Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (2024)

So the word ‘Raj’ translates as King and ‘Ma’ as Mother. But, Rajma somehow translates to the rather more humble Kidney Bean.

However, there is something of the ‘Mother of all Beans’ in this north Indian signature dish. It’s a staple, but definately one that’s drooled over when it’s served up. It has the X factor.

Rajma reminds me of Kashmir where kidney beans are grown and traded.

When I was lucky enough to find a lull in the troubles of this region about 8 years ago I visited Dal Lake in Srinagar, the summer capital of Indian administered Jammu & Kashmir.

What can I tell you of Dal Lake and Srinagar?

Boats on Dal Lake, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir

It was heaven on earth.

Flower Seller on Dal Lake, Srinagar

It was rich in colour, culture, music, crafts, art, dried fruit, flowers, saffron, houseboats and just plain gorgeous.

The people were bewitchingly beautiful, with their green-grey eyes, dark hair and fair skin. In another world they would have been signed up by modelling agencies selling mundane objects like toothpaste or shampoo.

Kashmiri’s certainly don’t strut around like they know they are the peaco*cks of this world. They just get one with their every day lives trying to make a living in a dramatically stunning place with the usual theatre of life; it just so happened to be in a divided – heavily armed – state as the backdrop.

It was deeply sad to see what the troubles there had done to people desperate to have their lives and livelihoods restored with a return to tourism and trade.

Boat on Dal Lake, Srinagar

The one thing, (apart from Kashmir shawls, walnuts, dates etc.,) that everyone asked me to come back with was hessian sack loads of Kidney Beans for them.

Saffron is easier to carry.

Saffron trading on a houseboat in Srinagar

If I had the chance, I would go there again in a heartbeat. In the winter this time – to see the snow capped mountains that enveloped the Lake.

So Raj-Ma.

My love.

Here’s how I cook Rajma in my Punjabi kitchen in the UK, thinking of Kashmir:

This is very similar to my Channa Massala recipe. So, often I will cook a bulk load of the onion-ginger paste, keep in the fridge and use when I need it.

First a quick completely unrelated aside –

My Garam Massala Recipe is the FOODISTA Recipe Blog of the day!

How very exciting!!

You need this:

1 cup dried kidney beans

1 medium onion

1/2 – 1 inch piece of fresh ginger

4-5 tbs oil (veg, olive or ghee – whatever you have)

1 1/4 tsp salt (to taste)

1/4 tsp chilli powder (to taste)

1/4 tsp haldi (turmeric powder)

1 tsp dunia powder (coriander powder)

1 tsp paprika powder

1 fresh tomato – blended

Optional Extras: (often I use the below for special occasions – while the above simple ingredients will do for every day Rajma!)

* Pinch of Hing (asafoetida powder) – this is great for digestion as Kidney Beans can be difficult for some people!
* 1/2 tsp Garam Massala
* 1 tsp Amchoor powder (dried mango powder)

Just like the Chickpeas, Kidney Beans need to be soaked to help them cook.

NB: This is really important for kidney beans, because if they are eaten even a little bit hard, they can give you tummy pain!

1. Sift and wash Kidney Beans: make sure there are none with holes, or that there any stones in the mix. Wash thoroughly.

2. Soak in 5- 6 cups of cold water, overnight if you can. They will swell to double in size. You need to soak them for at least 4-5 hours. If you add them to boiled water you can get soaking time down to 3-4 hours. Soak them in the pan you will be cooking in.

3. Keep the water the beans have been soaked in. The water always needs to be 1 inch above the swollen kidney beans throughout the cooking process. If you need to top up, do so now with hot water, and keep it topped up throughout the cooking process. Cook for around 30 -40 minutes until the kidney beans are tender and soft.

Do this on a medium heat, in a pan with a lid.

4. While the kidney beans are cooking you can get on with the massala.

Blend onion and fresh ginger to a paste in an electric mixer. If you do not have one you can chop very finely, or go all traditional and blend in a pestle and mortar.

5. Heat oil in a pan or wok.

6. Add the onion ginger paste. For this small amount of paste, cook for around 10 minutes on a slow – medium heat, with the lid on the pan.

The steam generated will ‘slow cook’ the onions.

The onions need to turn a golden colour brown.

You know when the paste is cooked when the oil is released or ‘separated’ from the onion mix. (There will be a tiny edge of oil around the paste).

