UM08003 JFlash - SEGGER Wiki (2024)


  • 1 Introduction
    • 1.1 What is J-Flash?
      • 1.1.1 Supported Operating Systems
      • 1.1.2 Features
    • 1.2 Assumptions
    • 1.3 Requirements
  • 2 Licensing
  • 3 Getting Started
    • 3.1 Setup
      • 3.1.1 What is included?
    • 3.2 Using J-Flash for the first time
      • 3.2.1 Welcome dialog
      • 3.2.2 Sample Projects
      • 3.2.3 Creating a new J-Flash project
      • 3.2.4 Creating a new init sequence
        • Example init sequence
      • 3.2.5 Serial number programming
        • Serial number settings
        • Serial number file
        • Serial number list file
        • Programming process
        • Sample setup
    • 3.3 Menu structure
      • 3.3.1 File menu elements
      • 3.3.2 Edit menu elements
      • 3.3.3 Target menu elements
      • 3.3.4 Options menu elements
      • 3.3.5 View menu elements
      • 3.3.6 Help menu elements
  • 4 Settings
    • 4.1 Project Settings
      • 4.1.1 General Settings
        • USB
        • USB S/N
        • TCP/IP
        • Flasher ATE module selection
        • User interface mode
      • 4.1.2 Target Interface Settings
        • Interface Speed
        • JTAG scan chain
      • 4.1.3 MCU Settings
        • Device
        • Clock speed
        • Endianness
        • Use J-Link script file
        • Check core ID
          • Mask
        • J-Link Work RAM settings
        • Init steps
        • Exit steps
      • 4.1.4 Flash Settings
        • Base Address
        • Disable flash bank
        • Sector selection
        • External Flash specific settings
          • Organization
          • ID checking
      • 4.1.5 Production settings
        • Target power supply
        • Reference voltage settings
        • Program serial number
        • Actions performed by "Production Programming"
        • Override timeouts
      • 4.1.6 Performance settings
        • On "Erase selected sectors" / On "Erase chip"
        • On "Verify"
    • 4.2 Global Settings
      • 4.2.1 General log level
      • 4.2.2 Enable J-Link logfile
      • 4.2.3 Enable J-Flash logfile
      • 4.2.4 Save project file on close
      • 4.2.5 Action on J-Flash start
  • 5 Command Line Interface
    • 5.1 Overview
    • 5.2 Command line options
    • 5.3 Batch processing
      • 5.3.1 Starting J-Flash minimized
    • 5.4 Programming multiple targets in parallel
      • 5.4.1 Batch file example
      • 5.4.2 Python script example
    • 5.5 Programming multiple data files at once
  • 6 Device specifics
  • 7 Target systems
    • 7.1 Which devices can be programmed by J-Flash?
    • 7.2 Supported microcontrollers
      • 7.2.1 Supported Flash Devices
  • 8 Performance
  • 9 Background information
    • 9.1 Version compatibility
    • 9.2 Auto-update of project
    • 9.3 CRC calculation
      • 9.3.1 CRC of current data file
      • 9.3.2 ELF file support
  • 10 Support
    • 10.1 Troubleshooting
      • 10.1.1 General procedure
      • 10.1.2 Typical problems
        • Failed to connect
        • Programming / Erasing failed
        • Timeout errors during programming
        • Blank check failed
        • RAM check failed
        • Unexpected core ID
        • Unsupported flash type / bus width
        • No matching RAMCode
        • Selected data does not fit into selected flash sectors
    • 10.2 Contacting support

The following chapter introduces J-Flash, highlights some of its features, and lists its requirements on host and target systems.

J-Flash main window

What is J-Flash?

J-Flash is a stand-alone flash programming software for PCs running Windows, Linux or macOS.

J-Flash has an intuitive user interface and makes programming flash devices convenient.J-Flash requires a J-Link / Flasher as an interface to the target hardware.It is able to program internal and external flash at very high speeds, upwards of 550KBytes/s depending on the chip.Another notable feature is smart read back, which only transfers non-blank portions of the flash, increasing the speed of read back greatly.These features along with its ability to work with any ARM7/ARM9/ARM11, Cortex-M0/M1/M3/M4/M7, Cortex-A5/A8/A9/R4/R5 and Renesas RX600 chip makes it a great solution for most projects.

Supported Operating Systems

The following operating systems are supported:

  • Microsoft Windows 10
  • Microsoft Windows 11
  • Linux (Requirements)
  • macOS 10.5 and higher

Older versions of Windows may work but there is no guarantee, nor support given for these.


  1. Any ARM7/ARM9/ARM11, Cortex-M0/M1/M3/M4/M7, Cortex-A5/A8/A9/R4/R5 and Renesas RX600 core supported
  2. Microcontroller (internal flash) support.
  3. Support for most external flash chips (For more information please refer to Target systems).
  4. High speed programming: up to 550 KBytes/s*.
  5. Smart read back: only non-blank portions of flash are transferred and saved.
  6. Free evaluation licenses available.
  7. Verbose logging of all communication.
  8. .hex, .mot, .srec, .bin and .elf support.
  9. Intuitive user interface.

* Depending on flash device. Measured with J-Link V10


This user manual assumes that you already possess working knowledge of the J-Link device.If you feel that your knowledge of J-Link is not sufficient, we recommend the J-Link Manual (UM08001), which describes the device and its use in detail.


  • J-Link / Flasher
  • Supported operating system (see Supported Operating Systems)
  • Interface from Host to probe (USB, Ethernet, WiFi, …)
  • Supported device/core (see Supported microcontrollers)

J-Flash may be installed on as many host machines as you want. Without a license keyJ-Flash can still be used to open project files, read from connected devices, blank checktarget memory, verify data files and so on. However to actually program devices via J-Flashand J-Link, a valid license is required. For an overview which SEGGER products come witha built-in license for J-Flash, please refer to the J-Link Model overview. All Flasher modelscome with a built-in license for J-Flash.

This chapter presents an introduction to J-Flash. It provides an overview of the includedsample projects and describes J-Flash’s menu structure in detail.


The J-Link setup procedure required in order to work with J-Flash is described in chapter 2of the J-Link / J-Trace User Guide (UM08001). The J-Link / J-Trace User Guide (UM08001) ispart of the J-Link Software and Documentation Pack which is available for download

What is included?

The following table shows the contents of all sub directories of the J-Link Software andDocumentation Pack with regard to J-Flash:

.The J-Flash application. Please refer to the J-Link Manual (UM08001) for more information about the other J-Link related tools.
.\DocContains the J-Flash documentation and the other J-Link related manuals.
.\ETC\JFlashTwo *.csv files for the J-Flash internal management of supported MCU’s und flash chips.
.\Samples\JFlash\ProjectFilesContains sample projects with good default settings (see section Sample Projects for further details).

Using J-Flash for the first time

Welcome dialog

When starting J-Flash, by default a startup dialog pops up which gives the user two optionshow to proceed.

