10 Reasons Why Macarons Are the Best Dessert - Le Macaron French Pastries® (2024)

Macarons are a delicate and visually appealing dessert that originated in France. They consist of two small, round, almond-based cookies sandwiched together with a creamy filling. Macarons come in a variety of flavors, ranging from classic vanilla and chocolate to more unique flavors like lavender and rose. The macaron is considered to be the jewel of French pastries in Europe.

Where do Macarons Come From?

The history of macarons can be traced back to the 8th century in Persia (modern-day Iran), where a similar almond-based dessert called “Louzieh” was made. The original version of the macaron consisted of just almond flour, egg whites, and sugar. However, it wasn’t until the 1830s that macarons began to resemble the colorful, sandwich-style dessert that we know today. This new version of the macaron was created by Pierre Desfontaines, who was the head pastry chef at the famous French bakery Ladurée.

The crisp, delicate cookie shell gives way to a soft, chewy interior, while the filling provides a burst of creamy sweetness. Additionally, the wide variety of flavors available means that there is a macaron for every taste preference.

Over time, macarons became increasingly popular in France and beyond, with different bakers and patisseries creating their own unique dessert variations. Today, macarons are enjoyed worldwide, with other countries putting their own spin on the classic French treat.

How did Le Macaron French Pastries® get started?

Le Macaron French Pastries® was founded by Rosalie Guillem, living in Florida, and her daughter, Audrey Guillem-Saba, living in France. They had a dream to share delectable French macarons with the world. The family, originally hailing from France, were surprised to find that the American take on the “macaron” was often simply sugar spun into a cookie shape or confused with the familiar coconut cookie “macaroon.” They knew that with a little consumer education and by treating the American palate to true authentic macarons, they could bring a new taste and texture sensation to the dessert marketplace.

What started off as a single pâtisserie shop in Sarasota, Florida, has blossomed into more than 50 locations coast to coast with a simple mission: to invite customers to slow down long enough to experience the quality and authenticity of our French macarons and enjoy one of life’s little luxuries.

Here are 10 ten reasons why macarons are considered to be the best dessert:

  1. They’re visually stunning. Macarons come in an array of bright colors and a distinctive round shape, making them a visually appealing dessert. They are instantly recognizable.
  2. They’re delicate and refined. With their light, airy texture and subtle flavors, macarons are an elegant and sophisticated dessert that feels indulgent without being too heavy.
  3. They’re versatile. Macarons can be filled with a variety of different fillings, from buttercream to ganache, making them a versatile dessert option that can be tailored to suit different tastes.
  4. They’re gluten-free. Macarons are made with almond flour and egg whites, which makes them naturally gluten-free and a good option for those with gluten sensitivities or allergies.
  5. They are low in calories: Compared to other desserts, macarons are relatively low in calories, making them a guilt-free treat.
  6. They’re bite-sized. Macarons are small and portable, which makes them a perfect dessert option for those who want something sweet on the run.
  7. They’re perfect for gifting. With their beautiful presentation, macarons make great hostess gifts or party favors for any special occasion.
  8. They’re Social Media-worthy. Macarons are perfect food photography subjects and are often featured in social media posts and feeds, making them a trendy and fashionable dessert option. The delicate, colorful shells can be arranged in a beautiful display that makes for an eye-catching Instagram post.
  9. They’re a luxuriously indulgent treat. With their delicate texture and sophisticated presentation, macarons are often considered a luxurious dessert that feels indulgent and special and yet is available and affordable for everyone.
  10. A more sophisticated dessert: macarons are considered a more sophisticated dessert due to their high-end ingredients and delicate preparation process. The delicate texture of macarons – a crispy shell with a soft, chewy interior – makes them a unique and enjoyable dessert.

Here are 5 great suggestions you can make at home with your own macarons.

Macarons make for a delicious and visually striking dessert that can be enjoyed alone or as part of a more extensive dessert spread. Here are some ways you can incorporate macarons into your dessert menu:

  1. Macaron Tower: Create a stunning centerpiece by building a tower of macarons. Just use melted sugar, melted chocolate, or whipped cream to keep them together. This is an excellent option for weddings, birthdays, or any other special occasion.
  2. Macaron Ice Cream Sandwiches: Sandwich your favorite flavor of macaron between two scoops of ice cream for a delicious and refreshing treat.
  3. Macaron Trifle: Layer crumbled macarons with whipped cream and fresh fruit for a light and airy dessert perfect for spring and summer.
  4. Macaron Cheesecake: Add crushed macarons to your cheesecake crust for a unique and flavorful twist on a classic cheesecake.
  5. Macaron Platter: Arrange macarons in an exciting design or pattern on a platter for a beautiful and delicious dessert that is perfect for entertaining.

No matter how you enjoy them, macarons are a versatile and elegant dessert that will impress your guests.

Macarons offer a unique combination of textures and flavors, are visually stunning, and are associated with luxury and elegance. Their unique preparation process makes macarons a truly special dessert, which explains why some people consider them the best dessert.

Come visit us at one of our locationsand taste them for yourself!

