Baking hints and tips (2024)

Baking hints and tips (1)Although regular breads and cakes are not included in a gluten free diet, there are many creative ways in which people withcoeliac disease can have their cake and eat it!

Glutengives bread, cakes and pastry the right texture. Without gluten, bread is less chewy and cakes and pastry can be drier and more crumbly. However, there are many specialty gluten free flours on the market that work well in your favourite recipes.Ouronline shophas several cookbooks dedicated to gluten free cooking and baking.

Xanthan Gum

Xanthan gum, pronounced "zan-than gum," is a type of starch produced by fermentation (the same process used to make yogurt, cheese and wine). It is widely used in food and household goods and may appear in ingredients lists as xanthan gum or E415. It’s a completely natural, vegetarian product which causes no known health problems when used in the recommended amounts.

Xanthan gum is used to improve the texture and shelf life of gluten free products. It mimics gluten in terms of keeping the baked products moist and the texture soft. It comes in powder form which dissolves easily in water.Mix it with the gluten free flour mix before adding any liquid — you may need to use more liquid than usual as xanthan gum can absorb quite a lot. It does not need heat to thicken and is not affected by oven temperatures either, making it versatile to use.

The amount you use depends on whether the gluten free mix you are using already has some form of gum. The basic principle for a gluten free mix that already contains a gum is as follows:

  • Bread: 5 ml (1 teaspoon) for every 450g (1lb) gluten free mix
  • Pastry: 1.5ml (¼ teaspoon) for every 225g (8oz) gluten free mix
  • Sponge cakes: not absolutely necessary, a matter of preference
  • Rich fruit cakes: 2.5 ml (½ teaspoon) for every 225g (8oz) gluten free mix
  • Light fruit cakes: 1/8 teaspoon for every 175g (6oz) gluten free mix.

You can find xanthan gum in the free fromaisle in most of the major supermarkets. A lot of health food stores and organic shops stock it and it is also available by mail order.

Guar Gum

Guar gum comes from the seeds of guar beans (Cyamopsis Tetragonolobus). It acts as a thickener and bulks out food.


As with all gluten free cooking, cleaning and hygiene precautions must be taken with breadmakers regardingcross contaminationif the equipment has been, or is also used for, food which contains gluten. Additional pans can be bought for some models of breadmakers if you want to have a separate one for gluten free baking.

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Baking hints and tips (2024)


What is the number one rule of baking? ›

Read the Recipe Through Completely

You must read and re-read your recipes before beginning anything. Human error, even for the best bakers, can get in the way and ruin your entire endeavor.

What are the 5 basic baking skills? ›

Baking a cake is a delightful blend of science, art, and patience. By mastering the essential skills of accurate measurements, proper mixing techniques, understanding your oven, perfect timing, and patient cooling, you can elevate your cake-baking game to new heights.

What is the secret to baking? ›

Don't over mix the ingredients.

In a lot of baking recipes you will see the phrase, “Do not over mix.” This is because once you add flour into your ingredients, mixing will encourage the gluten to develop and create a chewy texture.

What are the don'ts in baking? ›

Common Baking Mistakes (And How to Fix Them)
  • Baking at the wrong temperature. ...
  • Not measuring ingredients. ...
  • Checking on your items too frequently. ...
  • Your ingredients are at the wrong temperature. ...
  • Your dough isn't rising. ...
  • Nothing is baking evenly. ...
  • Your dough or batter is too tough. ...
  • Wrap Up.

How to improve your baking skills? ›

7 Ways to Improve Your Baking Skills
  1. Measure Accurately. ...
  2. Follow Recipes Religiously. ...
  3. Take a Professional Bakery Course. ...
  4. Always Use Fresh Ingredients. ...
  5. Invest in Good Quality Baking Equipment. ...
  6. Practice, Practice and Practice. ...
  7. Get Some Inspiration.

What are the 4 fundamentals of baking? ›

4 Fundamental Principles of Baking to Transform Your Experience
  • First Rule: Precision in Ingredient Measurement: Accurate measurement of ingredients is paramount in the science of baking. ...
  • Second Rule: Temperature Control: ...
  • Third Rule: Proper Mixing Technique: ...
  • Fourth Rule: Cooling and Storage Method:

Is baking a talent or a skill? ›

So it is more of a skill than a talent, unlike art (painting, drawing, designing) or music which is more talent based than skill based. it takes talent to improve to excellence , so if your taste buds are shut and you cant smell the food roasting in an oven.

What are the 5 baking techniques? ›

The Five Basic Baking Techniques
  • Creaming Method. One baking technique stands out as a fundamental building block for countless delicious treats—the creaming method. ...
  • Mix It All Together. ...
  • Melt, Mix and Bake. ...
  • Rubbing-In Method. ...
  • Whisking Method.
Sep 26, 2023

How can I get better at baking and cooking? ›

21 Home Cooking Skills That Will Improve Your Home Cooking
  1. Collect Skills, Not Recipes. ...
  2. Emulate Professional Chefs and Always Do Your Mise-En-Place. ...
  3. Invest In Your Equipment. ...
  4. Choose Gadgets and Utensils Wisely. ...
  5. Taste, Taste, and Taste Again. ...
  6. Understand the Maillard Reaction. ...
  7. Source Your Ingredients with Care. ...
  8. Know Your Onions.

What is the key for successful baking? ›

Successful baking requires careful attention to several key factors: 1. Properly measuring ingredients and controlling temperatures during mixing and proofing. 2. Using proper techniques for mixing, molding, proofing, and baking to develop structure and flavor.

What is one tip for baking? ›

One of the most crucial baking tips is measuring ingredients properly. Problems are common if measurements are incorrect. Having a firm grasp of measuring techniques is essential. Measure dry ingredients in measuring cups or spoons because these are specially designed for dry ingredients.

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