Welcome Dialog

The startup dialog provides the following options:

  • Open existing project: Select a project from the list of recent projects or press Other… to open another existing project.
  • Create new project: Opens another dialog to create a new J-Flash project

If “Do not show this message again.” is checked, J-Flash will execute the option currentlyselected automatically on future starts without showing the welcome dialog again.

Sample Projects

For some setups, special settings / configurations needs to be done in the J-Flash project(e.g. PLL initialization, external bus interface initialization, script files, etc…). Therefore, the J-Link Software and Documentation Pack already includes some example projects forvarious special setups which can be used as reference for custom setups.Those project files can be found in the \Samples\JFlash\ProjectFiles sub directory of the J-Link Software and Documentation Pack installation directory.

Creating a new J-Flash project

The recommend way of getting started with J-Flash is to use the Create New Projectwizard.

  • Start by selecting the Create new project option inside the Welcome dialog or by selecting File -> New project
  • The new project wizard will launch, which looks like as follows:

New project wizard

  • Select the target device, the target interface and interface speed according to the setup. If only a core is selected, the target endianness must be specified as well.
  • Select the flash bank that will be used through the checkbox.
  • If required, select the correct loader for your setup.
  • Click OK

The created Project file is now ready for use. More sophisticated settings can be configuredin the Project settings. Please refer to Project Settings.

Creating a new init sequence

Many microcontrollers require a custom init sequence to initialize the target hardware, forexample to initialize the PLL, disable the watchdog or define the wait states of the flash.This means that an compatible init sequence for the microcontroller must be built, if a newproject is created or an existing project is modified.

A custom init sequence can be created or updated in the Init. steps tab of the Project settings menu. Click the + button to open the Add custom CPU step dialog.

Init Steps: Add action dialog

In the Action Type dropdown menu all available actions are listed. Depending on the typeof action, there are either one or two textboxes next to the dropdown menu, which can beused to enter the required parameter. The Comment text box should be used to enter ashort description of the action. For a list of all valid actions which can be used in an initsequence, please refer to Init steps.

Example init sequence

A good example of a typical init sequence is the init sequence of an AT91SAM7 CPU. Thefollowing example is excerpted from the J-Flash project for the AT91SAM7S256.

The example init sequence step by step:

  1. Reset the target with J-Link reset strategy 8 and 0 delay.
  2. Disable the watchdog by writing to the Watchdog Timer Mode Register.
  3. Set flash wait states by writing to the MC Flash Mode Register.
  4. Set the PLL by writing to power management controller.
  5. Set a delay of 200ms.
  6. Set the PLL and the divider by writing to PLL Register of the power management controller.
  7. Set a delay of 200ms.
  8. Set the master and processor clock by writing to the Master Clock Register of the power management controller.

The steps implemented in J-Flash:

MCU settings: Init Steps: Example

Serial number programming

J-Flash supports programming of serial numbers. In order to use the serial number programming feature, the J-Flash project to be used as well as some files in the working folder(depending on the configuration) need to be configured first.

In general, J-Flash supports two ways of programming a serial number into the target:

    • Programming continuous serial numbers.
    • Serial number is 1-4 bytes in size.
    • Start serial number, increment, serial number size and address have to be configured in the J-Flash project production settings.
    • Programming custom serial numbers from a serial number list file.
    • Start line into serial number list file to get next serial number bytes, line increment, serial number size and address is configured in J-Flash production project settings.
    • Serial number list file needs to be specified and created by user.

In the following, some generic information how to setup a serial number programming configuration are given.

Serial number settings

In order to use the serial number feature, the J-Flash project has to be configured to enable programming a serial number at a specific address. This is done by enabling the Program serial number option as shown in the screenshot and table below:

Program serial number option

AddressThe address the serial number should be programmed at.
LenThe length of the serial number (in bytes) which should be programmed.
  • If no serial number list file is given, J-Flash allows to use a 1-4 byte serial number. If 8 is selected as length, the serial number and its complementary is programmed at the given address.
  • In case a serial number list file is given, J-Flash will take the serial number bytes from the list file. If a serial number in the list file does not define all bytes of Len, the remaining bytes are filled with 0s. No complements etc. are added to the serial number.
Next SN
  • In case no serial number list file is given, Next SN is the next serial number which should be programmed. The serial number is always stored in little endian format in the flash memory.
  • In case a serial number list file is given, Next SN describes the line of the serial number list file where to read the next serial number bytes from. J-Flash starts counting with line 0, so in order to start serial number programming with the first line of the SNList.txt, Next SN needs to be set to 0.
IncrementSpecifies how much Next SN is incremented.

Serial number file

When starting the program process Target -> Production Programming, J-Flash willcreate a serial number file named as <JFlashProjectName>_Serial.txt . The file is generated based on the serial number settings in the J-Flash project and will contain the valuedefined by the Next SN option. The serial number file can also be manually edited by theuser, since the serial number is written ASCII.

Serial number list file

In order to program custom serial numbers which can not be covered by the standardserial number scheme provided by J-Flash (e.g. when programming non-continuous serialnumbers or having gaps between the serial numbers), a so called serial number list fileneeds to be created by the user.When selecting Target -> Production Programming, J-Flash will check for a serial numberlist file named as <JFlashProjectName>_SNList.txt in the directory where the J-Flashproject is located. The serial number list file needs to be created manually by the user andhas the following syntax:

  • One serial number per line
  • Each byte of the serial number is described by two hexadecimal digits.


An 8-byte serial number should be programmed at address 0x08000000. It should be programmed as follows in the memory:

0x08000000: 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x55 0x66 0x77 0x88

The serial number list file should look as follows:


SN list example


Make sure to use LF (Line Feed) for word wrap. CRLF (Carriage Return + Line Feed is not supported).


The number of bytes to read per line is configured via the Len option in J-Flash. For moreinformation, please refer to Serial number settings.Which line J-Flash will read at the next programming cycle is configured via the Next SNoption. For more information, please refer to Serial number settings.In this case Next SN needs to be set to 0, since programming should be started with the serialnumber bytes defined in the first line of the file.


  • If the number of bytes specified in a line of the serial number list file is less than the serial number length defined in the project, the remaining bytes are filled with 0s by Flasher ARM.
  • If the number of bytes specified in a line of the serial number list file is greater than the serial number length defined in the J-Flash project, the remaining bytes will be ignored by J-Flash.
  • Please make sure that the used project file is located at a folder with write permission.

Programming process

J-Flash will increment the serial number in <JFlashProjectName>_Serial.txt by the valuedefined in Increment, after each successful programming cycle.

Sample setup

In the following a small sample is given how to setup J-Flash for serial number programming. In the following sample, 4-byte serial numbers starting at 1234567 (0x12D68) shallbe programmed at address 0x08001000.

Defining serial number address, length, start value and increment:

  • Address is 0x08001000
  • Len is 4 (bytes)
  • Next SN is 1234567
  • Increment is 1

Program serial number option

Now J-Flash is prepared to program the 8-byte serial number. After programming the serial number, J-Flash creates the <JFlashProjectName>_Serial.txt.

Serial number file

Menu structure

The main window of J-Flash contains seven dropdown menus (File, Edit, Target, Options, View, Help).

