the Interstellar Order of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, a prestigious volunteer medical organization with history as far back as the 19th century
Fleet Command's Exploratory DivisionsResponsible for space exploration and navigation, as well the mapping, terraforming and colonization of planetary bodies across the Milky Way Galaxy. Current fields a respectable fleet of exploratory cruisers and is working in tandem with the Military Technological Research and Development for the manning of science ships
Fleet Command's Office of Religious AffairResponsible for the religious affair for many of the more religious personnel of Fleet Command in tandem with its counterpart in the Strategic Ground Command. They also have a close relationship with various religious figures and organizations (i.e: Catholic's Pope, Muslims Council of Caliph and Senior Scholars, etc) for the more delicate religious affairs, such as the declaration of crusades, jihad etc.
Fleet Command's Information, Signals and Propaganda DivisionResponsible of the maintenance of Fleet Command's information network, listening posts, signalling divisions etc. Working in tandem with Terran media and telecommunication industries.
Aerospace Training and Education CommandResponsible for the recruitment and the training of sailors and pilots for Fleet Command. Responsible for the manning of training ships, starfighters and military space academies.
Military Technological Research and DevelopmentResponsible for the research and development of various military and civilian technologies. Working closely with its counterpart in the Strategic Ground Command, Exploratory Division and the myriad of state and civilian industries.
Interstellar Military PoliceResponsible in maintaining the discipline of Fleet Command's personnel, as well act as its de-facto law enforcement body. Much of its members are drawn from the GTU’s Police Force witch it has close working relationship with.

Combined Reserve Fleet Force[]

In accordance with the agreement between the National Council (on behalf of the Terran Armed Forces) and the myriad of military forces across the GTU's sphere of influence, the officially designated ‘auxiliary forces’ are to be incorporated into FLEETCOM’s overall command structure with a level of autonomy and restrictions imposed upon these semi-independent military institutions. This could range from the respective Commissariats defence forces to the militaries of the GTU vassals.

Auxiliary ForcesInformation
United Americas Commissariats Guard (Space Division)A unified institution consisting of sea, land, air and space elements acting as the reserve defense force of the UAC similar like its predecessor, the Commonwealth National Guard. As their name suggests only the Space Division is bound by FLEETCOM, with Land/Sea and Air Division bound under LFC and Air Command respectively. By Union law, the UAC Guard could not become a federal entity. Its personnel and equipment however could be federalized during the direst national emergencies.
Sunda Commissariat Guard of Honor (Fleet Detachments)Designated as a ceremonial guard institution, it is historically linked with various prestigious military units of the pre-Tyrum Six Sister Nations, such as the Royal Malay Regiment (Malaysia), King’s Guard (Thailand), Philippines Marine Corps

and KOPASSUS (Indonesia). It is placed with several restrictions similar with the UAC Guard, but distinct from the aforementioned institution in that it serves as one of GTU’s elite counter-terrorist and commando units. It is frequently employed by Fleet Command for its expertise in ship boarding missions and guerilla actions in space.

Wessari Self-Defense FleetEstablished 50 years after the Wessari Annexation, it serves as the defense force of (and only limited to) the autonomous Artemis system. Many of the more prestigious wessari officers in FLEETCOM are drawn from this institution, thus giving it a sense of prestige across the wessari population and the Terran space as a whole.
Nimerium Self-Defense Force
Rixian Star Fleets
Faraxian Legions
Kaprisi Armed Forces


All citizens upon reaching the age of 20 who wish to join Fleet Command may take part in the mandatory national service for about 2-5 years. They start as spaceman second rate upon joining FLEETCOM, and gain the rank spaceman first rate afree about 1-2 years of service in accordance with their performance. During this time period the recruits are exposed to a myriad of combat environments, services, space tactics and so on as a way to evaluate and assign the trainees to the department in witch they excel most at. Unlike Land Force Command however, the average period for FLEETCOM’s term of enlistment is about 7 years (compared to a whopping 12 years minimum for LFC), making it a far more popular option for any citizens to enlist in. To deal with the constant overflow of applications, those who are deemed ‘unsuited’ for FLEETCOM’s service more often then not end up being transferred to either Air or Land Force Command (but not the other way around) due to the more pressing needs of manpower for both branches.

Like its Land Force and Air counterparts, any participating sailors are permitted to drop out from their service before the end of their mandatory service within any ‘justified cause’ such as injury beyond repair (physically or psychologically), long-term medical leave, or simply deemed unable to continue training any further. For the latter, this brings heavy risk of being deemed a ‘washout’ with problems such as social stigma and difficulty in increasing tier citizenship despite the GTU’s effort to remedy this problem. However, the GTU’s long experience of ‘washout dilemma’ in Land Force Command and the greater need for specialized trades compared to its other counterparts meant that a former FLEETCOM drop-out (or those listed for the aforementioned ‘cross-service transfer’) may be able to reenter training as part of the Reserves Training Program upon request, in which the former drop-out is instead trained as a vital, non-combatant personnel for various tasks such as administration, medical, engineering and logistics. This effort has at last remedied the washout dilemma that Fleet Command suffered to the point that Land Force Command themselves has been enthusiastically adopting this approach as well.

