Pemmican Process and Recipe - Pursuit with Cliff (2024)

To see every aspect of making pemmican… the world’s wholest and most awesome backcountry and survival food, check out my video on the process:

Below is the actual recipe I used for the three types of pemmican I make for backcountry trips. This process is a bit odd to write down as a recipe, because all aspects of the process are done to taste. This is fairly easy to accomplish, even for a novice cook, because all mixing is done post-cooking and post- processing. What you are tasting is the actual finished product, as you mix. There are not additional steps that are going to concentrate or otherwise mess with the flavor.

Just make sure that, as you mix ingredients to taste, you go little-by-little. You can always add more salt, fruit, honey, or pepper. However, good luck trying to squeeze tallow out of dried meat if you add too much in the first place!


Original/Carnivore Base-

Powdered Dried Beef or Wild Game (Smoked with Hickory/Mesquite or Apple/Cherry – Depending on your taste)

*It is critical that all fat has been trimmed from the meat before drying/smoking and grinding into powder.

Beef of Bear Tallow


Dried Fruit Pemmican Additions-

Dried Cherries

Dried Blueberries


Spicy Pemmican Additions-

Crushed Red Pepper


  1. Make meat and fruit powders through dehydration and smoking process. Dry all ingredients beyond what you would for direct consumption.
  2. Use a food processor to blend powders to a flour consistency.
  3. Render beef or bear fat (suet is preferred) – slowly heat trimmed fat until it turns to a clear liquid, strain off liquid. Let the liquid cool. This liquid is the rendered, shelf-stable fat to be used in the pemmican.
  4. Mix your dry powders and salt. Add salt at a rate of 1.5-1.9% of the total weight of your powders used. For the original recipe, your mix will only be meat/salt. For a dried fruit mix, start with 30% dried fruit and 70% meat powder. Increase sweetness to taste by increasing the fruit powder or by adding honey. For spicy dry mix, mix an original mix and then add crushed red pepper to taste. You can also add honey to the spicy mix to get the sweet/spicy thing going on.
  5. Heat up your tallow with a double boiler. Slowly add the melted tallow to your dry mix until the mixture can be formed with your hand. Go slow! At first the extreme dryness of the powders makes it seem like you will never develop any structure to the mix – then it quickly hits a saturation point. You want to use tallow just up until that point. If you go beyond, you will end up with extra greasy pemmican. The tallow will literally build up on the edges of the pemmican bars. This makes it hard to handle and less appetizing.
  6. Form the pemmican mix in baking dishes or casserole pans. My preference is 1/2″ to 3/4″ thickness.
  7. Let the pemmican cool at room temperature or in the fridge.
  8. Once solid, cut the pemmican into bars for packaging.

Pemmican Process and Recipe - Pursuit with Cliff (1)

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Pemmican Process and Recipe - Pursuit with Cliff (2024)


How to make pemmican step by step? ›

7 Steps to Follow for a Pemmican Recipe
  1. Choose your meat and berries. Mix and match different types of fruits and berries when you make your own pemmican. ...
  2. Dehydrate the ingredients. ...
  3. Grind the meat and berries. ...
  4. Strain out the fat. ...
  5. Mix the ingredients together. ...
  6. Cool the pemmican. ...
  7. Store the pemmican.
Apr 18, 2022

How does pemmican not go rancid? ›

Jerky, here defined as seasoned and dehydrated meat, is porous — when exposed to humidity, the dry jerky actually absorbs water vapor out of the air and begins to spoil. Pemmican, on the other hand, is not porous. The rendered fat in Pemmican seals the pores in the dry meat, so that humid air can't moisten the meat.

What is the ratio of fat to meat in pemmican? ›

There are many subtle variations of pemmican recipes, each owing to what was available in those regions and seasons. However, in order for pemmican to be shelf stable it does require a one-to-one ratio of fat to meat by weight; although some recipes call for a two-to-one ratio of fat to meat for extra calories.

How long will pemmican last if vacuum sealed? ›

If stored properly, pemmican can last from 3 to 5 years.

Can you use Crisco to make pemmican? ›

Ingredients. Lard (to hold together) Do not use shortening or butter.

Is suet or tallow better for pemmican? ›

Suet is the fat around the kidneys of the cow and works best for pemmican because it stays hard at room temperature and will help to preserve your meat.

What is the lifespan of pemmican? ›

At room temperature, pemmican can generally last from one to five years, but there are anecdotal stories of pemmican stored in cool cellars being safely consumed after a decade or more.

What cut of meat is best for pemmican? ›

My Pemmican Notes

Meat: Beef or bison. Grass-fed only. Round is a good cut. Prepping: Remove all visible fat.

Should you add salt to pemmican? ›

Add salt at a rate of 1.5-1.9% of the total weight of your powders used. For the original recipe, your mix will only be meat/salt. For a dried fruit mix, start with 30% dried fruit and 70% meat powder. Increase sweetness to taste by increasing the fruit powder or by adding honey.

Can you survive only on pemmican? ›

You don't want to survive on pemmican alone. Strenuous backpacking will lead to daily glycogen depletion, best re- plenished with carbohydrates. For low to moderate exertion of long duration, diets high in fat work relatively well, but require a prior period of adaptation.

Can you use deer fat to make pemmican? ›

The root of pimihkan, pimi, means fat. Many Native American tribes had their own version of pemmican. Later, European fur trappers and explorers adopted it for their own use in the New World. Pemmican ingredients varied widely, but they always included lean venison or buffalo meat mixed with fat.

How long does pemmican take to make? ›

A little Pecan and Apple wood over a 10 hour period should resemble the flavor of Pemmican being dried over a gentle camp fire. My starting temp will be around 200F for about an hour. I'll then reduce the heat to 165F for about 12 hours or until the meat is cracker dry.

What keeps pemmican from spoiling? ›

So, to sum it up, pemmican can shelf for a long time because it is dried to remove moisture and then coated with fat to keep away oxygen. This preservation method allows pemmican to stay edible for several years, making it a reliable and long-lasting source of food.

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