File menu elements

Open data file...Opens a data file that may be used to flash the target device. The data file must be one of the following: Intel HEX file, Motorola S file, Binary file or ELF file (.hex, .mot, .srec, .bin or .elf).
Merge data file...Merges two data files (.hex, .mot, .srec, .bin or .elf). All gaps will be filled with 0xFF. Find below a short example of merging two data files named, File0.bin and File1.bin into File3.bin.

File0.bin --> Addr 0x0200 - 0x02FF

File1.bin --> Addr 0x1000 - 0x13FF

Merge File0.bin & File1.bin

  • 0x0200 - 0x02FF Data of File0.bin
  • 0x0300 - 0x0FFF gap (will be filled with 0xFF if image is saved as *.bin file)
  • 0x1000 - 0x13FF Data of File1.bin

Can be saved in new data file (File3.bin).

Save data fileSaves the data file that currently has focus.
Save data file as...Saves the data file that currently has focus using the name and location given.
New projectCreates a new project (See Creating a new J-Flash project)
Open projectOpens a J-Flash project file. Please note that only one project file may be open at a time. Opening a project will close any other project currently open.
Save projectSaves a J-Flash project file.
Save project as...Saves a J-Flash project file using the name and location given.
Close projectCloses a J-Flash project file.
Save Flasher config file...Saves a .CFG file for stand-alone mode using the name and location given. Please refer to the Flasher documentation (UM08022) for more information regarding stand-alone mode.
Save Flasher data file...Saves a .DAT file for stand-alone mode using the name and location given. Please refer to the Flasher documentation (UM08022) for more information regarding stand-alone mode.
Download config & data file to FlasherPrepares a connected Flasher for stand-alone mode using the current project and the data file which had focus most recently. Please refer to the Flasher documentation (UM08022) for more information regarding stand-alone mode.
Download serial number file to FlasherDownloads a serial number file to a connected Flasher. Please refer to the Flasher documentation (UM08022) for more information regarding stand-alone mode.
Recent FilesContains a list of the most recently open data files.
Recent ProjectsContains a list of the most recently open project files.
ExitExits the J-Flash application.

Edit menu elements

Relocate...Relocates the start of the data file to the supplied hex offset from the current start location.
Delete range...Deletes a range of values from the data file, starting and ending at given addresses. The End address must be greater than the Start address otherwise nothing will be done.
Eliminate blank areas…Eliminates blank regions within the data file.

Target menu elements

ConnectCreates a connection through the J-Link / Flasher using the configuration options set in the Project settings... of the Options dropdown menu.
DisconnectDisconnects a current connection that has been made through the J-Link / Flasher. This is done by:
  1. Starting the target CPU.
  2. Resetting the debug bits that had to be set for the connection to the target.
  3. Closing the connection between J-Flash and J-Link / Flasher, which causes all pins are set to input.

To physically separate the connection between J-Link / Flasher and the target, we recommend using the SEGGER Relay Adapter.

Test > Generate test dataGenerates data which can be used to test if the flash can be programmed correctly. The size of the generated data file can be defined.
Test > Test speedWrites data of an specified size to an defined address, reads the written data back and measures the up- and download speed.
Test > Show CFI infoReads the CFI query information of a CFI compliant flash device.
Test > Hardware > Activate BUSYSets the RS232 Busy signal of a connected Flasher. Can be used to test the RS232 setup.
Test > Hardware > Deactivate BUSYResets the RS232 Busy signal of a connected Flasher. Can be used to test the RS232 setup.
Test > Hardware > Activate OKSets the RS232 OK signal of a connected Flasher. Can be used to test the RS232 setup.
Test > Hardware > Deactivate OKResets the RS232 OK signal of a connected Flasher. Can be used to test the RS232 setup.
Production ProgrammingPerforms a sequence of steps, which can be configured in the Production tab of the Project settings. Additionally, the first step executed are the init steps and the last step executed are the exit steps, which both can be configured in the MCU tab of the project settings.
Manual Programming > Secure ChipSecures the MCU.
Manual Programming > Unsecure ChipUnsecures the MCU.
Manual Programming > Check BlankChecks flash to see if it is empty.
Manual Programming > Erase SectorsErases all selected flash sectors.
Manual Programming > Erase ChipErases the entire chip.
Manual Programming > ProgramPrograms the chip using the currently active data file. Please note that no erase / blank check is performed prior programming so the flash is assumed to be in an erased state.
Manual Programming > Program & VerifyPrograms the chip using the currently active data file and then verifies that it was written successfully.
Manual Programming > VerifyVerifies the data found on the chip with the data file.
Manual Programming > Read back > Selected SectorsReads back the data found in the selected sectors and creates a new data file to store this information.
Manual Programming > Read back > Entire chipReads back the data found on the chip and creates a new data file to store this information.
Manual Programming > Read back > RangeReads back the data found in a range specified by the user and creates a new data file to store this information.
Manual Programming > Start ApplicationStarts the application.

Options menu elements

Project settings...Opens the project settings dialog.
Global settings...Opens the global settings dialog.

View menu elements

Show project informationOpens and/or sets the focus to the project window.
Show logOpens and/or sets the focus to the log window.

Help menu elements

J-Flash WikiOpens this wiki page in a browser.
J-Link WikiOpens the J-Link wiki in a browser.
Flasher WikiOpens the Flasher wiki in a browser.
J-Flash User GuideOpens the J-Flash Manual (UM08003) document in the default .PDF application of the system.
J-Link User GuideOpens the J-Link Manual (UM08001) in the default .PDF application of the system.
Flasher User GuideOpens the Flasher Manual (UM08022) in the default .PDF application of the system.
Flasher ATE User GuideOpens the Flasher ATE Manual (UM08035) in the default .PDF application of the system.
Flasher Hub User GuideOpens the Flasher Hub Manual (UM08039) in the default .PDF application of the system.
Licenses...Shows a dialog with licensing information. The serial number of a connected J-Link may be read and licenses added or removed.
About...J-Flash and company information.

The following chapter provides an overview of the program settings. Both general and perproject settings are considered.

Project Settings

Project settings are available from the Options menu in the main window or by using the ALT + F7 keyboard shortcut.

General Settings

This dialog is used to configure the connection to the J-Link / Flasher.The J-Link / Flasher can either be connected to the host system of J-Flash directly via USB,Ethernet or WiFi, or it can be connected through the J-Link Remote Server running on aremote system.For more information on the operation of J-Link / Flasher, please refer to the J-Link Manual(UM08001).

For more information on the J-Link Remote Server, please refer to: J-Link Remote Server overview

General Settings


If this option is checked, J-Flash will connect to J-Link / Flasher over the USB port. The default device number is 0. For more information about how to use multiple J-Link / Flasher onone PC, please see also the chapter “Working with J-Link” of the J-Link Manual (UM08001).


If this option is checked, J-Flash will connect to J-Link / Flasher over the USB port. J-Flash will only use the J-Link / Flasher with the specified S/N and any operation will fail if the J-Link / Flasher with specified S/N is not connected or cannot be used for any reason.


