On Shabbat, Should One Begin Cutting The Challah Before Reciting Hamotzi? - Kosher.com (2024)

Written by Rabbis Eli Gersten, Yaakov Luban, and Moshe Zywica of the Orthodox Union

On a weekday, a cut should be made before theberacha, but the Rema (Shulchan Aruch OC 167:1) writes that on Shabbat one should not make a cut in the challah before reciting theberacha. The concern is that one might cut too deep and the loaf would no longer beshaleim(complete). While it is always better to reciteHamotzion a whole loaf of bread, on Shabbos it is obligatory. Themitzvahto reciteHamotzion lechem mishneh(two loaves) on Shabbat requires that they both be whole. During the week, we begin cutting the loaf before reciting theberachato minimize thehefsek(delay) afterwards. If one accidentally cut the challah too far, although not ideal, it will not pose a problem. However, on Shabbos, if the cut was so deep that one cannot pick up the challah from the side that was cut without the challah separating in half, it is no longer considered whole. Therefore, the Rema writes that on Shabbat it is better not to cut at all.

The Magen Avraham (274:1) writes that themedakdekim(those who are extra careful) make a mark with their knife on the Shabbat challah before reciting the beracha, rather than cutting into the bread. What is the purpose this mark? Surely this will not help slice the bread any faster. The Machetzit Hashekel explains that the one recitingHamotziis supposed to first cut from the loaf one large piece from which he will then cut smaller pieces so that everyone present can receive akezayit (halachic serving). If one did not mark where they are going to cut, it might take a few moments to assess the proper place to cut. To avoid ahefsek, it is best to decide in advance where the cut will be made and make a mark.

On Shabbat, Should One Begin Cutting The Challah Before Reciting Hamotzi? - Kosher.com (2024)


On Shabbat, Should One Begin Cutting The Challah Before Reciting Hamotzi? - Kosher.com? ›

While it is always better to recite Hamotzi on a whole loaf of bread, on Shabbos it is obligatory. The mitzvah to recite Hamotzi on lechem mishneh (two loaves) on Shabbat requires that they both be whole. During the week, we begin cutting the loaf before reciting the beracha to minimize the hefsek (delay) afterwards.

When to say hamotzi? ›

It is recited any time that bread is consumed, and usually with special ceremony at Shabbat dinner, right before the challah is eaten.

What is the blessing for challah on Shabbat? ›

Motzei: Challah or bread

Barukh ata Adonai, Eloheinu Melekh ha-olam, hamotzee lehem min ha'aretz. Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, Who creates bread from the earth.

What is the blessing for Hamotzi bread? ›

Before taking the first bite of food, the following blessing is recited: Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheinu Melech ha-olam, hamotzi lechem min ha'aretz. Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has brought forth bread from the earth.

Why are there two challahs on Shabbat? ›

The term “challah” is applied more widely to mean any bread used in Jewish rituals. On the eve of Shabbat, two loaves are placed on the table to reference the Jewish teaching that a double portion of manna fell from heaven on Friday to last through the Saturday Shabbat.

Can you say hamotzi without washing? ›

You do not need to say the blessing on washing hands again. Situation: You said ha'motzi without having washed your hands first. What To Do: Up until the time you say birkat ha'mazon, you must interrupt your meal and wash your hands. Note: Say al netilat yadayim ONLY if you will still eat at least 1.9 fl.

What does hamotzi mean in Hebrew? ›

Hebrew hammōṣī, literally, the one who brings forth; from the concluding words of the benediction.

Is Ezekiel bread a Hamotzi? ›

This method involves soaking them in water to soften before grinding into “flour” and preparing the bread dough. Additionally, sometimes the bread contains a small percentage of crushed wheat kernel as well. Thus, the brachah is unquestionably Hamotzie.

What is the English translation of Hamotzi? ›

Hamotzi (Blessing over bread)

Blessed is the Oneness that makes us holy and brings forth bread from the earth. Phonetic Hebrew transliteration: Baruch atah Adonai eloheinu melech ha-alom ha-motzi lechem min ha-aretz.

Why do we light two candles on Shabbat? ›

By lighting two candles, we symbolise the duality of Shabbat. There are the laws we have to keep, as well as the meaningful messages we have to remember. There is the technical side of Shabbat with its rules, as well as the meaning that those rules are supposed to bring and the feelings they arouse.

Why do we dip challah in salt on Shabbat? ›

It is because salt is a natural preservative that does not spoil or decay. Due to this uniqueness of salt, it acts as an ideal metaphor for G-d's everlasting covenant with the believers of the Jewish religion.

Why do we have 3 meals on Shabbat? ›

TORAH LAW OR RABBINIC DECREE. The Levush writes that the obligation to eat three meals on Shabbat is by Torah law, because the obligation is derived from the manna.

Do you say Hamotzi on Ezekiel bread? ›

As the bread contains some of the five types of grain, the brocha for this bread is Hamotzi.

Do you say Hamotzi on pizza? ›

It should be noted that if the pizza dough is fully baked prior to adding the cheese (as is the case with some frozen Pizzas) the bracha would be Hamotzi. When the dough is baked alone, its status at that time is Hamotzi, and that does not change when a filling is added.

Do you say hamotzi on Rosh HaShanah? ›

Before eating, a prayer is said over the bread, which is called the Hamotzi. It's read as, "Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has brought forth bread from the earth." In Hebrew, participants pronounce it as, "Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheinu Melech ha-olam, hamotzi lechem min ha'aretz."

Do you say Hamotzi on gluten free bread? ›

However, most are produced from rice, tapioca, corn and other non-gluten grains such as quinoa or amaranth and one cannot recite Hamotzi on these products. These breads are considered either Mezonos or Shehakol, depending upon their ingredients.

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