Why Macarons Might Be Healthier for you | Chelles Macarons (2024)

Macarons aren't normally considered to be a health food, but these tasty French treats may have some surprising nutritional benefits for you. Macarons can also be better for you if you have certain dietary restrictions that prevent you from eating other sweets. Whether you prefer eating chocolate, vanilla, or fruit-flavored macarons, these sweets offer health advantages that many other desserts often don't.

Surprisingly Low in Calories

These small treats don't pack as many calories as some other larger dessert items do. Macarons can help you stay within your recommended daily calorie intake if they're eaten in moderation. A single macaron may containless than 90 calories, and snacking on only a couple of these treats at a time shouldn't add to your waistline.

Low in Sodium

If you're salt-sensitive, macarons shouldn't make your blood pressure spike thanks to their low sodium content. Little salt is needed to make these French desserts to maximize their flavors and help preserve their freshness, and you likely won't feel as thirsty after eating some macarons as you would with desserts that are higher in sodium.

Reduced Cholesterol

High levels of LDL cholesterol (also known as "bad" cholesterol) can also be bad for your heart health and make you more likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke. If you want to indulge in a dessert that's low in cholesterol, macarons can be a smart choice. These treats aren't fried in the greases or oils that are known to significantly increase cholesterol levels in foods and are instead baked to perfection.

Extra Protein

You can give your body more of the protein that it needs to build muscle and improve your skin and hair quality by snacking on some macarons. The almond flour and egg whites that are used to make macarons can increase your protein intake. The extra protein that you get from eating macarons can also help you stay fuller until your next meal so that you'll be less tempted to snack as much.

Fewer Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are an essential component of nutrition, but eating too many carbs that you don't plan to burn off as energy can increase your weight. The almond flour that's used to make macarons contains fewer carbohydrates than wheat and other types of flour, which makes these treats more ideal if you're trying to stick to a low-carb diet.


Macarons are excellent for satisfying your sweet tooth if you're sensitive to gluten. Gluten-free almond flour is used instead of wheat flour to prepare macarons, which can be easier on your digestive system and may also help prevent intestinal damage that some people with celiac disease can experience from consuming gluten.

Made from Scratch

The best macarons are made from scratch by hand and aren't manufactured by machinery in a baking factory. This helps ensure that only the freshest, healthiest ingredients are used without many of the artificial flavors, preservatives, or other additives that are associated with certain health risks. New batches of macarons can be made from scratch each day, which also helps guarantee their freshness.

More Fruit in Your Diet

You likely already know the importance of getting enough of the vitamins in your diet that fruits provide, and certain macaron flavors can give you some additional fruit with every sweet bite. Fruit-flavored macarons can be made with raspberries, strawberries, or blueberries to increase their nutritional value and deliciousness. The lemon extract that's often used as an ingredient may evenprevent kidney stones.

If you want to try some of the best macarons on the planet, Chelles Macarons features a variety of flavors that can sweeten your day. Order yours today.

Why Macarons Might Be Healthier for you | Chelles Macarons (2024)


Why Macarons Might Be Healthier for you | Chelles Macarons? ›

Using almond flour instead of wheat flour in making macarons makes them naturally gluten-free, high in protein, fiber, and low in carbohydrates.

Are macarons healthy for you? ›

Surprisingly Low in Calories

Macarons can help you stay within your recommended daily calorie intake if they're eaten in moderation. A single macaron may contain less than 90 calories, and snacking on only a couple of these treats at a time shouldn't add to your waistline.

How good are macarons good for? ›

Macarons last for 14 days at room temperature, 4 weeks when refrigerated, and up to 6 months when frozen. Remember, macarons are best at room temperature, to get the perfect texture. Too cold, they might be harder to bite in.

What is so special about macaron? ›

French macarons have a delicate, crunchy shell and a smooth, creamy filling. They are colorful and have an elegant appearance. The outer shell is made from sugar and almond meal (ground almonds). It is pretty thin so that when you bite into it, the shell shatters into tiny pieces which melt in your mouth.

Which is better macarons or macaroons? ›

No matter which cookie is your favorite, both macarons and macaroons are delicious in their own way. Macarons are camera-ready thanks to their attractive colors and even sizing, but what macaroons lack in appearance, they make up for in taste.

Are macarons good for diabetics? ›

What baked goods can diabetics eat? Baked goods made with whole wheat flour, almond flour, or other low-GI ingredients and less added sugar are fine for diabetics. Some good choices are sugar-free carrot cake, keto chocolate cake, and low-carb coconut macaroons.

How quickly should you eat macarons? ›

How long will my macarons stay fresh? Our macarons stay freshest when they are refrigerated as soon as possible after purchase and eaten within 5-7 days.

Are macarons healthier than cookies? ›

Using almond flour instead of wheat flour in making macarons makes them naturally gluten-free, high in protein, fiber, and low in carbohydrates. Almond flour is what keeps macarons from being dry and crumbly, and without it, they would lose their distinct flavor and texture.

Can you eat too many macarons? ›

That said, because macaroons are high in sugar and offer little nutrition, eating too many of them regularly could be problematic, especially if they replace more nutritious foods in your diet. If you do decide to try them, track your symptoms closely to determine if they have any effect.

What makes a good macaron? ›

The key to a good macaron is a good meringue, with smooth, shiny, stiff peaks. You can tell it's done when you can flip the bowl upside down and nothing comes out. The peak will be stiff yet still droop slightly. Start with aged or fresh egg whites and whip them on medium for a few minutes until bubbles form.

What is a fun fact about macarons? ›

Macarons have a Rich History

It found its way from Italy to France in 1533 when a chef of Italian noblewomen Catherine De Medicis brought it over to France. Cute macarons were credited to Pierre Desfontaines because of his great idea to fill the cookies with creamy ganache.

What is the science behind macaron? ›

For macarons, egg whites need to be stiff. They become stiff from continuous beating, as the activity from beaters causes the whites to become frothy and eventually reach a semi-solid state. 'Stiff peaks' refer to the shape of the whites after taking the beaters out.

Why do macarons need a skin? ›

A: Gently touch the surface of a macaron; it should feel dry and not stick to your finger. When a thin, matte layer has developed, the macarons have formed a skin. This layer is essential for creating the characteristic feet during baking.

Why macarons are expensive? ›

Once cooled, the shells are filled with a buttercream or ganache filling. Why do macarons seem to be so expensive? Macarons are typically more expensive than other baked goods due to their labor-intensive preparation, high-quality ingredients, and delicate nature.

What is the real name of a macaron? ›

The macaron as it is known today, composed of two almond meringue discs filled with a layer of buttercream, jam, or ganache filling, was originally called the "Gerbet" or the "Paris macaron." Pierre Desfontaines, of the French pâtisserie Ladurée, has sometimes been credited with its creation in the early part of the ...

Are macarons cheap to make? ›

No, macarons ingredients are not expensive. In fact, we use only almond flour, sugar, egg white, fruit purée and chocolate to make macarons. Almond flour is $4 per pound. Sugar is $1 per pound.

How many calories are in 1 macaron? ›

How many calories are in a French macaron? Each of our French café franchises' authentic macarons contain about 80 calories each and are free of any artificial flavors or preservatives, so they're the perfect guilt-free treat!

How many macarons should I eat? ›

If macarons are the only dessert, then we recommend 3-4 per person.

Do macarons have a lot of sugar? ›

My recipe already has a lower ratio of sugar compared to many recipes out there, but only by a few grams, since I am using a total of 205 grams of sugar (powdered and granulated) for 100 grams of egg whites, and most recipes out there are using a total of 220 grams or so.

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