If this option is checked, J-Flash will connect to J-Link / Flasher via TCP/IP. This shouldbe configured for SEGGER probes connected via Ethernet directly (e.g. J-Link PRO, FlasherPRO, …) or using the J-Link Remote Server. The hostname (or IP address) of the systemto connect to be may be entered in the textbox for TCP/IP. For connections via the J-LinkRemote Server the according connection string may be entered.

Flasher ATE module selection

If this option is checked, J-Flash will connect to the selected Flasher ATE Modules.
Currently, the only operations that can be done with Flasher ATE Modules are:

  • Download of .CFG and .DAT files

User interface mode

Select the Engineering radio button when setting up a project orselect the Simplified radio button when using J-Flash in production environments.In the simplified user interface some options are disabled to reduce possible error sourcesin the production phase.

Target Interface Settings

This dialog is used to configure the interface connection to the target:

Target Interface Settings

Interface Speed

The interface speed used before and after initialization can be configured. The interface speed before init is used to communicate with the target before and during execution ofthe custom initialization sequence (described in the section Init steps). The interface speed after init is used to communicate after executing the custom initializationsequence. This is useful if a target running at slow speed and the users wants to set up a PLL in the initialization sequence.

For more information about the different types of interface speed please see the chapter“Setup” of the J-Link Manual (UM08001).

JTAG scan chain

The “JTAG scan chain information” box allows to configure a JTAG scan chain with multipledevices on it.

A "simple" JTAG scan chain configuration

A “detailed” JTAG scan chain configuration

In a scan chain configuration with multiple devices, the TCK and TMS lines of all JTAG devices are connected, while the TDI and TDO lines form a ring.


The position of the device to connect with J-Flash is selected from the Position dropdownmenu. The Instruction Register length (IRLen) of a device is defined by its manufacturer.For ARM cores, the IRLen is always four, which is why the value of IRLen is by default set tofour times the position indicated. This works fine for ARM only scan chains. However, if anynon-ARM devices are introduced to the scan chain the IRLen must be modified accordingly.

MCU Settings

This dialog allows the selection of microcontroller dependent settings:

MCU Settings

J-Flash can be used to program both external or internal flash memory. In order to use J-Flash with an external flash device, the proper Core must be selected.To program internal flash devices, the respective microcontroller must be selected in theDevice list by clicking the ... button.

If a microcontroller is not found on this list, contact SEGGER, as new microcontrollers are continuously being added.


Select the respective microcontroller from the list to program internal flash devices. Inorder to program external flash, select the device or core from the list.

Clock speed

For some devices, the actual CPU clock frequency in Hz of the MCU is required to guaranteeaccurate operation of J-Flash. By default, J-Flash uses the “Auto” CPU speed detectionfeature.


The compatible endianness of the selected device is set automatically if possible. Otherwise,select little endian or big endian from the dropdown menu accordant to the device.

Use J-Link script file

Allows the user to specify a J-Link Script file for the project.

Check core ID

If the core ID is known for the device to be programmed, it can be used to verify that thedevice in communication with the J-Link / Flasher is the intended device. The core ID for alllisted devices is known, therefore this value is filled in automatically if a device is selectedand can not be modified. If only a core family is selected, the core ID field can be modified.


This option allows the user to mask out specified bits of the core ID. All bits set to 0 in“Mask” are not taken into account when comparing the Code ID found by the J-Link / Flasherwith the Core ID entered in J-Flash.


ValuesCheck result
Core ID entered: 0x3BA00477
Core ID found: 0x4BA00477
Core ID entered: 0x3BA00477
Core ID found: 0x4BA00477
Mask: 0x0FFFFFFF

The code ID check works as follows:

CoreIDFound &= Mask;CoreIDEntered &= Mask;if (CoreIDFound != CoreIDEntered) { return Error; // Core ID check failed.}

J-Link Work RAM settings

The J-Link Work RAM is target RAM used by J-Link to store the RAMCode for flash programming.The "J-Link Work RAM" settings define the start address and the size of the Work RAM.

Init steps

Many microcontrollers require an initialization sequence for different reasons: When powered on, the PLL may not be initialized, which means the chip is very slow, or a watchdogmust be disabled manually. To use these chips the user must first perform the requiredinitialization.

This dialog allows the user to enter a custom initialization sequence using a predefined listof operations. After choosing an operation and corresponding values to be associated withthe operation, a comment may be added to make it easier for others to determine its effect.The following list shows all valid commands which can be used in an init sequence:

Delay--Length of the delaySets a delay.
DisableMMU----Disables the MMU.
Disable Checks----Disables JTAG checks. Some CPUs (e.g. TMS470R1B1M) report JTAG communication errors while initializing, so that they can not be programmed if the JTAG communication checks are enabled.
Enable Checks----Enables JTAG checks. This option is activated by default.
Go----Starts the CPU
Halt----Halts the CPU
ResetJ-Link reset typeLength of the delayResets the CPU. Refer to the J-Link User Manual for an detailed explanation of the different reset types.
Read 8bitAddress (Hex)--Reads 8bit from a given address and stores the value in the internal variable.
Read 16bitAddress (Hex)--Reads 16bit from a given address and stores the value in the internal variable.
Read 32bitAddress (Hex)--Reads 32bit from a given address and stores the value in the internal variable.
SetAllowRemoteRead--On/OffThis option defines if the emulator (remote) or the host handles the read access to the target. This option is activated by default to enhance the performance.
SetAllowRemoteWrite--On/OffThis option defines if the emulator (remote) or the host handles the write access to the target. This option is activated by default to enhance the performance.
Verify 8bitAddress (Hex)Data (Hex)Verifies whether 8bit data on a declared address is identical to the declared 8bit data.
Verification failure is handled as error and causes an abort.
Verify 16bitAddress (Hex)Data (Hex)Verifies whether 16bit data on a declared address is identical to the declared 16bit data.
Verification failure is handled as error and causes an abort.
Verify 32bitAddress (Hex)Data (Hex)Verifies whether 32bit data on a declared address is identical to the declared 32bit data.
Verification failure is handled as error and causes an abort.
Write 8bitAddress (Hex)Data (Hex)Writes 8bit data to a given address.
Write 16bitAddress (Hex)Data (Hex)Writes 16bit data to a given address.
Write 32bitAddress (Hex)Data (Hex)Writes 32bit data to a given address.
Write&Verify 8bitAddress (Hex)Data (Hex)Writes 8bit data to a given address and verifies it afterwards.
Verification failure is handled as error and causes an abort.
Write&Verify 16bitAddress (Hex)Data (Hex)Writes 16bit data to a given address and verifies it afterwards.
Verification failure is handled as error and causes an abort.
Write&Verify 32bitAddress (Hex)Data (Hex)Writes 32bit data to a given address and verifies it afterwards.
Verification failure is handled as error and causes an abort.
Write RegisterRegisterData (Hex)Writes data into a register.
Write JTAG IRCommand--Writes a command in the JTAG instruction register.
Write JTAG DRNumBitsData (Hex)Writes a declared number of bits into the JTAG data register.
Var AND--Value (Hex)Logical AND combination of the internal variable with a given value.
Var OR--Value (Hex)Logical OR combination of the internal variable with a given value.
Var XOR--Value (Hex)Logical XOR combination of the internal variable with a given value.
Var BEQIndex--Checks if the internal variable is equal to 0. Performs jump to index on match.
Var BNEIndex--Checks if the internal variable is not equal to 0. Performs jump to index on match.
Var Write 8bitAddress (Hex)Data (Hex)Writes 8bit data of the internal variable to a given address.
Var Write 16bitAddress (Hex)Data (Hex)Writes 16bit data of the internal variable to a given address.
Var Write 32bitAddress (Hex)Data (Hex)Writes 32bit data of the internal variable to a given address.
SetModeBigEndian----Sets bit 7 of the CP15 register to 1.
SetModeLittleEndian----Sets bit 7 of the CP15 register to 0.
Var Write File 8bitAddress (Hex)--Writes 8bit data of the internal variable to a given address in the data file.
Var Write File 16bitAddress (Hex)--Writes 16bit data of the internal variable to a given address in the data file.
Var Write File 32bitAddress (Hex)--Writes 32bit data of the internal variable to a given address in the data file.
Comment----Can be used as additional space to insert comments. Does nothing.
Write File 8bitAddress (Hex)Data (Hex)Writes 8bit data to a given address in the data file.
Write File 16bitAddress (Hex)Data (Hex)Writes 16bit data to a given address in the data file.
Write File 32bitAddress (Hex)Data (Hex)Writes 32bit data to a given address in the data file.
Report ErrorValue (Hex)--Displays a message box in J-Flash with the given error code.