7. Add all of the spices and salt apart from the amchoor, and ½ the quantity of the garam masala. Allow to cook on a medium heat without the lid on the pan for a few minutes. Add a little water if it sticks to the pan.

8. Add the blended tomato and cook for 3-4 minutes.

9. Once the kidney beans have cooked, drain them, keeping the cooking water to one side. Add the tender chickpeas to the massala. Adding a little of the cooking water at a time – depending on how runny or soupy you want the final mix. I usually add all of the water. Rajma is classically eaten with rice which soaks up the juices. Allow the rajma to cook for at least 5 minutes to let the water thicken with the paste.

10. After 5 minutes, add the amchoor powder and home made garam massala (if you have it) and cook for another 3-5 minutes.

11. Garnish with chopped chilli, chopped tomatoes or fresh coriander if you have it.

12. Serve with Steam Cooked Basmati Rice, flavoured with Cumin Seeds.Recipe to follow soon!


87 comments on “Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – KidneyBeans

  1. misseychelles

    October 24, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (14)

    wow…beautiful pics!! 🙂


    • Kiran

      October 24, 2012

      Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (15)

      Thank you so much – I had lots of fun with these 🙂


      • misseychelles

        October 25, 2012

        Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (16)

        oh i think so!!! 🙂 My favorite pic is the first one, the colors are great!!

  2. Delicious Pot

    October 24, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (17)

    Lovely pics 🙂 your recipe is different, will surely try !!


    • Kiran

      October 24, 2012

      Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (18)

      Thank you! Yeah, I think every household will have a different version. Hope you enjoy it – would love to know what you think!


  3. Leah

    October 24, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (19)

    Sounds delicious!


  4. rosalindentree

    October 24, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (20)

    mm that surely whets ones appetite!
    a seriously nourishing and warming dish, thankyou for inspiring the beans to move beyond a south american style taco sauce…
    with good health and culinary companionship


    • Kiran

      October 24, 2012

      Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (21)

      That’s so nice, thank you for reaching out with such a nice message. Glad you enjoyed the post! your site is lovely btw!


  5. Archana

    October 24, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (22)

    i too love rajma masala! it’s one of those dishes that goes well with anything – rotis, naan, rice etc….it looks really delicious here!


    • Kiran

      October 25, 2012

      Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (23)

      Definately! Delicious with just simple roti too, i agree. Thank you for the comment 🙂


  6. petit4chocolatier

    October 25, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (24)

    Beautiful post! Your blog is so genuinely wonderful with words and food. Very refreshing! Delicious recipe!


    • Kiran

      October 25, 2012

      Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (25)

      Thank you so much as always! 🙂


  7. musingmar

    October 25, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (26)

    Congratulations on the Foodista featured post! I checked it out, and loved it! These kidney beans sound so good too. I really appreciate everything I’m learning from you!


    • Kiran

      October 25, 2012

      Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (27)

      Thank you! Really glad you liked it 🙂


  8. Skuggs

    October 25, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (28)

    Congrats on the Foodista feature!!!! Your recipes always look and sound amazing. I’m determined to knuckle down and try some more when I get back from holidays.


  9. croftgarden

    October 25, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (30)

    Srinagar, always been on my wish list!
    However I’ve been wondering what to do with the packet of beans that have been sitting in my cupboard for too long – so thank you for the inspiration


    • Kiran

      October 25, 2012

      Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (31)

      Ah – but you have the heavenly lochs for inspiration 🙂 Hope you like the beans – would love to know how it goes!


  10. Opalla

    October 25, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (32)

    Your post is so colourful! I’try your recipe.


    • Kiran

      October 25, 2012

      Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (33)

      Thank you 🙂 Do let me know if you enjoy it!


  11. Sarah | Curious Cuisiniere

    October 25, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (34)

    I love kidney beans and this sounds like a great way to prepare them. I’ll have to give it a try.


  12. scroungelady

    October 25, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (35)

    Beautiful post and delicious recipe. We love our beans here too and would serve it with cornbread.


  13. mredible

    October 25, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (36)

    Just lovely.


  14. Archana

    October 25, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (37)

    wow!….congrats on being ‘Freshly Pressed’!