However, this isn’t the only means of enlistment that any citizens could apply. Those who desire in becoming an officer via fast-track means or those identified with specialized trades instead may take part in the myriads of specialized academies and/or higher education institutions run by the Aerospace Training and Education Command, ranging from the officers academy (ex: Chittagong Officers Academy, Earth), state-run universities (ex: New Kinabalu Military University, Acadia), starfighter academies (Marathon Training Center, Thermopylae Station) or even drawn from fully civilian-run universities depending on the graduates certification via recommendation (ex: a medical graduate from Harvard may receive recommendation/conscripted to join FLEETCOM’s Medical Service).

Ranks and Officers[]

Prior to the First Galactic War, the officers and ratings of the Terran Navy were almost exclusively drawn from the Human and - a few decades after the Wessari Annexation - Wessari population of the GTU, with other species that constituted the GTU population relegated to the Protectorate auxiliary fleets and planetary defense flotilla. The non-human soldieries were allowed to rise as enlisted and NCOs, although only the Wessari were able to petition the National Council to grant members of their species full commissions in the Navy as befitted to their declared citizenship tiers so far. Institutional resistance to the idea of non-human military officers at that time however prevented those who did gain commissions from rising high in the ranks.

Nevertheless, increasing support from the human population over the citizenship rights for the non-human population ensured that more xeno officers are to be included as part of the commissioned officer corps, but with the human population overwhelming the entirety of GTU’s non-human population it means that the COs will remain dominated by humans for most of the time. This changed after a series of catastrophic defeats at the First Battle of Soao and Xukkanis in which scores of senior officers perished, and the subsequent purging of other officers and command staff blamed for the disasters (including several marshals) resulted in many xeno officers getting promoted rapidly with two Wessari COs rising to Admiral rank. From the end of the First Galactic War onwards, the COs of Fleet Command were to be dominated by humans and other martially-inclined xenos, such as the Wessari, Faraxians and the formerly-nomadic Zhell’Zen, although Polenians and Rixians could still attain the rank without much difficulty.


  • Spacer (Second Rate)
  • Spacer (First Rate)
  • Leading Spacer
  • Petty Officer (Second Rate)
  • Petty Officer (First Rate)
  • Chief Petty Officer
  • Command Petty Officer
  • Master Chief Petty Officer

Commissioned Officers[]

  • Warrant Officers
  • Ensign
  • Lieutenant (Junior Rate)
  • Lieutenant (Senior Rate)
  • Lieutenant Commander
  • Commander
  • Captain
  • Commodore
  • Rear Admiral
  • Vice Admiral

Executive Commanders[]

Executive Commanders are Fleet Command officers that either held executive power within the National Council as a Marshal (doubles as FLEETCOM's Commander-in-Chief), or those deemed eligible to be granted say within the National Council and National Assembly due to their importance, such as the Chief of Staff, Chief of Headquarters, Chief of Naval Intelligence and the Fleet Admiral of Battlegroup Styx.

  • Admiral
  • Fleet Admiral
  • Marshal of Fleet Command

Equipments and Ships[]

Evolution of Ship Design[]

Fleet Command (1)

From the early days of the Space Warfare Branch, much of the design philosophy of Terran starships and their relevant equipment are mostly spartan and utilitarian in nature that are devoid of anything unnecessary. Unlike the more exploration-minded Star Concord and highly aristocratic Florians, its warship would be created solely for fighting, and this mindset also extended further into its civilian starship building; even its merchant vessels and luxury liners are in some way designed to be armed enough to be able to defend themselves.

During the mid 22nd century, its first true space warships were designed to be modular and simple based on a long, rectangular shape that from outside view would look very blocky, ugly and inelegant. The modular nature of its starship design allows each of its sections to be independent from one another, thus allowing easy maintenance, ability to maintain firepower in case of combat damage as well allowing a highly efficient use of resources during the process of shipbuilding. Its early space propulsion only comprised a single, powerful engine and lacked anti-gravity units to make efficient space and energy use compared to the extremely inefficient ship designs used by the Tyrum invaders decades earlier, at the cost of being unable to achieve atmospheric flight should it accidentally wander too deep into any planet’s gravity field and thus necessitated the use of space shuttles for supply and crew boarding.

But as the 23rd century reached its end, the technological leap of Terran shipbuilding prowess led to numerous innovation and improvement over humanity's starship technology, and in particular Fleet Command itself. For example, the novel multi-nacelles engine technology - long thought to be fuel inefficient compared to the single-engine design - become increasingly practical and economically feasible in line with advancement of fuel technology that allows ships to consume less fuel while allowing longer travel range compared to the previous century. This also allows starships to descent into a planet's gravitational well and perform atmospheric flight without problem, and subsequently eliminates the need for the often time-consuming and increasingly inefficient use of space shuttle for planet-to-ship boarding.