All "Write *" commands may only be used to write RAM or SFR registers, but not Flash memory.Flash memory can only be influenced by altering the data file.The data file can changed in the init steps by using the "Write File*" commands.

Exit steps

Those steps will be performed immediately after the target has been successfully programmed.In case of verify is checked in the production settings (Options} -> Project settings... -> Production), those steps will be performed after verify.

The Exit steps can be used to do some special handling after programming, for example to setsome security bits in order to secure the chip.


  • Exit steps are only performed for Target -> Production Programming operations.
  • For the exit steps, the same commands can be used as for the Init steps.

Flash Settings

This dialog is used to select and configure the flash device to operate with.The listed options of the Flash settings menu are dependent on the selection inthe MCU Settings.If a core family has been selected in order to program external flash memory or a custom Flash Bankhas been added and is selected, the menu should look similar to the screenshot below.

Flash Settings: external Flash

If a specific device has been selected to program the flash of these device, the menu shouldlook similar to the screenshot below.

Flash Settings: internal Flash

Base Address

This is the base address of the flash.

Disable flash bank

The Disable flash bank checkbox disables the flash bank currently selected in the dropdown menu,which can be used to change which flash banks are processed by J-Flash with only one click per flash bank.This is especially useful when testing different configurations.

Sector selection

The final section of this dialog indicates the sectors to be affected by erase, read and write operations done by J-Flash.An individual or series of sectors may be selected from the predetermined valid range.

External Flash specific settings

Flash Settings: external Flash, auto detection unchecked


For some flashes (e.g. CFI compliant NOR flashes), the organization needs to be specified.The organization settings make it possible to configure the bus width and the number of flash chips connected to the address and data bus of the MCU.

ID checking

There are two other checkboxes that are of interest in this subsection which are Check manufacturer flash Id and Check product flash Id. These checkboxes should be selected to confirm the type of device that is in communication with J-Flash.

Production settings

Production Settings

Target power supply

Available power source options are:

  • None
  • VCC5V
  • VTGT

Delay before start defines the delay (in ms) after enabling the target power supply andbefore starting to communicate with the target.

Discharge target on disconnect causes a discharge of any capacities left on the targeton disconnect.


  • The option VTGT for power source is for Flasher ATE only. Other Flasher models will use VCC5V, even when VTGT is selected.
  • The option Discharge target on disconnect is for Flasher ATE only and will be ignored by the other Flasher models.

Reference voltage settings

Enabling VTref monitor causes the Flasher to monitor the target voltage (VTref) in stand-alone mode and makes the Flasher throw an error when the voltage drops below the min-imum or rises above the maximum during programming.

Program serial number

J-Flash supports programming of serial numbers into the target in two ways. For a detaileddescription on how to use the serial number programming feature please refer to Serial number programming

Actions performed by "Production Programming"

The checked options will be performed when auto programming a target via Target -> Production Programming (shortcut: F7).

Find below a table which describes the commands:

CommandEnabled by default?Description
Init stepsYesExecutes the init steps defined in the MCU settings
Erase sectorsYesPerforms an erase depending on the settings, selected in the drop down box.
  • Sectors: Erases all sectors which are effected by the image to be programmed.
  • Sectors if not blank: Erases all sectors which are both, effected by the image to be programmed and not already blank
  • Chip: Erase the entire chip independent of the content.
ProgramYesPrograms the data file.
VerifyYesVerifies the program data.
  • CRC: Verifies data via a high optimized CRC calculation (recommended verification method).
  • Complete data: Verifies data by reading it back.
Start applicationNoStarts application after programming/verify completed. Needs reset pin to be connected to Flasher.
Secure chipNoSecures the device if supported by algorithm.
Exit stepsYesExecutes the exit steps defined in the MCU settings

Override timeouts

The settings in this section are taken account for stand-alone configurations, only.
For more information on how to use J-Flash for Flashers in stand-alone mode, please refer to the Flasher User Guide (chapter "Setting up Flasher for stand-alone mode").

Performance settings

Performance Settings

On "Erase selected sectors" / On "Erase chip"

If Perform blank check is checked, a blank check will be performed before an erase. Ifthe area to erase is already blank, no erase happens.


This check takes place for Target -> Production Programming as well as Target -> Manual Programming.

On "Verify"

Configures the type of verify that takes place:

  • via CRC
  • via readback

Global Settings

Global Settings

General log level

This specifies the log level of J-Flash. Increasing log levels result in more information loggedin the log window.

Enable J-Link logfile

If this option is checked, a file name of the J-Link logfile can be specified. The J-Link logfilediffers from the log window output of J-Flash. It does not log J-Flash operations performed.Instead of that, it logs the J-Link DLL API functions called from within J-Flash.

Enable J-Flash logfile

If this option is checked, a file name of the J-Flash logfile can be specified. The J-Flashlogfile contains the same messages as the log window output of J-Flash.

Save project file on close

If this option is checked, J-Flash will always save the changes made to a project file whena project or J-Flash is closed and therefore overrides the old project file without asking forpermission to do so.

Action on J-Flash start

In this section, the action J-Flash performs on startup can be selected.

  • Load most recent project
  • Show New Project Dialog
  • Show Welcome Dialog (default)

This chapter describes the J-Flash command line interface. The command line interfaceallows using J-Flash in batch processing mode and other advanced uses.


In addition to its graphical user interface (GUI), J-Flash supports a command line mode aswell. This makes it possible to use J-Flash for batch processing or automatization purposes.All important options accessible from the menus are available in command line mode aswell. If command line options are provided, J-Flash will still start its GUI, but processingwill start immediately.

