Gluten Free and The Mouse : Are Disneyland Macarons Gluten Free? (2024)

Gluten Free and The Mouse : Are Disneyland Macarons Gluten Free? (1)

Are Disneyland Macarons really Gluten Free? This topic is controversial in the gluten-free community because although macarons are theoretically gluten-free based on their ingredients, this may not be the case at Disneyland.

To ensure safety, it is recommended to ask the chef directly about their gluten allergy friendliness. In most cases, Disneyland chefs will say that macarons are NOT Safe due to a high risk of cross-contact in both the display cases and shared bakery kitchen where they are prepared offsite. Additionally, there is a chance that a CM might have touched the macaron after touching other treats or crumbs may have fallen off other bakery items next to it, making itimpossible to guarantee the absence of gluten.

There have been reports from some guests who were informed that wheat flour is occasionally used in the macarons. Moreover, the ingredients for the most recent seasonal macarons were publicly disclosed, revealing the presence of both wheat and oat (although these macarons are currently unavailable). This indicates that the possibility of containing gluten could extend to other macaron varieties as well. Therefore, unless a macaron is explicitly labeled as gluten-free, I do not recommend consuming them.

Given the uncertainty surrounding the Macaron it is prudent to err on the side of caution. It is better to refrain from consuming a cookie that may pose a risk of illness at a later time.

It is strongly advised that individuals with celiac disease or severe gluten sensitivity/allergy avoid all macarons unless they are specifically labeled as gluten allergy friendly. Ultimately, the decision to eat macarons at Disneyland is at one's own risk.

Gluten Free and The Mouse : Are Disneyland Macarons Gluten Free? (2)

Gluten Free and The Mouse : Are Disneyland Macarons Gluten Free? (2024)


Gluten Free and The Mouse : Are Disneyland Macarons Gluten Free? ›

Despite being theoretically gluten-free, Disneyland's chefs advise against macarons due to a high risk of cross-contact with gluten, increasing the risk of gluten contamination. Those with celiac disease or severe gluten sensitivity should avoid macarons unless labeled gluten allergy friendly.

Are Disneyland macarons gluten-free? ›

For example, the delicious Disneyland macarons or gluten-friendly IncrediCookie may be naturally gluten-free, but they are not labeled or promoted as “gluten-free.” The macarons are sitting near other baked goods, making cross-contamination possible... so approach with caution.

Which macarons are gluten free? ›

As explained earlier, authentic macarons are gluten free. You need to ask your bakery if: They make authentic and traditional macarons (most don't) Do they process other pastries (cookies, cupcakes, etc.)

Is the popcorn at Disneyland gluten-free? ›

The standard popcorn at Disneyland is gluten-free. There are also other gluten-free snacks at Disneyland, including Dole Whip, Mickey ice cream bars, cotton candy, frozen lemonade, and more.

Can celiacs eat macaroons? ›

Fortunately, since macarons don't contain gluten, they are an excellent sweet treat for coeliacs!

Does Disney have gluten-free desserts? ›

For non-seafood lovers, mojo chicken and roasted cauliflower entrees are also available sans gluten. For dessert, the crowd favorites are the Chocolate Mousse Bar and Mango Sorbet. An excellent Disney table-service restaurant, Garden Grill offers gluten-free options along with a character dining experience.

What brand of gluten-free buns does Disney use? ›

Restaurants at Disney World use several brands of gluten free dinner rolls, hamburger buns and bread, including Deanna's Gluten Free, Local Oven, Ener-G, and Udi's. When heated well, Deanna's Gluten Free dinner rolls and hamburger buns are my favorite, because they have the best taste and texture.

Are M&Ms gluten-free? ›

The following Mars candies have no gluten-containg ingredients: M&Ms (except pretzel, crispy, and potentially seasonal items) Milky Way Caramel Bars (not the original Milky Way Bar) Snickers Bars.

Are Oreos gluten-free? ›

No, not all Oreos are gluten-free. In fact, most varieties of Oreos contain wheat flour. If you're looking for gluten-free Oreos, you're limited to original, double stuf, and mint. When you're grocery shopping in the cookie aisle, gluten-free Oreos will be clearly marked on the package.

Are macaroons from Costco gluten-free? ›

Our Almond Macaroons are exactly what you need! They're prepared truest to the original Italian recipe, with no added fillers or fats! 🥥 Gluten-free and bursting with flavor, these almond macaroons are an experience of flavours. Did you know that each cookie contains over 2 grams of protein?

Are Mickey bars gluten-free? ›

Mickey Ice Cream Bars

For a classic Disney dessert, have a Mickey Bar! These vanilla ice cream treats are covered in chocolate and also gluten-free.

Are the rice crispy treats at Disneyland gluten-free? ›

These treats are made with Rice Krispies cereal containing gluten due to malt. This poses a risk for those with celiac, gluten sensitivities or allergies. Thank you! Yikes good to know.

Is the churro toffee at Disneyland gluten-free? ›

Churro Toffee Squares

Hands down the BEST gluten-free snack in all of Disneyland! Did your favorite gluten-free snack make the list? Let me know!

Can a celiac kiss someone who has eaten gluten? ›

Cross Contamination from Kissing

If you kiss someone that has recently eaten or drank something containing gluten, there is a risk of cross contamination and being glutened because of the particles in their mouth. As we all know, a crumb contains enough traces of gluten to cause a reaction in some coeliacs.

Can celiacs get sick from breathing in gluten? ›

One medical report backs the idea that inhaling gluten, rather than eating a food that contains gluten, can be enough to trigger celiac disease symptoms.

Does Trader Joe's have gluten-free macarons? ›

Trader Joe's macarons actually do contain wheat, so they are NOT gluten-free. The ingredient list for Trader Joe's macarons (regular, seasonal flavors, and “boozy”) includes a glucose syrup derived from wheat. If you have gluten sensitivities or celiac disease, steer clear of the macarons from Trader Joe's.

Does Disneyland have macarons? ›

Dazzle your taste buds with extraordinary French macarons, and cakes you can eat straight from a jar! Enjoy bites that include premium buttercream and ganache fillings, European chocolate or French purées. These are tasty treats you don't want to miss.

Is Disney soft serve gluten-free? ›

A “must-have” dessert at Disney World is definitely the Dole Whips. These treats are gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan, and are free from top allergens. Some of the most popular flavors are pineapple, strawberry, lemon, orange, coconut, and raspberry.

Are luxury macarons gluten free? ›

Macarons are made with almond flour and egg whites, which makes them naturally gluten-free and a good option for those with gluten sensitivities or allergies. They are low in calories: Compared to other desserts, macarons are relatively low in calories, making them a guilt-free treat. They're bite-sized.

Do they have gluten free churros at Disneyland? ›

Nope, the Common Churros found around the parks contain Gluten. But. There are two locations for Gluten Free Churros at Disney World (both table service restaurants). One is inside the Animal Kingdom and the other at a resort.

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.