Furthermore, the aforementioned revolutionary engine technology had also brought numerous subtle changes over humanity’s starship design. Atmospheric flight for starships enables the use of anti-gravitic drives (along with its centuries of innovation and refinement) for the first time, allowing the installment of previously luxurious components to be economically viable even for military use. The ship’s overall look, while still retaining its utilitarian, modular and pragmatic design, had moved away from its signature blocky features and became more streamlined to necessitate optimal atmospheric and space travel of the warship. Furthermore, advancement of technology allowed humanity to progressively design larger and more powerful warships as time marched on, thus providing humanity a definite edge over the development of fast battleships, carriers and titans far ahead than the rest of the galaxy save the preexisting, waning Fallen Empires - all without sacrificing the resource efficiency on ship construction, manning and maintenance that are the trademark of humanity’s culture.

Armed Forces of the Greater Terran Union
High CommandUnion High Command
Main ServicesLand Force Command | Air Command | Fleet Command
Component ServicesFleet Command Naval Infantry | Union Fleet Aviation
Independent ServicsStrategic Command
Fleet Command (2024)


How to enter cheat code for Star Trek Fleet Command? ›

Access “Redeem Code” on the left-hand menu. Enter your Promo code and go back to the game to enjoy your reward! Promo codes are often used as a welcome for new Commanders, to reward Commanders' loyalty, or to promote special events or new game features.

What is the beginner code for Star Trek Fleet Command? ›


What is the point of Star Trek Fleet Command? ›

In Star Trek Fleet Command, players start out with a space station and one ship. They can explore galactic systems, interact with NPCs and other players as well as complete missions. Missions, mining and combat rewards give the player resources used to upgrade their space station and invest in new ships.

What is the Starfleet command code? ›

Every Active Code
EVISCERATOR24,000 Event Store CurrencyMust be OPs level 10 or higher
ENT3Artifact ShardsMust be OPs level 38 or higher
NX-01Exclusive RewardsMust be OPs level 40 or higher
KIRKUltra Recruit Token x4000 James T. Kirk Shards x100None
May 2, 2024

What is the new user code for Star Trek Fleet Command? ›

All Active Codes For Star Trek Fleet Command
CodeRewardOps Level Requirement
KIRK100 Kirk Shards; 4 Ultra Recruit PointsNone
NX-01Exclusive Rewards42
1 more row
May 16, 2024

How many drydocks can you have in Star Trek Fleet Command? ›

At the beginning of the game, you get one drydock for free and start with a single ship. The second drydock will open when you complete the “Fleet Commander” research. You can have 5 drydocks and 5 ships in total. (This research requires you to use increasing amounts of Dilithium and Parsteel each time.)

What is the max number of missions in Stfc? ›

You can have up to 54 active missions in your list. We highly encourage players to complete their active missions and not keep them in their list for a long time. Note that having a large number of active missions may prevent you from accepting or earning new ones, or can cause some of your missions to disappear.

How much money does Star Trek Fleet Command make? ›

Scopely's Star Trek Fleet Command Revenue Warps Past $10 Million Per Month.

How do you unlock Spock in Star Trek Fleet Command? ›

You can earn your first Fleet Commander, either Kirk or Spock, by completing the mission “Legends of the Cosmos”. Each Fleet Commander provides unique benefits when on duty which can be viewed from the Command Center building on your station, so be sure to take a look at their abilities before choosing!

How do you get Franklin a Star Trek Fleet Command? ›

How to obtain the Franklin-A? You'll be able to unlock the Franklin-A by scrapping your Franklin and earning bonus materials. These materials vary and depend on the ship's level; a maxed out Franklin will provide the Advanced Data Cores for a full set of Franklin-A blueprints!

How do you unlock deep space in Star Trek Fleet Command? ›

The minimum Operations level needed is 38, and you can reach the Deep Space by completing the main missions (framed with a Golden border). The missions that will lead you to access Deep Space are: Buying Silence. Distant Memories.

How many people are playing Star Trek Fleet Command? ›

The “Star Trek Fleet Command” fan base is indeed engaged. There is a multitude of active players — nearly 20 million downloads, with hundreds of thousands logging in every day — and the majority of those players are in it for the long haul, with 90 percent of them sticking around for at least a year.

Is Earth in Star Trek Fleet Command? ›

Starfleet Command is located on Earth, the system's third planet, as is the seat of Federation government.

What happens when your base is attacked in Star Trek Fleet Command? ›

Once you reach Operations level 15, you can engage in Station Combat. You can attack other players' stations and this means others can attack you as well. When another player attacks your station, they will be fighting against your Defense Platforms, as well as any of your combat ready ships that are currently docked.

How do you enable cheats in Star Trek Elite Force? ›

Press ~ to bring up the console, then enter sv_cheats 1 to enable cheat mode.

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