The screenshot below shows the command line help dialog, which is displayed if J-Flash isstarted with the command line parameter -help or -?:

JFlash.exe -helpJFlash.exe -?

Command line options

Command line options

This section lists and describes all available command line options.Some options accept additional parameters which are enclosed in angle brackets, e.g.<FILENAME>.If these parameters are optional they are enclosed in square brackets too, e.g. [<SADDR>].Neither the angle nor the square brackets must be typed on the command line, they areused here only to denote (optional) parameters.

The command line options are evaluated in the order as they are passed to J-Flash, so pleaseensure that a project + data file have already been opened when evaluating a commandline option which requires this.

It is recommended to always use


to make sure the right project file and the right data file is opened.
All command line options return 0 if the processing was successfully.A return value unequal 0 means that an error occurred.

-?Displays the help dialog.
-autoExecutes the steps selected in Production Programming.

Default: Erases, programs and verifies target.

-checkblankBlank checks target.
-connectConnects to the target.
-delrange<SADDR>,<EADDR>Deletes data in the given range.
-disconnectDisconnects from the target.
-downloadDownloads configuration to Flasher.
-eliminateEliminates blank areas in data file.
-erasechipErases the entire flash chip.
-erasesectorsErases selected sectors.
-exitExits J-Flash.
-helpDisplays the help dialog.
-jflashlog<FILENAME>Sets a temporary J-Flash logfile.
-jlinklog<FILENAME>Sets a temporary J-Link logfile.
-jlinkdevicesxmlpath<PATH>Sets the path to the JLinkDevices.xml file.
Merges a given data file with the one currently opened in J-Flash.
-minStarts J-Flash minimized
-open<FILENAME>[,<SADDR>]Opens a data file.
-openprj<FILENAME>Opens an existing project file. When no data file to open (-open) is specified in the command line, this will also automatically open the data file that has been recently used with this project. When this option is not set, J-Flash will open the most recently used project. If no recently used project could be found, J-Flash generates a default project.
-productionSame as -auto
-programPrograms the target.
-programverifyPrograms and verify the target.
-readchipReads the entire flash chip.
-readsectorsReads selected sectors.
-readrange<SADDR>,<EADDR>Reads specified range of target memory.
-relocate<OFFSET>Relocates data by the given offset.
-save[<SADDR>,<EADDR>]Saves the current data file.
Please note that the parameters <SADDR>,<EADDR> apply only if the data file is a *.bin file or *.c file.
-saveas<FILENAME>[,<SADDR>,<EADDR>]Saves the current data file in the specified file.
Please note that the parameters <SADDR>,<EADDR> apply only if the data file is a *.bin file or *.c file.
-savecfg<FILENAME>Saves Flasher config file.
-savedat<FILENAME>Saves Flasher data file.
-saveprjSaves the current project.
-saveprjas<FILENAME>Saves the current project in the specified file.
-securechipSecures target device.
-setcpuidcode<IDCodeString>Sets the CPU ID code to be used by the DLL (e.g. during authentication process). Please note that this is NOT the Core ID which can be found in the MCU Settings.
-setrxidcode<IDCodeString>Sets the RXIDCode to be used by the DLL.
Additional info <IDCodeString>: 32 characters, 16 IDCode bytes
-startappStarts the target application.
-unsecurechipUnsecures target device.
-verifyVerifies the target memory.
-usb<SN>Overrides connection settings to USB S/N.
Overrides connection settings to IP.
-hideStarts J-Flash hidden.

Batch processing

J-Flash can be used for batch processing purposes. All important options are available incommand line mode as well. If command line options are provided, J-Flash will still startit* GUI, but processing will start immediately.

The example batchfile below will cause J-Flash to perform the following operations:

  1. Open project C:\Projects\Default.jflash
  2. Open bin file C:\Data\data.bin and set start address to 0x100000
  3. Perform “Auto” operation (“Production Programming”)
  4. Close J-Flash

The return value will be checked and in case of an error an error message displayed. Thissample can be used as a template to be adapted according to the requirements of yourproject.

@ECHO OFFECHO Open a project and data file, start auto processing and exitJFlash.exe -openprjC:\Projects\Default.jflash -openC:\Data\data.bin,0x100000 -auto -exitIF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERRORgoto END:ERRORECHO J-Flash ARM: Error!pause:END

Starting J-Flash minimized

The following example call starts J-Flash minimized:

start /min /wait "J-Flash" "JFlash.exe" -openprjC:\Projects\Default.jflash -openC:\Data\data.bin,0x100000 -auto -exit


Every call of JFlash.exe has to be completed with the -exit option, otherwise theexecution of the batch file stops and the following commands will not be processed.

Programming multiple targets in parallel

In order to program multiple targets in parallel using J-Flash, the following is needed:

  • J-Link / Flasher needs to be configured to allow to connect multiple ones to one PC at the same time. Please refer to Connecting multiple J-Links / J-Traces to your PC
  • A J-Flash project (containing the configuration). Basically, J-Flash connects to a specific J-Link / Flasher, configured in the project settings, but there is a command line option available, which allows to temporary override this setting. Therefore, only one J-Flash project is needed.

Batch file example

Find below a small example which shows how to program multiple targets in parallel using a batch file (Windows only).Please note that in this example, two separate files are required to start parallel programming with a batch file.

Executing this file starts parallel programming using J-Flash.


The "List of jobs" section contains placeholders and must be adjusted to use the desired Flasher serial numbers, J-Flash project file(s) and data file(s).

Furthermore, the list may be expanded to run more sessions of J-Flash in parallel.

@ECHO OFFREMREM List of jobsREM Serial no. J-Flash project file Data fileset aJobs[0]=1015000001 Path\To\ProjectFile.jflash Path\To\DataFile.hexset aJobs[1]=1015000002 Path\To\ProjectFile.jflash Path\To\DataFile.hexset aJobs[2]=1015000003 Path\To\ProjectFile.jflash Path\To\DataFile.hexREM set aJobs[3]=1015000004 Path\To\ProjectFile.jflash Path\To\DataFile.hexREM set aJobs[4]=1015000005 Path\To\ProjectFile.jflash Path\To\DataFile.hexREM set aJobs[5]=1015000006 Path\To\ProjectFile.jflash Path\To\DataFile.hexREM set aJobs[6]=1015000007 Path\To\ProjectFile.jflash Path\To\DataFile.hexREM [...]REMREMREM :MainREMREM Function descriptionREM Entry point for the batch scriptREM Starts multiple instances of J-Flash and waits until all of them have exitedREM:Main REM REM Enable the use of variables inside the for loop by using delayed variable expansion REM setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION REM REM In order to wait for all processes to finish, lock files are used which are located at %temp% REM Each process blocks its corresponding lock file as long as the process is alive. REM set "lock=%temp%\wait!random!.lock" echo Starting J-Flash... set /a Cnt=0 :_JobStartLoop if defined aJobs[%Cnt%] ( start "" 9>"!lock!%Cnt%" StartJFlash.bat %%aJobs[%Cnt%]%% set /a "Cnt+=1" GOTO :_JobStartLoop ) echo Waiting for J-Flash to finish... REM REM Wait for processes to finish before continuing REM set /a Cnt=0 :_JobWaitLoop if defined aJobs[%Cnt%] ( call :WaitForUnlock !lock!%Cnt% >nul 2>&1 set /a "Cnt+=1" GOTO :_JobWaitLoop ) REM  REM Delete temporary lock files REM del "!lock!*" echo Done. pause exit /bREMREM :WaitForUnlockREMREM Function descriptionREM This function waits for the passed lock file to be accessibleREMREM ParametersREM %~1 Lock file pathREM:WaitForUnlock goto :Start :Retry REM REM This is a ping to the IPv6 local loopback address which is used to burn some time waiting for J-Flash to finish. REM There is a 1 sec delay between two pings, so /n 2 generates a sleep for at least 1 sec. REM 1>nul 2>nul ping /n 2 ::1 :Start call 9>"%~1" || goto Retry exit /b