    • Kiran

      October 25, 2012

      Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (38)

      Goodness! I am! I had no idea i would be… Gosh. Thank you Archana for letting me know! What a week. Gosh 🙂


      • Archana

        October 25, 2012

        Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (39)

        haha….now enjoy the day full of views, likes and comments! 🙂

  15. catharsishungry07

    October 25, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (40)

    Mouth-Watering pictures!
    And being a North Indian, rajma curry and rice is my all time favourite delicacy!! 😀


  16. urbantraveltales

    October 25, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (41)

    How colourful and …tasty! I can almost sense the odour through your photos…


  17. eireplusalba

    October 25, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (42)

    I just love Indian food and beans especially. So your post is very inspirational. Will definitely try it. Cheers!


    • Kiran

      October 25, 2012

      Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (43)

      Thank you! Would love to know how it goes – Cheers!


  18. Washington, DC

    October 25, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (44)

    Its not very often you can get a little bit of everything in one blog. History. Life lessons. Art appreciation. And FOOD! Thank you for sharing all especially the recipe! Yummo!


    • Kiran

      October 25, 2012

      Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (45)

      That’s so kind! Thank you. (Am blushing)


  19. mrszeg

    October 25, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (46)

    Beautifully written…I feel like I traveled with you and look forward to trying this dish.


  20. Pingback: Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans | birdmanps

  21. lauracookphotography

    October 25, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (47)

    Glad you have been ‘Freshly Pressed’ – what an excellent blog.


    • Kiran

      October 25, 2012

      Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (48)

      Thank you! That’s really nice of you to say. Genuinely looking forward to exploring your amazing blog and site soon.


  22. relaxingcooking

    October 25, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (49)

    beautiful pictures and delicious recipe!


  23. bottledworder

    October 26, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (50)

    Loved the pictures. I love Rajma and you conveyed the essence of Rajma so well!


  24. Kiran

    October 26, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (51)

    Thank you – glad you enjoyed the post 🙂


  25. deepa

    October 26, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (52)

    Gorgeous pics! Rajma is a great homely dish! Thanks for sharing your recipe!


  26. Looks so yummy! I can’t wait to read the recipe and try it out!


  27. naddy

    October 26, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (54)

    Loved ur post 🙂


  28. helenamallett

    October 26, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (55)

    Great blog! Thanks for the pics and recipe …


  29. karmenpirh

    October 26, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (56)

    Love beans! Love recipe! 🙂


  30. kasturika

    October 26, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (57)

    The title and the photo attracted me to this page… I’ll admit, I hate cooking… But I sure love to eat 🙂 I enjoyed reading this post… It felt refreshingly Indian 😀 I wish I could go to Kashmir too… Lovely photographs! And congratulations on being freshly pressed 🙂


    • Kiran

      October 26, 2012

      Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (58)

      Really nice to read your comments – Thank you!


  31. IndiaTechies

    October 26, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (59)

    Hey Nice pics and recipes. Keep it up.. 🙂


  32. flyingbubbles

    October 26, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (60)

    Beautiful pics…


  33. nirupamaprv

    October 26, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (61)

    Lovely. It’s so important to make dishes appealing to the eye and the tummy. And yours definitely does both. I love Rajma but this post makes me want to cook it already in the kitchen. 🙂
    Congrats on being Freshly Pressed as well.


  34. Kiran

    October 26, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (62)

    🙂 thank you! really appreciated!


  35. itchy

    October 26, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (63)

    So beautifully told with such amazing pictures. i am indian but i never thought of Raj-Ma that way. Loved the title. Congrats on FP


    • Kiran

      October 26, 2012

      Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (64)

      Thank you so much. Really appreciate the comments – am flattered 🙂


  36. sportsandthecross

    October 26, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (65)

    Great post!! The images are pretty awesome as well, congrats on being Freshly Pressed, keep it up!


    • Kiran

      October 26, 2012

      Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (66)

      Thank you 🙂


  37. G

    October 26, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (67)

    My visit to Kashmir during a film shoot and the RAJMA treatment there by a friend are so refreshing still. Good share 🙂


  38. bublibeauty

    October 26, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (68)

    Thank god I found your blog . So much to learn and excellent recipes .My mom also enjoyed reading it . Personally Me & my dad love rajma & my mom hardly know what to do with it 😆 . I’ll try this recipe


    • Kiran

      October 26, 2012

      Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (69)

      Hehe – you made me laugh. So glad to help you and your Dad out! Would love to know how you get on! Thanks for the lovely comments 🙂


  39. ripe red berries

    October 26, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (70)

    lovely post – I too LOVE kidney beans – I have to try this!


  40. glutenputin

    October 26, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (71)

    I make Kidney Beans all the time and I can’t wait to try this!


