Roasted Brussels Sprouts | The Modern Proper (2024)

November 14, 2023

Say goodbye to soggy, overcooked brussels! We have cracked the code for the crispiest, crunchiest, most delicious roasted brussel sprouts.


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Roasted Brussels Sprouts | The Modern Proper (1)

Photography by Gayle McLeod

The Absolute Best Oven Roasted Brussel Sprouts

There are few veggies as nutritious, versatile, and addictive as roasted brussel sprouts. Or maybe, this brussel sprout recipe makes us feel that way because it’s just that good and did we mention, simple? With 25 minutes, olive oil, a little salt, and the freshest brussels you can find, you’ll get caramelized, crunchy outsides, soft interiors, and seasoned to perfection bites you cannot resist. They’ll be sure to impress even the toughest brussel sprout critic and are delicious enough to serve again and again.

Roasted Brussels Sprouts | The Modern Proper (2)

Should Brussel Sprouts Be Cut In Half Before Roasting…

How long to roast brussel sprouts, is it better to steam or roast brussel sprouts, and more…we’re here to answer all your burning brussel questions! Welcome to brussel sprout roasting 101! Step right up, we’ve got all the secrets. To create a crunchy exterior and allow water to escape from the brussels, they should be cut in half before roasting (and sometimes, if large, into quarters as well). Additionally, time and temperature are two important factors when roasting brussel sprouts. At 425°F, we recommend roasting brussel sprouts in the oven for around 18 minutes, but suggest keeping a good eye on them to avoid burning or undercooking. If you bump the oven temperature up or down, keep in mind that the time for cooking will change! While you can steam your brussels, we’re pro-roasting for optimal texture. We also like to pan fry, such as in Maple Bacon Brussels Sprouts or shred them for a Brussels Sprout Gratin.

Why Are My Brussel Sprouts Not Crispy?

While brussel sprouts may have gotten a bad rap growing up, we’re here to demystify some of the more perplexing aspects of cooking this veg. We know you’re tired of soggy, roasted brussel sprouts in the oven so we put together this easy guide on how to make sure they come out with a little char and great texture. Try these simple tips to crisp em’ up next time you’re roasting brussel sprouts

  • Spread them out into a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet to avoid overcrowding. If they’re too close together, they’ll steam instead of roast which stops the crisping process.

  • Use high heat and adjust accordingly! For our roasted brussels sprouts recipe, we turn the oven up to 425°F and keep a good eye on roasting brussels sprouts for about 18 minutes. Cook time is dependent on your oven so make sure you are watching! You can always hit them with a quick broil at the end if you feel the need.

  • Place them face down and resist the urge to move them around. A searing hot baking sheet with the brussels cut side down is the key to crispy brussel perfection.

Roasted Brussels Sprouts | The Modern Proper (4)

How to Roast Brussel Sprouts

  1. Prepare the brussels! When choosing the perfect bushel of brussels, make sure there is no yellowing of the leaves or bruised spots. The little cabbage-like leaves should be wrapped tightly. For the freshest pick, ask your local grocer or farmers market if they sell them on the stem! Once washed, cut them in half (or quarters for larger brussels!).

  2. Season! We like to keep it simple with a little EVOO and salt. Make it your own by adding fresh cracked pepper, a sprinkle of paprika or garlic, or if you’re looking to get a little wild, shaved parm! Using your hands, mix the brussel sprouts directly on the sheet pan.

  3. Roast ‘em! Our two rules: place and space! Place them cut side down to create that slightly crunchy exterior and soft interior. Space them out evenly so they don’t steam–a crowded sheet pan party is not where your brussels want to be.

  4. Take it to the next level with our Candied Brussels Sprouts recipe.

I’ve Roasted Brussel Sprouts, Now What?

You’ve got a sheet tray of piping hot, crispy roasted brussel sprouts and are looking for the perfect accompaniment. Serve them along with your favorite holiday sides, such as Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes or try pairing them with one of our 40 Best Thanksgiving Sides. How about using them in our Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Sweet Fish Sauce Dressing? Oven roasted brussel sprouts complement Baked Salmon, Hoisin Glazed Pork Chops, and are even good in Corned Beef Hash. They’re also great to keep in the fridge and toss into salads like this Shaved Brussels Sprout Salad with Creamy Maple Dressing. Or eat them directly from the pan, these things are like candy!

Roasted Brussels Sprouts | The Modern Proper (6)

Tools for Crispy Brussels

Oven Roasted Veggies Galore!

Maybe we’re biased, but the quickest, simplest, and most delicious way to make veggies is in the oven. You can roast almost any veggie – ones with low water content work best. Some of our favorites:

  • Roasted Asparagus

  • Roasted Cauliflower

  • Roasted Acorn Squash

  • Perfectly Roasted Broccoli

  • Roasted Red Peppers

  • Roasted Beets

  • Rosemary Roasted Potatoes

  • Roasted Zucchini with Parmesan

Never a Boring Brussel Again!

We hope this roasted brussel sprout recipe transforms the way you enjoy your brussel sprouts…maybe it’ll even become a family staple! Tag us on Instagram using @themodernproper and #themodernproper. Happy eating!