This file is used as a helper file for ParallelProgramming.bat and should not be executed on its own.

The path to the J-Flash executable ("JFlash.exe") may be adjusted to fit the environment this file is used in.

@ECHO OFFREMREM Expected parameters passed to this script:REM %1 S/N of USB FlasherREM %2 Path to project fileREM %3 Path to data fileREMREM Open a project with a data file, start programming and exit afterwardsREMstart /wait "J-Flash" "JFlash.exe" -usb%1 -openprj%2 -open%3 -auto -exitIF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERRORgoto END:ERRORECHO %ERRORLEVEL%ECHO J-Flash: Error! SN: %1pauseexit:ENDECHO J-Flash: Succeed!exit

Python script example

Find below a small example which shows how to program multiple targets in parallel using Python 3.


The list of job information (_aJobs) contains placeholders and must be adjusted to use the desired J-Flash command line options.

Furthermore, the list may be expanded to run more sessions of J-Flash in parallel.

#/*********************************************************************#*#* Version Check#*#**********************************************************************#*/import osimport sysimport subprocessif sys.version_info < (3, 0, 0): sys.stderr.write("Warning: Using Python 2.x. This script may only be run using Python 3!\n") raw_input("Press <Return> to exit") sys.exit(1)#/*********************************************************************#*#* Defines#*#**********************************************************************#*/_PATH_JFLASH_EXE = os.path.join("C:\\", "Program Files", "SEGGER", "JLink", "JFlash.exe") # Default installation path on Windows#/*********************************************************************#*#* Classes#*#**********************************************************************#*/class JOB_INFO: def __init__(self, ParamList): self.ParamList = ParamList # List of strings, each of which represents a command line option passed to J-Flash#/*********************************************************************#*#* List of jobs#*#**********************************************************************#*/_aJobs = [ # For a list of supported command line options, refer to JOB_INFO(["-usb1015000001", "-openprjPath\\To\\ProjectFile.jflash", "-openPath\\To\\DataFile.hex", "-auto", "-exit"]) ,JOB_INFO(["-usb1015000002", "-openprjPath\\To\\ProjectFile.jflash", "-openPath\\To\\DataFile.hex", "-auto", "-exit"]) ,JOB_INFO(["-usb1015000003", "-openprjPath\\To\\ProjectFile.jflash", "-openPath\\To\\DataFile.hex", "-auto", "-exit"])# ,JOB_INFO(["-usb1015000004", "-openprjPath\\To\\ProjectFile.jflash", "-openPath\\To\\DataFile.hex", "-auto", "-exit"])# ,JOB_INFO(["-usb1015000005", "-openprjPath\\To\\ProjectFile.jflash", "-openPath\\To\\DataFile.hex", "-auto", "-exit"])# ,JOB_INFO(["-usb1015000006", "-openprjPath\\To\\ProjectFile.jflash", "-openPath\\To\\DataFile.hex", "-auto", "-exit"])# ,JOB_INFO(["-usb1015000007", "-openprjPath\\To\\ProjectFile.jflash", "-openPath\\To\\DataFile.hex", "-auto", "-exit"])# [...]]#/*********************************************************************#*#* Functions / Code#*#**********************************************************************#*/#/*********************************************************************#*#* main()#*#* Function description#* Handles parallel programming via multiple J-Flash instances#*/def main(): aProc = [] # # Sanity check # r = os.path.exists(_PATH_JFLASH_EXE) if (r == False): print("Could not find J-Flash at", _PATH_JFLASH_EXE) input("Press <Return> to exit...") return -1 # # Go through jobs and start J-Flash instance for each job # print("Starting J-Flash...") for JobInfo in _aJobs: aCmd = [_PATH_JFLASH_EXE] # The first arg passed to subprocess.Popen is the path to the executable aCmd += JobInfo.ParamList hProc = subprocess.Popen(aCmd, shell=True) aProc.append(hProc) # # Go through processes and wait for each to finish executing # print("Waiting for J-Flash to finish...") Result = 0 for hProc in aProc: hProc.wait() r = hProc.returncode if (r != 0): # Error occurred? => Print error message including arguments for identification of failed session Result = -1 print("Error occurred for following J-Flash instance:", hProc.args) if (Result == 0): # No errors occurred? print("Success!") print("Done.") input("Press <Return> to exit...") return Result#/*********************************************************************#*#* Main#*#**********************************************************************#*/if __name__ == "__main__": # only executed if this module is executed directly, not if its imported main()

Programming multiple data files at once

For some production environments, the firmware image to program may consist of multiple data files, e.g.

  1. Bootloader
  2. Firmware
  3. Unit-specific data
    • MAC address
    • Calibration data
    • Signature
  4. etc...

J-Flash can only program one data file to a target at a time.
Programming the data files separately could cause a series of issues, e.g.

  • One of the data files enables a flash write protection, causing following flash programming attempts to fail
  • Multiple programming operations decrease the flash memory's lifespan
  • Multiple programming operations increase the time required to produce a single unit

Instead, J-Flash can be used to merge multiple data files into a single data file which can then be programmed in one go.Example:

JFlash.exe -openprj"Path\To\Proj.jflash" -open"Path\To\Data1.bin",0x08000000 -merge"Path\To\Data2.bin",0x08000200 -merge"Path\To\Data3.bin",0x08000400 -saveas"Path\To\Merged.hex" -auto

The command line above does the following:

  1. Starts J-Flash
  2. Opens the project file Proj.jflash
  3. Opens the data file Data1.bin
  4. Merges Data2.bin into Data1.bin
  5. Merges Data3.bin into the merged data
  6. Saves the resulting data file to Merged.hex
  7. Starts production programming of the merged data


The contents of the data files Data1.bin, Data2.bin and Data3.bin are not changed by J-Flash using the command line above.

Furthermore, saving the resulting merged data before programming is not necessary and that step may be omitted.

For some devices, special handling might be required. In order to find out if special handlingis necessary for the used device, please refer to the article Device specifics.

The following chapter lists all supported flash devices.