  41. screenshot

    October 26, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (72)

    Reblogged this on Ready For Anything Preparedness Store and commented:
    Kidney beans are a staple in my own dried foods pantry. They keep literally forever packed in large clean glass jars with a tight fitting lid. They are delicious and packed with nutrition. They can also be prepared in about 1001 ways. Here’s one!


  42. mataicooking

    October 26, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (73)

    Great Kitchen colors, must be delicious. . .


  43. Cam

    October 26, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (74)

    Wow, talk about life in technicolor. Makes me want to visit Kashmir but I’ll have to settle for some yummy rajma 🙂 Lovely storytelling as always & congrats on the awards!


  44. prettyeasylife

    October 26, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (75)

    Such a beautiful post! And the last pic just blew me away. The rice and beans combination is so much part of my life and you wrote a poem with them. Thanks!


    • Kiran

      October 27, 2012

      Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (76)

      Thank you so much! Really glad you like it!


  45. prettyeasylife

    October 26, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (77)

    Oh, and thanks for liking my post!


  46. After the sunset

    October 27, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (78)

    loved loved the pictures.. awsome.. i am a big time foodie.. and a lover of rajma. i wrote this recipe few weeks back. but the way u have written is just superlative. have a look at this…


    • Kiran

      October 27, 2012

      Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (79)

      Wonderful! Thank you for sharing and for the lovely comments!


  47. mirrormon

    October 27, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (80)

    nice… and ur photgraphs r soo amazing


  48. Skuggs

    October 27, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (81)

    Wow and freshly pressed too!!! Congrats! 🙂


    • Kiran

      October 27, 2012

      Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (82)

      Thank you 🙂


  49. daisyandthefox

    October 27, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (83)

    wonderful photos!! and the recipe looks like a must try! 🙂


  50. Francina

    October 28, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (84)

    lovely photos and the recipe looks so good that I will give it a try


  51. westendmaw

    October 28, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (85)

    Beautiful pictures and writing as always, would this work with tinned kidney beans do you think? I always have them in the cupboard… Perhaps I just need to start planning more and using dried pulses…


  52. lemoncake

    October 28, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (86)

    Thanks for visiting my blog! It’s very new, so would love any comments or tips of how I could improve it.

    I love your blog – I hit ‘follow’ straight away. Will definitely be trying some of your recipes.


    • Kiran

      October 28, 2012

      Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (87)

      That’s so kind – I started mine not that long ago either. Thank you for the compliments 🙂 Your blog is lovely!!


  53. khannablog

    October 30, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (88)

    I will definetely try your receipe, thanks for this and liking my blog! 🙂


  54. asoutherngirlsguideto

    October 30, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (89)

    Thanks for liking my post. Your pictures here are spectacular! It makes the post so alive, love it!!


  55. Katie Glenn

    October 31, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (90)

    Kidney beans are one of my favorites!


  56. Nathalie

    November 1, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (91)

    Love this! And chana masala, so I’m bookmarking this one for sure!


  57. A feast for the body, and a beautiful visual feast for the mind! Who could ask for more?!


  58. My French Heaven

    November 8, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (93)

    I am so glad I found your blog through your liking of one of my posts! Your pictures are incredible. Oh the colors! This makes me so damn hungry. I heard that the color orange was known to make you hungry… Please continue sharing! I love Indian food!!


    • Kiran

      November 8, 2012

      Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (94)

      Thats’ really kind! Thank you for the lovely comments 🙂


  59. Brown Eyed Rose

    November 8, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (95)

    This is my favorite dish EVER, so glad to see someone else sharing a recipe! I make it every week and never get tired of it. I cook the beans in a pressure cooker to speed things up. Thanks for sharing!


  60. createengwp

    November 8, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (96)

    Thanks for liking the red bean paste pancake recipe post! Your amazing photos make me want to open the can of kidney beans stored in my cabinet.


  61. ohlidia

    November 14, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (97)

    Gorgeous pics! Makes me want to go… And the recipe looks yummy!


  62. wordpressreport

    November 15, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (98)

    Reblogged this on WordPress Report and commented:
    Add your thoughts here… (optional)


  63. theplumpalate

    November 19, 2012

    Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (99)

    Well done! Congratulations on being featured on Foodista. I can see why. This dal sounds wonderful.


Enough from me, what do you think?

