How long do macarons last? How to store macarons? (2024)

How to Store Macarons?

Store macarons in an airtight container, like a Tupperware. The idea here is to keep the moist as long as possible.

Then, you have 3 options to store macarons: Room temperature, refrigerator or freezer.

Each option has its pros and cons. Room temperature is best if you plan to serve the macarons within few days.

Keep in mind macarons are best at room temperature, because the texture (crunchy outside / chewy inside) is really important for best experience.

If you refrigerate them for 2-3 weeks, you'll be fine too. Just make sure to let the macarons sit long enough at ambiant temperature before serving.

Lastly, you can store your macarons in the freezer as well. That is if you plan to serve them in few months.

If you decide to freeze, beware to thaw them slowly. Because this process might "wet" the outer shells. You would then lose the signature texture of a macaron.

how long are macarons good for in the fridge?

Macarons are good in the fridge for about 14 days. That is what we advise at Pastreez, knowing they ship fresh to your door.

When we say 14 days, it does not mean they turn "bad" after. It simply means that after these two weeks, you might lose the signature taste of a macaron, which is crunchy outside and chewy inside.

If you store them too long in the fridge, they might dry out.

What are macarons and what are they made of?

To understand how to store your macarons, it is important to know what they are and the ingredients used in making them.

That will inform the best way for their storage. For a start, macarons are French desserts and are made of almond flour or grounded almonds, egg white, and sugar, all whipped into a meringue-like consistency.

Each piece has a filling in-between twoshells and the common ingredients used for the filling include chocolate fondue, cream cheese, and fruit purées.

A lot of our first time customers ask what macarons taste like. It is moist and quickly melts when you pop it into your mouth. Fresh macarons are crispy on the outside and the inside tastes soft and delicious.

How long domacarons last?

How long do macarons last? How to store macarons? (1)

Macarons last for 14 days at room temperature, 4 weeks when refrigerated, and up to 6 months when frozen.

Remember, macarons are best at room temperature, to get the perfect texture. Too cold, they might be harder to bite in.

You can bring them out whenever you need them.But let the macarons thaw delicately. That process will avoid them "wet" their outer shells.

How do I store store-bought macarons?

How long do macarons last? How to store macarons? (2)

Not everybody has the time for kitchen-time and thankfully, you can buy your macarons off the shelf without dabbling with ingredients and the oven.

So, how do you store your store-bought desserts and maintain their freshness? Here are some tips to help:

  • Store them in an airtight container. A glass or plastic container should work but make sure it is clean and dry. Also, check to see that the lid is airtight because when air gets into the macarons, they might dry faster than usual. You can also use plastic zip-lock bags. You have to be cautious though, because thesepastrieseasily crumble. Therefore, choose a container with a hardcover.
  • Do not let them overlap. When storingthe macaronsin the container, ensure that you layer or line them up carefully without them overlapping. When they overlap, they will press on each other and crumble.
  • If you do not refrigerate your macarons, make sure you eat them up within 24 hours. Keep them in an airtight container and put the container in the pantry and not under direct sunlight. If you want the macarons to last longer, put them in the refrigerator and you can make them last up to three days. When placing the container in the fridge, make sure you push it to the middle and not close to the door of the fridge. That will ensure that the temperature fluctuation around the fridge door does not affect it.
  • If you want yourmacarons to last longer, freeze them up and you can have them last as long as three to six months. Within the first three months, they maintain their freshness and texture but after that, the quality begins to reduce but they will still taste good for up to six months.

How do I store home-baked macarons?

If baking is your thing or you prefer making everything that goes into your mouth, then you have probably tried your hands on home-baked macarons.

Baking is exciting as it allows you to be creative. So, if you have made batches of delicious home-baked macarons and you are wondering how to store them, do not fret.

Here are some tips to help you store and preserve your delicious macarons:

  • Leave out the Macaron shells and let them cool off. After pulling out the shells from the oven, allow the shells to cool down for some minutes before adding the filling. Filling them before they cool can cause the shell to crack, or they may lose their crunchiness. Remember that they are fragile; therefore, handle them carefully when you bring them out of the oven.
  • Once cooled, fill up the shells completely with any filling of your choice, including fruit jams, ganache, cream cheese, or fondue, among others. You can also freeze the macarons' shells and fill them later.
  • When you are done with filling the macarons, put them carefully in an airtight container and close them tightly. You can leave them on the counter or in the pantry if you plan to eat them within the next 24 hours or refrigerate them for up to three days. If you have made a large batch that you would want to keep for longer, store them in a container and put the container in the freezer. This will last up to six months.

How do I use frozen unfilled macarons shells?

As stated above, you can freeze unfilled macarons for three to six months.

The unfilled shells are also called meringues. When left in the freezer, they remain fresh for longer.