10 Reasons Why Macarons Are the Best Dessert - Le Macaron French Pastries® (2024)


10 Reasons Why Macarons Are the Best Dessert - Le Macaron French Pastries®? ›

A tasty macaron has a smooth cookie texture. A good way to know is by looking for bumps, if you see any, this means that the chef did not use finely grounded almonds. Sure, you will still enjoy a chunky macaron but it tastes much better when the almonds are finely grounded. Additionally, the crust should also be thin.

What makes macarons so good? ›

A tasty macaron has a smooth cookie texture. A good way to know is by looking for bumps, if you see any, this means that the chef did not use finely grounded almonds. Sure, you will still enjoy a chunky macaron but it tastes much better when the almonds are finely grounded. Additionally, the crust should also be thin.

What are the benefits of macaron? ›

Whether you prefer eating chocolate, vanilla, or fruit-flavored macarons, these sweets offer health advantages that many other desserts often don't.
  • Surprisingly Low in Calories.
  • Low in Sodium. ...
  • Reduced Cholesterol. ...
  • Extra Protein. ...
  • Fewer Carbohydrates. ...
  • Gluten-Free. ...
  • Made from Scratch. ...
  • More Fruit in Your Diet.
Aug 4, 2022

Why are macarons so popular in France? ›

In 1792, macarons began to gain fame when two Carmelite nuns, seeking asylum in Nancy during the French Revolution, baked and sold the macaron cookies in order to pay for their housing. These nuns became known as the "Macaron Sisters". In these early stages, macarons were served without special flavours or fillings.

Why are macarons the best dessert? ›

Macarons offer a unique combination of textures and flavors, are visually stunning, and are associated with luxury and elegance. Their unique preparation process makes macarons a truly special dessert, which explains why some people consider them the best dessert.

What makes a macaron unique? ›

French macarons are delicate sandwich cookies with a crisp exterior. Each individual cookie is known as a macaron shell. The shells are made without any chemical leaveners and get all of their lift from properly beaten egg whites. If you follow the recipe carefully, the cookies have a unique nougat-like, chewy texture.

What is macaron known for? ›

macaron, sweet, small, round French sandwich cookie made from meringue, almond flour, sugar, and food colouring and adorned with a variety of fillings including buttercream, chocolate ganache, marzipan, jam, and fruit compote.

Why are macarons such a big deal? ›

Their popularity could be attributed to the fact that they are indulgent, come in different colors and flavors, and have a low-calorie count. Over the years, bakeries specializing in making macarons have mushroomed in New York, Seattle, and San Francisco.

Why are macarons called macarons? ›

The first recorded use of macaroon was in 1605–15, and it originated from the Middle French word macaron via the dialectal Italian maccarone (“cake or biscuit made of ground almonds”). So the macaroon comes from the French version of a cookie that originated from an Italian treat.

Are macaroons good or bad for you? ›

Like most things, when eaten in moderation, a standard of no more than 2 macaroons a day, will result in zero negative effects and some surprising benefits. While sugar has obviously no nutritional benefit, eggs whites are low in cholesterol and benefit brain function by containing sodium.

Are macarons healthier than cake? ›

One macaron contains around 70-90 calories, much lower than a typical cake or cookie slice. This makes them an excellent option for people trying to watch their calorie intake but still want to enjoy a sweet treat. In addition to being low in calories, Annabella Patisserie's macarons are also low in fat.

Why are macarons so expensive? ›

Once cooled, the shells are filled with a buttercream or ganache filling. Why do macarons seem to be so expensive? Macarons are typically more expensive than other baked goods due to their labor-intensive preparation, high-quality ingredients, and delicate nature.

What are some fun facts about macarons? ›

5 Interesting Facts About French Macarons
  • #Fact 1 First macaron originated in Italy and not France. It is believed that the macaron was born in Italy. ...
  • #Fact 2 Ladurée Paris sells over 4,000,000 macarons per year. ...
  • #Fact 3 Macaron Day in New York City. ...
  • #Fact 4 They are gluten-free. ...
  • #Fact 5 Traditional Macarons are not vegan.
Jun 4, 2021

Where are macarons most popular? ›

Macarons experienced a spectacular revival in the last few decades, becoming an icon of French pastry. Today, these sweet pleasures are a must-try during any visit to Paris, and with the assistance of Kweezine, you'll discover the best parisian pastry shops to savor these sugary marvels steeped in history.

How have macarons changed? ›

As the number of Europeans traveling to America in the early 20th century increased, so did the popularity of macarons, and the recipe for authentic French macarons has changed very little. One change in the history of macaron in America was the growing popularity of coconut in the 1900s.

What is the secret to good macarons? ›

7 Tips for Making the Perfect Macarons
  • Accurately Weigh & Measure Your Ingredients. ...
  • Check Your Batter's Consistency. ...
  • Sift and Mix Dry Ingredients. ...
  • Invest in a Macaron Mat. ...
  • Avoid Liquids for Coloring. ...
  • Whisk Your Egg Whites Well. ...
  • Wait Before the Oven. ...
  • Taste Perfection Before You DIY, at Chelles Macarons.
Jun 25, 2021

What is the Speciality of macaroons? ›

The recipe included ground almonds, sugar, icing sugar and egg whites. The French macaron is a culinary speciality that is now found in several French regions. This small cake, which is crispy on the outside and gooey on the inside, was originally served singly before being sandwiched together in around 1830.

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