Which devices can be programmed by J-Flash?

J-Flash supports programming of internal and external flash devices. The external flashdevice can be a:

  • Parallel NOR flash
  • Serial NOR flash
  • NAND flash
  • DataFlash

For parallel NOR flash any combination of ARM CPU and parallel NOR flash device (1x8bit,2x8bit, 4x8bit, 1x16bit, 2x16bit, 1x32bit) is supported, if the NOR flash device is CFI-compliant. If the NOR flash device which is used is not CFI-compliant, the flash device hasto explicitly selected in J-Flash. For a list of all parallel NOR flash devices which can beexplicitly selected in J-Flash, please refer to Supported Flash Devices.For serial NOR flash, NAND flash and DataFlash devices a custom RAMCode is needed sincethe connection of the flash to the CPU differs from device to device.For more information on how to create a custom RAM Code for J-Flash, please refer to the article: Creating a Flash Loader

For more information about which which microcontrollers with internal flash are supportedby J-Flash, please refer to Supported microcontrollers .SEGGER is constantly adding support for new devices. If you need support for a chip orflash not listed in the tables, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Supported microcontrollers

J-Flash supports download into the internal flash of a large number of microcontrollers. Thelatest list of supported devices can always be found on our website:

List of supported devices

Supported Flash Devices

J-Flash supports a large number of external parallel NOR flash devices. In general, everyCFI-compliant parallel NOR flash device is supported by J-Flash. For non-CFI compliantones, J-Flash allows the user to explicitly select the device. The latest list of supported flashdevices can always be found on our website:

List of supported flash devices

For programming speed measurements, please refer to the SEGGER website:Internal Flash programming performance

This chapter provides some background information about specific parts of the J-Flashsoftware.

Version compatibility

J-Flash is backwards compatible (as all other J-Link software), meaning that any project files created with J-Flash version <X>can also be opened with any version of J-Flash newer than <X> (i.e. a project created with version V6.64 can also opened with V6.71d).

J-Flash is not always forward compatible.
If a project file was generated with a newer version of J-Flash where the project file format was changed,it cannot be opened with an older version of J-Flash.
When that is that case, the message box shown below will appear.

As long as the project file format has not changed from one version to another,the project file should open in both versions without any issues.

Auto-update of project

When opening a J-Flash project with a version of J-Flash that is more recent than the version of J-Flash that the project was last saved with,
it can happen that J-Flash prompts the user to allow an automatic update of the J-Flash project contents.
This is for example the case when the information about internal flash banks of the selected target device
inside the J-Link shared library has changed from the older version of the J-Link software to the newer version.

In order for J-Flash to work properly, it is necessary for the project file information to be in sync with the information of the J-Link shared lib.
Because of that, it is necessary for J-Flash to update the project information accordingly - otherwise it cannot open the project file.

In the process of auto-updating the J-Flash project file, some information (like the selection of sectors a flash bank) may get reset.
Because of that, it is highly recommended for any user to verify the correctness of the project file settings after an auto-update by J-Flash.

CRC calculation

J-Flash and Flasher are using a CRC.The CRC used is the CRC32-CCITT polynomial.

Normal form: 0x04C11DB7Reversed form: 0xEDB88320 (used by J-Flash)

Please note, that the initial CRC used for the calculation is 0x00000000 (some calculators use 0xFFFFFFFF).

Further information regarding this can be found here:

CRC of current data file

When opening a data file in J-Flash (File -> Open...), J-Flash calculates and displays theCRC of the user data in this file.

CRC in Log Window

The following steps are taken into consideration when calculating this CRC:

  1. The CRC is calculated over all sectors which are selected in the current project

    CRC: selected sectors

  2. Everything that is not covered by the data file (gaps in the data file, unused sectors etc.) which is opened, is assumed as 0xFF during the CRC calculation.
  3. The polynomial which is used for the CRC calculation is 0xEDB88320.

ELF file support

J-Flash has been tested with the output of the following compilers: GCC, Clang, ARM, IAR. Output of other compilers may be supported but is not guaranteed to be.

The following chapter provides information about how to contact our support.


General procedure

  • Make sure the J-Link / Flasher is working as expected. See the troubleshooting article: J-Link / J-Trace / Flasher Troubleshooting
  • Ensure that the target hardware matches the project file settings. Pay special attention to the following aspects:
    • Init sequence
    • Clock speed
    • RAM address
    • Flash base address
    • MCU / Flash chip
    • Flash organization
  • The interface clock frequency depends on several factors, e.g. cable length, target board etc. Try setting the frequency to lower or higher values accordingly.
  • Make sure the flash memory is unlocked before programming or erasing.

Typical problems

Failed to connect


This error message is shown if any error occurs during the connection process.


First of all, make sure the target is actually connected to J-Link. Verify the correctness ofthe init sequence, check the JTAG speed, and ensure the correct flash type is selected.

Programming / Erasing failed


The flash memory sector may be locked and programming or erasing the respective memorysection fails therefore.


Make sure the memory sector is unlocked before programming or erasing. J-Flash providesa dedicated menu item for unlocking flash memory.

Timeout errors during programming


A timeout occurs if the target is too slow during DCC communication or the target flashmemory is too slow during programming.


Using smaller RAM block sizes may fix this problem.

Blank check failed


The target memory was not empty during blank check.


Erase target memory.

RAM check failed


No RAM found at the specified RAM location.


Make sure a correct RAM address is specified in the project settings. See section MCU Settings.

Unexpected core ID


The specified CPU core ID does not match with the one read from the target CPU.


Ensure the specified core ID is correct for the used target CPU. See section MCU Settings for information about setting the core ID.

Unsupported flash type / bus width


The target flash memory or the bus organization is not yet supported.


Inform us about the flash type you want to use. SEGGER is constantly adding support for new flash memory devices.

No matching RAMCode


There is no programming algorithm available for the selected target memory type.


Inform us about the flash type you want to use. SEGGER is constantly adding support for new flash memory devices.

Selected data does not fit into selected flash sectors


The data file to be programmed exceeds the address range defined by the selected flash sectors.


Verify the following:

  1. The correct data file is selected
  2. The data file's start address is correct
    • The data file start address can be changed by using J-Flash's Relocate feature: Edit menu elements
  3. Flash banks to program are enabled
    • Flash banks can be enabled or disabled in the project settings: Disable flash bank
  4. Flash bank sectors to program are selected
    • Single sectors of a flash bank can be selected or deselected in the project settings: Sector selection

Contacting support

If you experience a J-Flash related problem and the advices from the sections above donot help you to solve it, you may contact our J-Flash support. In this case, please provideus with the following information:

  • A detailed description of the problem.
  • The relevant logfile and project file. In order to generate an expressive logfile, set the log level to “All messages” (see section Global Settings for information about changing the log level in J-Flash).
  • The relevant data file as a .hex or .mot file (if possible)
  • The processor and flash types used

Once we received this information we will try our best to solve the problem for you.

You can contact SEGGER directly via our support system:

UM08003 JFlash - SEGGER Wiki (2024)
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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Views: 5605

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Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.