When you are ready to use them, pull them out of the freezer and leave them to defrost for about 45 minutes.

After that, assemble them on a tray and fill them up with fillings of your choice. That is all! You can now serve yourexquisite macarons. Home-made macarons are best stored unfilled to retain their freshness and crispiness.

What are the wrong methods to store macarons?

It is possible that you have been storing macarons the wrong way and that is why they do not last long.

Since we have looked at the right and best ways to store your macarons, it is expedient to look at how not to store them. Here are the wrong methods you may have been using to store your macarons:

  • Storing them in plastic bags. Plastic bags are known to retain moisture and this causes macarons to get all mushy and soft. If you store macarons this way, the crispy, delicate shells become prone to breaking.
  • Using wax paper when storing macarons in layers. If you have abundantquantity to store, use parchment paper instead of wax paper for layering. When you use wax paper, the cookies will stick to the paper and when you try to remove them, they pull apart, messing up your precious cookies.
  • Storing macarons in the refrigerator without placing them in an airtight container. Do not get tempted to put a plate of macaronsin the fridge. If you do, the delicate and crispy texture of theshells will absorb the smell of other items in the fridge and ruin its flavor. Instead, put them in an airtight container before you refrigerate them.
How long do macarons last? How to store macarons? (2024)


How long do macarons last? How to store macarons? ›

Macarons last for 7 days at ambient temperature and for up to 7 weeks in the fridge, so they do have quite a good shelf life. However, when storing them at ambient temperature, it is probably best to keep them in an airtight plastic container, to keep as much air out as possible so that they don't dry out.

How long can macarons be stored? ›

Macarons last for 14 days at room temperature, 4 weeks when refrigerated, and up to 6 months when frozen. Remember, macarons are best at room temperature, to get the perfect texture. Too cold, they might be harder to bite in. You can bring them out whenever you need them.

What happens if you don't refrigerate macarons? ›

Storing Macarons

I don't recommend leaving them at room temperature because the shells can get soft due to the moisture in the fillings. If not stored correctly, the texture will change and instead of being crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside, they may become stale and soft.

Do macarons get hard in the fridge? ›

Also, make sure to always serve macarons at room temperature. They will get cold and hard in the fridge, so let them sit for about 15 minutes or so before serving.

Can you leave macaron shells out overnight? ›

Macarons shouldn't be kept out of the fridge for too long. And depending on the filling they have, they shouldn't be out of the fridge for longer than 2 hours.

Do macaroons freeze well? ›

Yes, you can freeze macarons for 6 months. But frozen macarons "sweat" water, according to my study of best macaron delivery in the US. And you would be surprised: Most of the bakeries I tested freeze their macarons, store them, and ship it to your door.

Why are macarons so expensive? ›

Once cooled, the shells are filled with a buttercream or ganache filling. Why do macarons seem to be so expensive? Macarons are typically more expensive than other baked goods due to their labor-intensive preparation, high-quality ingredients, and delicate nature.

Why did my macarons crack? ›

If your macaron batter is overmixed this will also cause your shells to crack. To recap: if your shells keep cracking, the four main things you can try are - mix the batter less, dry the shells for longer before baking, and bake the macaron shells at a lower temperature, undecorated, for longer.

How many macarons should you eat? ›

Macarons can help you stay within your recommended daily calorie intake if they're eaten in moderation. A single macaron may contain less than 90 calories, and snacking on only a couple of these treats at a time shouldn't add to your waistline.

Why do my macarons get soggy in the fridge? ›

Moisture Is Your Enemy

Make sure the container is clean and dry. Otherwise, the macarons will become soggy. Try to store the macarons in the middle of your fridge where moisture and temperature level does not vary as much. Temperature at the door fluctuates quite a bit, so it is not an ideal candidate!

What happens if you let macarons sit for too long? ›

Resting too long may may be the cause of lopsided macarons, because if the shells rest for too long before baking the protein structures begin to deflate, causing the shells to bake unevenly. Uneven heat is the biggest culprit for lopsided macarons.

How far in advance can macarons be made? ›

Filled macarons will last 3-4 days in the fridge if stored correctly. If you make the shells ahead, they can be stored until you are ready to fill. Store unfilled shells at room temperature in an airtight container for up to 2 days. Store unfilled shells in an airtight container in the freezer for up to 2 months.

How long do Laduree macarons stay fresh? ›

How long will the macarons last and how should I preserve them ? For optimal taste, your Ladurée macarons are best kept in a cool place and consumed within 4 days of packaging date. Your macarons should be removed from the refrigerator 15 to 20 minutes before eating in order to enjoy their flavour fully.

Can macarons be refrozen? ›

Unlike most frozen foods, they may be refrozen after thawing without any damage to their delicate nature. When served at room temperature, our delicious macaroons become soft and chewy. Please let them thaw for 20 minutes at room temperature before serving.

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