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Roasted Brussels Sprouts | The Modern Proper (2024)


How does Gordon Ramsay cook Brussels sprouts? ›

Add the brussel sprout halves to a bowl with 1-2 tbsp olive oil, garlic powder, oregano, red chilli powder and salt. 4. Spread them on a baking tray with no parchment paper, with the center FACE DOWN. Bake or airfry at 400F for about 20-25 minutes.

Why are my roasted brussel sprouts not crispy? ›

Why Are My Brussel Sprouts Not Crispy? Spread them out into a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet to avoid overcrowding. If they're too close together, they'll steam instead of roast which stops the crisping process.

Why are restaurant brussel sprouts better than homemade? ›

The combination of techniques, searing then roasting, is what gives restaurant Brussel Sprouts the upper hand on the until-now pathetic homemade variety. Eureka! Avoid using a glass baking dish with very high sides, as this will trap moisture inside the pan, causing the sprouts to steam rather than roast.

How do you roast brussel sprouts so they are not bitter? ›

A splash of lemon juice, or even apple cider vinegar, works wonders on bitter sprouts. Another key ingredient is fat, which helps Brussels sprouts to crisp up. This is why it's so popular to render bacon fat and cook Brussels sprouts in it, then add the bacon bits back in at the end.

Why do you soak brussel sprouts before cooking? ›

The soak time tenderizes the sprouts so the middles are softer. Don't worry, they won't be soggy! I would never do that to you. If, like me, you don't mind some chew to your sprouts, you don't need to soak the Brussels sprouts prior to cooking.

Why are my brussel sprouts soggy in the oven? ›

Not using enough oil.

The other secret to ridiculously crispy Brussels sprouts is tossing them in plenty of oil. We like to use olive oil, but plain vegetable oil is great too. If the sprouts are well-coated, they'll caramelize and char instead of simply softening in the oven.

Do you cut Brussels sprouts in half before roasting? ›

Cut the bottom of each brussels sprout off (about 1/4" or less) and then slice in half lengthwise. Toss all ingredients and place in a single layer on a baking dish. Roast for 25 minutes or until brussels sprouts are slightly browned and tender throughout. Serve hot or cold.

Do you roast Brussels sprouts face up or down? ›

Place Brussels sprouts cut side down on a rimmed baking sheet. Roast until the tops and bottoms of the sprouts are caramelized and brown, but the centers are creamy, about 20-25 minutes. Enjoy immediately!

Should you parboil Brussels sprouts before roasting? ›

Unlike other vegetables, Brussels sprouts can be parboiled (even a day ahead) to reduce the roasting time without hurting their texture. That means the sprouts can be popped in the oven while the meat is resting before carving. Of course, if the main course is grilled or pan-cooked, the oven will be free for roasting.

What gives brussel sprouts a better taste? ›

Over the last twenty years, farmers have mellowed the "unpleasant" flavor of brussels sprouts by breeding a vegetable that contains fewer bitter compounds or glucosinolates. So, brussels sprouts just taste better than they used to when we were kids. The rub is that glucosinolates help protect sprouts against pests.

Which is healthier broccoli or brussel sprouts? ›

While broccoli may have a higher count of calories, fat, and carbs, it is richer in calcium, iron, and pantothenic acid (a B vitamin that does wonders for healthy hair), and has a bit more potassium. Brussels sprouts, on the other hand, are lower in sodium.

Who made brussel sprouts taste better? ›

A Dutch scientist named Hans van Doorn, who worked at a seed and chemical company, figured out exactly which chemical compounds in Brussels sprouts made them bitter. The next step was to plant sprouts with the least amount of these chemicals and eventually cross-pollinate the chemicals out.

Why are roasted brussel sprouts tough? ›

Like soggy steamed Brussels, Brussels sprouts that are dry and chewy are no good either. This could be caused by using too little oil for roasting. You need a nice coating of oil—enough to make the heads shiny or if they're cut, enough oil to get inside the folds of some of the leaves.

Why are my roasted brussel sprouts mushy? ›

If they are soggy and mushy-they are probably overcooked. You want a crisp on the outside Brussel sprout, so watch that cooking time.

Is it better to blanch brussel sprouts before roasting? ›

To guarantee great texture, do both! Trim and halve your brussels, then blanch and thoroughly dry them, and then roast at a high temperature until the outer leaves are starting to blacken. Moisture is the enemy of crispiness.

Are brussel sprouts better steamed or boiled? ›

Steaming Brussels sprouts preserves more of the nutrients and antioxidants than any other cooking method. And they turn out tasting like crisp-tender, sweet little nuggets. Plus they're just about the quickest veggie side dish you can cook.

What makes brussel sprouts taste better? ›

Over the last twenty years, farmers have mellowed the "unpleasant" flavor of brussels sprouts by breeding a vegetable that contains fewer bitter compounds or glucosinolates.

How do you cook brussel sprouts Jamie Oliver? ›

Trim the Brussels and peel away any tatty outer leaves, halving any larger ones and keeping the smaller ones whole. Cook in a large pan of boiling salted water for 5 minutes, then drain and leave to steam dry.

How do you cook brussel sprouts so they don't cause gas? ›

Boiling, steaming, or roasting brussel sprouts can help break down some of the complex sugars that may be causing gas and bloating. Secondly, be sure to chew your sprouts thoroughly. This will aid in digestion and reduce the amount of air you swallow while eating.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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