Raj-ma: The King of Beans and the Mother of all things yum – Kidney Beans (2024)


Who should not eat kidney beans? ›

In some people, beans may cause unpleasant effects, such as bloating, flatulence, and diarrhea ( 13 ). Insoluble fibers called alpha-galactosides are responsible for these effects. They belong to a group of fibers known as FODMAPs, which may exacerbate the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) ( 7 , 59 , 60 ).

Are kidney beans good for your kidneys? ›

Kidney beans provide many of the nutritional qualities that promote kidney health. They contain lots of soluble and insoluble fiber and are low in fat, which enhances cardiovascular health and helps keep your blood pressure low. The high fiber in kidney beans also helps to stabilize your blood sugar.

Can you eat too many kidney beans? ›

Toxicity occurs when you eat raw, soaked kidney beans either alone or in salads or casseroles. There have also been reports of toxicity when cooking raw, dried kidney beans in a slow-cooker. Just four or five raw kidney beans can trigger the symptoms of toxicity.

Can I eat rajma daily? ›

Eating rajma (kidney beans) every day might pose certain risks due to its high content of lectins and phytic acid. Consuming it excessively could lead to digestive issues like bloating, gas, or discomfort. Also, kidney beans contain a compound called phytohemagglutinin, which, if not properly cooked, can be toxic.

What is the negative side of eating beans? ›

Many beans and pulses contain lectins, which are proteins that are potentially toxic to humans. Soaking and boiling beans reduce the lectin content. People should boil beans for at least 10 minutes to ensure they are safe. The most common side effects of eating beans are gas and intestinal discomfort.

Are kidney beans bad for your gut? ›

A natural protein occurring in beans can cause gastrointestinal distress, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Of all the common beans, kidney beans have the largest amount of this toxin, called phytohaemagglutinin (PHA). Cooking destroys the toxin, so be sure to cook kidney beans thoroughly.

What organ are kidney beans good for? ›

Moreover, kidney beans contain less saturated fat and high amounts of protein, contributing to a healthy heart. Moreover, the potassium in kidney beans also contributes to better heart health by promoting better muscle functioning in the heart.

Is honey good for the kidneys? ›

Honey feeding protects kidney against cisplatin nephrotoxicity through suppression of inflammation . Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 42 ( 8 ): 843 – 848 . doi: 10.1111/1440-1681.12433 .

What happens if you don't soak kidney beans? ›

Soaking beans can help improve the texture of the final product once the beans are cooked and reduce the gas produced when the food is being digested. But it isn't necessary to soak them.

Is it OK to eat beans every day? ›

In conclusion, beans are a versatile and incredibly nutritious food that can benefit both your body and mind. Regular consumption of beans has been linked to a reduced risk of obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer, while also aiding in controlling blood sugar levels and promoting digestive health.

Is it true that lectins are bad for you? ›

They don't have any nutritional value when consumed in foods. Some research seems to indicate that taking in large quantities of raw lectins could have negative health effects. The amount you'd need to consume each day to get to that level, however, is much higher than a typical diet would include.

What is the English name for rajma? ›

The English name for rajma is kidney beans.

Which beans are not good for the kidneys? ›

Control of phosphorus often is difficult for kidney failure patients. High-phosphorus foods to eliminate include: Beans (red, black, and white) Black-eyed peas.

Can diabetes eat kidney beans? ›

Beans are a diabetes super food, meaning they are good for your health and they have diabetes-specific benefits. They are a low-glycemic ingredient, and are high in protein and fiber. The American Diabetes Association advises people with diabetes to add dried beans or no-sodium canned beans to several meals each week.

What are the harmful effects of kidney beans? ›

Eating large quantities of kidney beans can cause problems for bowel health and digestion. Some of the problems that can be caused include blocked intestines, abdominal pain, diarrhoea and gas. Getting too much of folate from the kidney beans is also harmful as it can increase the risk of cancer.

Who should avoid beans? ›

If you have an auto-immune condition, are following a gut healing protocol, or are actively managing a disease, it may be best to avoid beans and glutenous grains for a time until the body is ready or in remission. The short reason why: They contain lectins and phytic acid.

How do you know if kidney beans are safe to eat? ›

Red kidney beans are poisonous if not boiled furiously for 20 mins during their initial cooking. The secret is never, ever to cook them in the water in which they have been soaked but to drain and then rinse them well before putting into fresh water. The soaking water absorbs much of the ingredient that upsets the gut.

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.